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PGCE Post Compulsory Education (M Level)

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1 PGCE Post Compulsory Education (M Level)
Cathie Lacey 16 September 2013


3 Fire safety There are no fire alarm practices scheduled for today.
Therefore, if the alarm sounds it could be the real thing. If this happens, you should exit the building under the direction of your tutor/s. You will congregate on the grassy area outside of this (WN) building. 3

4 Course aim: This course seeks to prepare student teachers to develop the knowledge, skills and personal qualities required of a professional teacher in the post-compulsory sector. It will allow you to apply for Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills (QTLS) status. 4

5 Induction More pragmatically, you will want to know what you are doing today and for the rest of this week. Further group details will be posted on the PCE noticeboard, which is on Floor 2 opposite the lifts – and/or will be made available electronically via the PebblePAD webfolio

6 Enrolment Enrolment is completed online. If you haven't done this already, through e-vision, please do so asap. Check you have seen all the s sent to you from admissions. Once enrolled, you will need to complete an ID check. You will need to take your boarding pass and your photo ID to the here2help desk to have the university ID card process completed. Your ID card will be sent out in the post . There are student helpers around in the foyer to support you. Any problems, do go to here2help – they are really helpful.

7 IT accounts IT Accounts can be generated once you have enrolled. Do this on line through e-vision. You should aim to do this today if you haven't already done so. You must have an IT account for sessions this week, especially needed for Wednesday.

8 A key document for you is the course handbook or Pathway Guide
A key document for you is the course handbook or Pathway Guide. It is on the usb we will give you today (and on the website). Use it … with a health warning.

9 Professional ‘Code of Conduct’
Whilst undertaking the award, participants sign up to the expectation that they will demonstrate professionalism in: Personal presentation and approach to colleagues, and tutors Punctuality and reliability Conduct inside and outside of the teaching room Relationships with students Use of spoken and written English Commitment to continuous improvement. Student teachers are also expected to adhere to the codes of conduct in their STE placement institution. Failure to do so may result in withdrawal from the placement and, in some cases, the programme.

10 Key supporting personnel

11 Course content All modules have a code and a title, eg 6PC012 – Working in the Post Compulsory Sector Each module has it’s own module guide, which your tutor will explore with you. Modules contain a range of activities and will incorporate a variety of teaching and learning strategies. You will be expected to complete a considerable amount of additional work/study outside of taught sessions.

12 Course content – Generic route
6PC012 – Working in the Post Compulsory Sector 6PC013 – Contextualised Study 6PC014 – Constructing Self and Identity 7PC004 – Personal and Professional Development 7PC005 – Reflecting on Self and Identity 7PC007 – Politics, Policy and Practice

13 Course content – English/Literacy route
6PC012 – Working in the Post Compulsory Sector 6PC019 – Introduction to Literacy Studies 6PC014 – Constructing Self and Identity 7PC004 – Personal and Professional Development 7PC005 – Reflecting on Self and Identity 7PC006 – Developing Language and Literacy in PCE

14 Assessment A range of assessment methods will be used across the modules. Here is a key document - the shape of the year. There are two documents – one for the generic route and one for the English (Literacy) route. Please make sure you have the right one. Generic English (Literacy)

15 Evaluation from you Informal and ongoing. ‘Formal’ review points.
End of module. Staff Student Consultative Committee (SSCC) meetings held three times during the year. If you don’t tell us, we can’t act.

16 The above are MUST DO items.
Induction ‘To Do’ list Initiate/complete your DBS (old CRB) check. Complete your online enrolment. Get an IT account. The above are MUST DO items. Obtain a student identity card. Log onto PebblePAD and check it out! Access the IfL website: . Join the Student Union.

17 Induction groupings Today, 2.00pm – 3.30pm: Generic Route
English Route Victoria Wright in WN113 Julie Wilde in WN213 Pete Bennett in WN214 Cathie Lacey in WN111

18 Induction groupings - continued
Groupings for Wednesday and Friday will be posted on the noticeboard and/or made available via PebblePAD throughout the week. You will be mixed up throughout the week, so try to make friends with everyone!

19 Next today Talk on STE by Matt O’Leary between12-1in WN002
Working in smaller groups Q and A from a couple of last year’s students in WN002 (then home time!) Come back again on Wednesday 18th September (and Friday morning 10-1)

20 What to do on Tuesday and Thursday
Research your subject area in terms of teaching it Read some of the key books (see pre-course reading recommendations on the blog) Read FE news or FE week online Listen to this podcast from TES (you may recognise one person here!) Get organised for the journey ahead!

21 What about next week? (w/b 23rd Sept 2013)
Monday – independent study. Tuesday – independent study. Wednesday – independent study. Thursday – teaching begins at and ends at 4.00 – but do check. Friday – teaching continues. Teaching groups will be posted on the noticeboard – and/or will be made available electronically.

22 Any questions? Don’t forget to use the blog!

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