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T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E.

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Presentation on theme: "T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E."— Presentation transcript:

1 T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E

2 T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E
Glory and honor, Dominion and power, All such praises be unto Your name. (repeat) T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

3 T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E
Glory and honor, Dominion and power, All such praises be unto Your name. (repeat) T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

4 You are worthy, worthy, Worthy, worthy of all praise. (repeat)
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

5 Yielding praise and adoration, Unto Your matchless name!
God of mercy, Great Redeemer, In Your presence We will daily reign Yielding praise and adoration, Praise forever Unto Your matchless name! T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

6 You are worthy, worthy, Worthy, worthy of all praise. (repeat)
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

7 Yielding praise and adoration, Unto Your matchless name!
God of mercy, Great Redeemer, In Your presence We will daily reign Yielding praise and adoration, Praise forever Unto Your matchless name! T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

8 You are worthy, worthy, Worthy, worthy of all praise. (repeat)
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

9 T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E

10 Blessed be the name of the Lord most high (repeat)
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

11 T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E
The name of the Lord is A strong tower The righteous run into it And they are saved (repeat) T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

12 Holy is the name of the Lord most high (repeat)
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

13 T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E
The name of the Lord is A strong tower The righteous run into it And they are saved (repeat) T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

14 Jesus is the name of the Lord most high
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

15 Jesus is the name of the Lord Jesus is the name of the Lord---
Most high---- T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

16 T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E

17 Insert Blessed Be Your Name iWorship mpeg
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

18 T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E

19 T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E
This is Your house Father come and dwell This is Your house A holy house of prayer Where the lost and the lonely Bring their burdens and their cares This is Your house This is Your house, come and dwell T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

20 T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E

21 T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E
Our heart our desire Is to see the nations worship Our cry our prayer Is to sing Your praise To the ends of the earth That with one mighty voice Every tribe and tongue rejoices Our heart our desire Is to see the nations worship You (repeat) T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

22 T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E
Heavenly Father Your mercy showers Down upon all people Every race upon this earth May Your Spirit pierce the darkness Break the chains of death upon us Let us rise in honest worship To declare Your matchless worth T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

23 T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E
Our heart our desire Is to see the nations worship Our cry our prayer Is to sing Your praise To the ends of the earth That with one mighty voice Every tribe and tongue rejoices Our heart our desire Is to see the nations worship You T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

24 that every heart will bow Before You Lord in praise
There is no power That for one hour Can withstand the greatness Of Your Word on tongues of faith So we're bold intercession Claiming all Your posessions Praying now that every heart will bow Before You Lord in praise T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

25 T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E
Our heart our desire Is to see the nations worship Our cry our prayer Is to sing Your praise To the ends of the earth That with one mighty voice Every tribe and tongue rejoices Our heart our desire Is to see the nations worship You T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

26 Is to see the nations worship You
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

27 T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E

28 and evening fades You inspire songs of praise That rise from earth
As morning dawns and evening fades You inspire songs of praise That rise from earth to touch Your heart And glorify Your Name T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

29 is a strong and mighty tower Your Name
is a shelter like no other Your Name let the nations sing it louder 'Cause nothing has the power to save But Your Name T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

30 to live for You And glorify Your Name
Jesus in Your Name we pray Come and fill our hearts today And give us strength to live for You And glorify Your Name T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

31 is a strong and mighty tower Your Name
is a shelter like no other Your Name let the nations sing it louder 'Cause nothing has the power to save But Your Name (repeat) T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

32 T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E
Used by permission CCLI #

33 I bless Your Name I bless Your Name I give You honor
give You praise You are the Life the Truth the Way I bless Your Name I bless Your Name T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

34 T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E
In prisoners' chains With bleeding stripes Paul and Silas prayed that night And in their pain began to sing Their chains were loosed And they were free T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

35 I bless Your Name I bless Your Name I give You honor
give You praise You are the Life the Truth the Way I bless Your Name I bless Your Name T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

36 T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E
Some midnight hour If you should find You're in a prison in your mind Reach out and praise Defy those chains And they will fall In Jesus' Name T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

37 I bless Your Name I bless Your Name I give You honor
give You praise You are the Life the Truth the Way I bless Your Name I bless Your Name T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

38 T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E

39 There’s a lifting of the hands, There’s a lifting of the hearts,
There’s a lifting of the eyes beyond the hills to where our help comes from. (repeat) T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

40 We will lift up our hands, We will lift up our hearts,
We will lift up our eyes beyond the hills to where our help comes from. (repeat) T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

41 Our help comes from You, We lift up our hands, We lift up our hearts,
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

42 to where our help comes from.
Our help comes from You, We lift up our eyes to where our help comes from. T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

43 Our help comes from You, We lift up our hands, We lift up our hearts,
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

