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Hare Krishna ! What does Krishna want? By: Priya Dasi (Shreya Bhat)

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1 Hare Krishna ! What does Krishna want? By: Priya Dasi (Shreya Bhat)

2 Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies
Prayer to Gurudeva Om ajnana timirandhasya jnananjana Shalakaya Caksur unmilitam yena tasmai shri guruve namah Namo Om Vishnu padaya Radhikayah priyatmane Shri Shrimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana iti namine Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies 2

3 Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies
Who is Krishna? He is the Supreme Lord. As Nandanandana Krishna, he does sweet Lilas to give happiness to devotees. He enjoys doing sweet pastimes. He is the Svayam Bhagavan He is the Avatari, source of all Avatars or incarnations. Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies 3

4 Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies
Does Krishna want anything from us? Yes! Then what about the Bhoga ( Naivedyam) we offer? Does Krishna get hungry? No, He is Sampoorna Purusha He does not need anything from anyone except one thing … Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies 4

5 Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies
Prema or pure love We offer Bhoga because by serving the Lord we get Bliss. Serving is the real nature of Jiva. Jivera Swaroopa Haya.. How can we make Him hungry ? By pure Love Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies 5

6 Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies
Controlled by Pure Love. Krishna has 64 qualities. To satisfy the love of his devotees, He becomes more and more hungry. During Big festivals, many offerings ( including thousands of dollars ) are made. But if not offered with love, Lord Krishna does not accept it. Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies 6

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We know about the old lady who saved money and bought mangoes to offer to Lord Jagannath. She was denied entry to the temple, but the Lord came outside just for her and ate all the mangoes. Patram Pushpam Phalam Toyam Yo me bhaktya prayachchati Tad aham Bhakti upahrtam Ashnami prayatatmanah So, the Lord accepts anything that is offered with Love. Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies 7

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Remember ! If you take 1 step towards him, he takes 10 steps towards you. Now, what is that Love? Love manifests in many different ways. Shanta Bhava Dasya Bhava Sakhya Bhava Vatsalya Bhava Madhurya Bhava Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies 8

9 Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies
Shanta Bhava ( Neutral ) Devotees think that Krishna is Supreme Lord. He has everything He does not need anything They worship him in reverence Dasya Bhava ( Service ) They serve Bhagavan They dedicate their life to Bhagvan. The relationship is similar to servant and Master. Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies 9

10 Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies
Sakhya Bhava The devotees in this bhava think Krishna is their friend. Gopas have Sakhya bhava They play and quarrel with him. Sometimes Krishna carries them on his back. They eat from each other’s hand. Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies 10

11 Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies
Vatsalya Bhava The people in this Bhava think Krishna is an innocent child They never think that Krishna is Bhagavan. They protect Him and take care of Him. If he does mischief, they chastise Him. Mother Yashoda bound Krishna to the mortar (Damodara Leela) Bhajan: Yashoda Nandana Jaya Govinda … Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies 11

12 Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies
Madhurya Bhava This is the topmost and the sweetest of all Bhavas. It contains all the previous Bhavas. Only the Gopis have this Bhava. Krishna is everything for the Gopis. Of all the Gopis, Shrimati Radha Rani is dear most to Shri Krishna. Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies 12

13 Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies
Madhurya Bhava Svakiya Bhava (Sambhoga) Parakiya Bhava (Vipralamba) All the Gopis are expansions of Srimati Radhika. Srimati Radhika is the source of all the Lakshmis. Radha Rani has 25 qualities. Her 25th quality is very special…She can control Krishna! Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies 13

14 Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies
Summary What does Krishna want? Only our Prema – Pure Unconditional Love to Him We can have five types of relations with the Lord. Shanta Bhava Dasya Bhava Sakhya Bhava Vatsalya Bhava Madhurya Bhava Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

15 Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies
Top most Love – Prema The Gopis left everything for Krishna. They are always in separation mood ( Vipralambha Rasa) The Gopis have the highest Prema for Krishna. They are very shy and very humble. They think everybody else has more Prema for Krishna than them. Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies 15

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Gopi Gita is the pinnacle of Srimad Bhagavatam. Krishna performed Rasa Lila with Gopis on Sharad Purnima Krishna disappears in the middle of the dance All the Gopis weep and sing the Gopi Gita while searching for Krishna Jayati te ‘adhikam … Tava Kathamratam … Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies 16

17 Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies
Only by the mercy of Gurudeva, one can attain Prema for Divine Couple. He is the only one who removes darkness and gives Divya Jnana. By the mercy of Shri Chaitanya MahaPrabhu, His associates and Guru Parampara, we can attain the mood of serving Shri Radha Krishna Yugala. Gurudeva Jaya Gurudeva… This should be our ONLY GOAL. Guru Deva Jaya Guru Deva! Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies 17

18 Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies
References.. Hare Krishna ! Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies 18

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