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Inverurie Academy Faculty of Expressive Arts: Music Technology

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Presentation on theme: "Inverurie Academy Faculty of Expressive Arts: Music Technology"— Presentation transcript:

1 Inverurie Academy Faculty of Expressive Arts: Music Technology

2 Experiences and Outcomes
I can confidently use appropriate software to represent my ideas and items in the world around me, showing creativity, imagination or innovation. TCH 4-15 c Based on my interests, skills, strengths and preferences, I am supported to make suitable, realistic and informed choices, set manageable goals and plan for my further transitions. HWB 4-19a I can research, compare and contrast aspects of time and time management as they impact on me. MNU 4-10a As I listen or watch, I can: • gather, link and use information from different sources and use this for different purposes. LIT 4-04a I can use music technology to compose, record and produce music and to enhance performance. EXA 4-17b Having developed my ideas from a range of stimuli, I can create and present compositions using a broad range of musical concepts and ideas. EXA 4-18a

3 Learning Intentions… I will be able to…
Source or compose a short piece of music to accompany a video game Use the midi keyboard Loop a short piece of music to create background music Source sound effects to accompany the video game Add effects to my sounds Bounce down my complete project to mp3

4 Success Criteria… I will be successful when I can…
Source or compose a short piece of music Loop a piece of music Use the midi keyboard Source sound effects Record sound effects Add effects to my sounds Bounce down my complete project

5 Unit Outline……. What is a Gaming Soundtrack?
History of Music in Video Games Different types – Soundtrack/Soundscape How to Create or Source Music for a Game Looking at examples of Gaming Music Sourcing sound effects for a video game

6 What is a Gaming Soundtrack?
A Soundtrack should add to the emotion, action and visuals on the screen This can include the location, atmosphere or the desired emotional response the director is looking for the gamer to experience Thanks to the development of soundtracks, nowadays video game soundtracks are similar to film music

7 What is a Gaming Soundtrack?
A Soundtrack should add to the emotion, action and visuals on the screen This can include the location, atmosphere or the desired emotional response the director is looking for the gamer to experience. Assassins Creed

8 Work in teams to guess the game…
…6 in total Answers…

9 Answers… 1. Super Mario-Theme song 2. Angry Birds-Theme song
3. Skyrim- Song of the Dragonborn 4. Ducktales- Theme song 5. Tetris 6. Sonic Adventure 2

10 History of Gaming Soundtrack
Originally limited to simple melodies by early sound synthesizer technology Early games like Space Invaders earned much of their addictive appeal by getting into your head with thumping repetitive sound schemes As the Aliens got faster and closer… The music got faster and louder

11 History of Music in Video Games
Video game music was often an after thought for game designers with more focus put on the graphics, game play and story This has changed over the years and video game music is now an industry in itself Consider the ambient sounds of survival horror titles like Resident Evil, which build up the tension as you happen upon those relentless zombies chewing up the rest of Alpha Team This is a technique descended directly from Cinema. Try watching a horror movie (or playing a horror game) with the sound muted The absence is startling and indicates how critical sound can be to the overall effect a game has on you and the atmosphere of the game

12 History of Music in Video Games
How many movies are based on games and vice versa? Video game soundtrack CD’s are now sold and in many ways; video game music is finally getting the popular and critical attention it deserves Lara Croft Hitman James Bond Silent Hill Mortal Combat Final Fantasy Cars Casper Harry Potter

13 Creating your music for a Video Game
We will be using the midi keyboard Practice writing for games by using clips from Soundcloud as a starting point The music is only for the background – but it is very important! Try looping a short piece of music rather than trying to compose a long piece Duration – 45 seconds +


15 Music Keep it simple! What instrument/s will you use? (Synthesizer?)
Try out some sounds on the midi keyboard Listen to some examples before you start (tetris, Super Mario etc.) Loop your piece of music to fit the game clip Look at the ‘timecode’ to help with looping

16 Music – Trying out the midi keyboards
Make sure it is plugged in before you open up Cubase Make sure it is connected properly New – Instrument Track Find an appropriate instrument (Synthesizer etc) When you are happy with your melody copy and paste to create a looped piece of music

17 Sound Effects What sounds do you need?
What recording equipment could you use? Will you use instruments and/or voices? Are there any free effects you could source from the internet? Could you use internet effects and add your own recordings to them?

18 Sound Design Map Game: Time Sound Effect Music/background 0 – 5 secs
 5 – 10 secs

19 Some Web links for effects –
Username – moggsmusic Password – room55

20 Music for a video game Date: 25/05/2015 Personal Assessment Record
Pupil Teacher/Peer Criteria RED AMBER GREEN 1 Create a piece of music to accompany a video game   X 2 Use the internet to search for and download sound effects as .wav and mp3s 3 Use mics/Zoom H1 to record foley sounds/dialogue for the video game 4 Apply basic mixing, EQ, looping and balancing techniques 5 Bounce down an audio master X What I like best about my project 1. I like the music I composed 2. I like the sound I found for the vine swings What I can do to improve my next project 1. I could have chosen a more complex video 2. I could record live sound and use that as well Concepts/Effects used in my music (major/minor, reverb etc.) I wrote the music in A major and wrote 3 different tracks that overlap and are then looped. I chose the synthesiser ‘5 Miles Out’ for my track as it sounded very much like retro video game music. I made sure to not make it too complex but still sound professional. Differentiated Success Criteria LO1: All pupils will be able to... LO2: LO3: Most pupils will be able to.. LO4: Some pupils will be able to RED I need to spend more time on this AMBER I am beginning to go this well GREEN I am confident at doing this

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