44 to where our help comes from.
Our help comes from You, We lift up our eyes to where our help comes from. T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

45 There’s a lifting; We lift up our hands, We lift up our hearts,
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

46 There’s a lifting; We lift up our eyes to where our help comes from.
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

47 We realize where our help comes from, where our help comes from.
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

48 T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E


50 THE INSIDE MAN! James 1: 12-16    (12) Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him. (13) Let no one say when he is tempted, "I am being tempted by God"; for God cannot be tempted by evil, and He Himself does not tempt anyone. (14) But each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust. (15) Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death. (16) Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren. (NASB)

THE INSIDE MAN! James 1: 12-16   THE SOURCE MUST BE IDENTIFIED! A. Temptation is INTERNAL! 1: 13 Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God” He Himself does not tempt anyone! B. Temptation is UNIVERSAL! 1: 14 But each one is tempted when . . . C. Temptation is PERSONAL! 1: he is carried away and enticed by his own lust!

THE INSIDE MAN! James 1: 12-16   II. THE STEPS MUST BE RECOGNIZED! A. The DESIRE appeals to us EMOTIONALLY! 1: 14 he is carried away AND enticed by his own lust! B. The DECEPTION appeals to us INTELLECTUALLY! 1: he is carried away AND enticed by his own lust! C. The DESIGN appeals to us VOLITIONALLY! 1: he is carried away and enticed by his own lust! D. The DISOBEDIENCE appeals to us CARNALLY! 1: 15 Then when lust has conceived it gives birth to sin

THE INSIDE MAN! James 1: 12-16   III. THE SOLUTION MUST BE UTILIZED! A. A close RELATIONSHIP with the LORD! 1: 17 Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above B. A correct RESPONSE from the WORD! 1: 18 In the exercise of His will He brought us forth by the Word of Truth


55 T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E

56 T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E
Holy Spirit rain down, rain down O Comforter and Friend How we need Your touch again Holy Spirit rain down, rain down Let Your power fall Let Your voice be heard Come and change our hearts As we stand on Your Word Holy Spirit rain down T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

57 T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E
No eye has seen No ear has heard No mind can know What God has in store So open up heaven Open it wide Over Your church And over our lives T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

58 T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E
Holy Spirit rain down, rain down O Comforter and Friend How we need Your touch again Holy Spirit rain down, rain down Let Your power fall Let Your voice be heard Come and change our hearts As we stand on Your Word Holy Spirit rain down T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

59 T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E

60 T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E
This is my desire To honor You Lord with all my heart I worship You All I have within me I give You praise All that I adore is in You T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

61 T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E
Lord I give You my heart I give You my soul I live for You alone Ev'ry breath that I take Ev'ry moment I'm awake Lord have Your way in me (repeat) T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

62 T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E

63 T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E
Beautiful Lord Wonderful Saviour I know for sure All of my days Are held in Your hand Crafted into Your perfect plan T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

64 T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E
You gently call me Into Your presence Guiding me by Your Holy Spirit Teach me dear Lord To live all of my life Through Your eyes T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

65 Your Holy calling Set me apart
I'm captured by Your Holy calling Set me apart I know You're drawing me to Yourself Lead me Lord I pray T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

66 T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E
Take me, mold me Use me, fill me I give my life To the Potter's hand Call me, guide me Lead me, walk beside me I give my life To the Potter's hand T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI #

67 T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E

68 TRUTH Tabernacle of PRAISE
This week at TRUTH Tabernacle of PRAISE

69 more details coming soon!!
July 12-15 Gwinnett Arena more details coming soon!! Forward 2007

70 Student Ministry Summer Kick-off Party!!
Guess what? You’re grilling out! This Wednesday May 30

71 Don’t miss our most important meeting of the week!
Prayer Meeting Wednesday evening ~ 7 pm Don’t miss our most important meeting of the week!

72 Truth Tabernacle Choir
Rehearsal 7 p.m. Thursday Worship Center Contact David Thomas for more info:

73 meet in the church parking lot
every saturday 3:30 p.m. meet in the church parking lot

74 MVPs REMINDER: In June Team D will be on the wall!
Prayer guide available online! click the Prayer tab

75 Mark Your Calendars NOW
June 25-29 Mark Your Calendars NOW WORKERS NEEDED See Kim Hansard

76 August 3rd and 4th Cost $25.00 (Friday Evening and Saturday)
“Knowing God Intimately Conference” August 3rd and 4th (Friday Evening and Saturday) Cost $25.00 Powerful teaching by Albertine Marshall, Dawnn Murray, Sylvia Flippin and Yvette Thomas. Several Churches Attending! Seating is limited Sign Up and Pay Today!

77 CDs are also available for order
Listen NOW 3 ways to listen NOW: Streaming audio Download the mp3 Podcasting CDs are also available for order @ $6 each

78 Have a blessed week!

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