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Activity data and methods for German Biogas reporting

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1 Activity data and methods for German Biogas reporting
© m.paterson Activity data and methods for German Biogas reporting Sebastian Wulf, Sven Grebe, Dieter Haenel, Claus Rösemann Krakow, May 11th, 2017

2 Sources of emissions in AD
(CO2) CH4 (CO2) CH4 CH4 CHP CH4 NH3 Fermenter N2O CH4 NH3 PS storage N2O NH3

3 digestate storage / processing
System boundaries sewage treatment gas capture landfills CHP electricity/heat biowaste gas processing Bio-methane energy crops Flare biogas production slurry, solid manure digestate storage / processing Agriculture application fertilizer Waste 2 Energy

4 Calculation methodology
Waste sector Calculation from official statistics on treated waste products Cumulated emission factors including storage before digestion, storage and application of digestates. Agricultural sector No official statistics on input data available Tier 3 Method used for calculation

5 Methodology – CH4 Important parameters:
Overall input of organic carbon (VSdig) Methane production potential of the input material(Bo) Residual gas potential as share of Bo (µrg) Leakage rate from the fermenter/gas tight system (Lprod/Lsto,gt) Relative share of gastight storage (xgts) 60-70% in Germany

6 Methodology – NH3 Per definition = 0 for fermenter and gastight storage for storage without cover emission factor equals slurry storage (with crust) Changes in TAN-content during digestion is accounted for Slurries: Survey showed, that mean TAN rises from 45% to 62% fTAN = 0.32 Energy crops: mean TAN of digestates from energy crops: 56 % of Ntot . fTAN = 0.56

7 Activity data needed Amount of nitrogen (and VS) entering the biogas plant Amount of animal manures entering biogas plant („saved emissions“) Relative share of gas tight storage Information needed on: different input materials into digestion conditions of digestate storage No official statistics available

8 Data sources used Data from grid operators (Übertragungsnetzbetreiber)
Amount of electricity fed into the grid by individual plants Code giving information on the feed-in tariff for the individual plant -> identification of biogas-plants possible (in most cases) Survey of a private company on input subtrates into 1660 German biogas plants ( ) Bo (potential CH4 yield of substrates) -> good availability for manure an energy crops Survey of DBFZ (German Biomass Research Centre): Data on digestate storage (2012)

9 Substrate input Substrate input into German biogas plants needs differentiation between: Federal states: In some states larger share of manure input (e.g. Thuringia), in others larger share of energy plants (Lower Saxony and Saxony Anhalt) 16 federal states Size of biogas plants: In smaller plants larger share of manure input 5 plant size groups Type of substrates: Cattle, pig slurry and poulty manure (in order to account für „saved emissions“ in these animal categories) Different gas yields (in order to calculate mass of input from energy production) 10 substrate types

10 Substrate input Specific gas yield of substrates
Electrical efficiency of CHP Substrate mix (per plant size and federal state) Electricity produced (per plant size and federal state) mass of different substrates being used (per federal state) N-input with different substrates into AD (per federal state) N-content of substrates

11 Share of gas-tight storage
Survey data (DBFZ) for 2012 does not apply to current status. Change in renewable energy act > all new plants need gas-tight storage Data needed for calculation: For each plant size group and federal state: Number of plants operating 2012: O2012 Number of individual plants not operating in 2015 compared to (closed plants): C2015 Numbers of plants operating in 2015: O2015

12 Share of gas-tight storage
Number of plants operating 2015 (initial operation before 2012): P2015_old = O C2015 Xgts from survey for 2012 Number of plants operating 2015 (initial operation after 2012): P2015_new = O P2015_old Xgts = 1 Weighing for produced energy of each plant size group: Xgts per federal state

13 Effect on reported emissions
Increase/decrease of reported emissions, if input is considered of: (Submission 2015)

14 Effect on reported emissions
Increase/decrease of reported emissions, if input is considered of: (Submission 2015)

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