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National Aviation University

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1 National Aviation University

2 Educational and Research Capacity
The University is situated on the territory of 72 hectares; the total area of the buildings is 140,000 m2. For almost 80 years of its history, more than 200,000 high-end professionals have been trained at the NAU.  National Aviation University (NAU) is one of the top 10 HEIs of Ukraine which includes 17 training institutes, 6 faculties, the Flight Academy, 7 colleges, 2 lyceums, 7 research institutes. The University is specialized in training professionals of diverse profiles.

3 Educational and Research Capacity
NAU is proud for having one of the largest educational hangars in Europe and a large wind tunnel for performing aviation and non-aviation wind simulations. The training process involves 75 aircraft and helicopters, 42 aviation engines, 3 complex flight simulators, 240 board systems.

4 Campus The campus of the university includes: 11 dormitories;
a canteen with 1000 seats; an Internet lounge; students café "Bistro“; a medical center; Center for Art and Culture (hall for 1500 seats); Center for Sport and Health.

5 Strategy of the University
Pursuing internationalization of research and academic activity Integration of NAU’s educational and research activity into the global educational system Improving quality assurance in the system of higher education Intercultural exchange of knowledge and experience Participation of the University in international ratings for HEIs Expanding the participation of the University in international programmes of academic mobility Development of joint-degree programmes with partner Universities abroad Creation of international research-production-academic complexes with participation from partner HEIs

6 FIELDS OF STUDY AT NAU Main fields of study for international students at the National Aviation University include the majors with the English language of instruction:   Aircraft Maintenance Power Plant Engineering Biotechnology Systems Engineering Computer Engineering Electronic Devices and Systems Automation and Computer Integrated Technologies Radio Technology Avionics Air Navigation Transport Business Management and Administration Ecology, Environmental Protection and Natural Resource Management

7 Aircraft Maintenance, BSc, MSc
Analysis of airport transport system processes planning of interaction between different modes of transport Planning the efficient use of rolling stock Evaluation of the carrier costs and vehicles’ productivity Supply management of fuel and lubricants for the airlines Efficient use of energy resources.

8 Power Plant Engineering, BSc
Modern technologies of design, construction, operation, diagnostics and repair of: energy complexes, gas turbine plants, gas compressor units, compressor stations, cleaning units and heat exchange equipment technological equipment of gas pumping stations.

9 Biotechnology, BSc Modern biotechnology allows to provide mankind with food, medicine, remedy for pollution and tools to fight against plant and animal pests. Biotechnological processes are the basis for obtaining alternative sources of energy. Highly qualified specialists able to solve such problems are trained in this specialty.

10 System Engineering, BSc
Introduction of modern information technologies and scientifically based methodologies for computerized management of complex technological processes. Systems management of organizations and scientific and technical expertise of cybernetic systems quality in aviation, cosmonautics and maritime transport.

11 Automation and Computer Integrated Technologies, BSc
Modern systems of computerized design in computer networks Computer graphics and computer technologies Management of computer-integrated production with a high degree of automation Development, research and testing of complex computer-integrated flight and navigation systems.

12 Electronic Devices and Systems, BSc
Development and implementation of algorithmic, software and technical support of advanced computerized systems of processing and displaying of information, computerized adaptive algorithms and recognition systems of three-dimensional imagery and voice signals. Development and operation of digital electronic devices and systems for decision-making based on statistical analysis.

13 Radio Technology, BSc Avionics, BSc
Modern production technology, maintenance and repair of radar and radio navigation systems of airports, airport communication systems, baggage screening and security systems. Avionics, BSc Technical operation of flight and navigation equipment complexes; system- marketing operation of avionics

14 Air Navigation, BSc Training of air traffic controllers (ATCs) to monitor air space, ensure secure air navigation and prevent possible conflict situations, radio communication with the flight crew, coordination with other ATCs in accord with the ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices, EUROCONTROL  and national standards.

15 Air Navigation Means and Systems, BSc
Planning air traffic Design and engineering, operation of air navigation systems and complexes   Radio-electronic  aircraft systems (design, production, maintenance and repair of satellite-aircraft communication systems, air navigation and surveillance systems Avionics of unmanned aviation systems (UAS)

16 Computer engineering, BSc
Design and operation of computer systems and networks Development and support of modern information technology in corporate and global network systems Administration of computer networks and corporate databases Development and administration of websites (HTML, CSS, Flash, JavaScript, PHP, CGI, Perl, XML, MySQ), Extranet and Intranet networks Software engineering, BSc Development and support of software Using modern software programming languages and their instruments Administration of operating systems and systems programming Automated design and modeling Software engineering (object-oriented analysis, design, testing and verification of software, support and management of applied and system software).

17 Business Management and Administration, BA, MA
Forecasting and planning business activity for different enterprises Usage of economic appraisal methods for investment and innovative projects Management of economic processes and activity of business entities Strategy development for organizations (enterprises, firms) Application of modern information technology in attaining economic objectives Evaluation of results of business activity of organizations (enterprises, firms) Forming and processing of the necessary data base to assess the internal and external environment of the estimated enterprise Marketing, international trade, clearing payments, investment placement for different types of enterprises, including airlines and airports

18 Transport, Bsc, MSc Transport engineering and management
Passengers, baggage and mail handling Transport policy planning Transport services management Tourism management Planning and management of technological processes in airlines, airports, transportation sales agencies; forwarding companies; travel agencies; handling companies

19 Ecology, Environmental Protection and Natural Resource Management, BSc, MSc
Ensuring the environmental and technological safety Assurance of environmental protection at the place of production and surrounding areas Inspection of the environment, environmental assessment of the manufacturing process and equipment Planning and implementation of measures regarding production and naturally occurring emergency consequences.

20 Chemical technologies of alternative energy sources, BSc, MSc
Development of technologies for alternative fuels for transport means production; Chemical technologies and industrial equipment for alternative fuels production; Testing and quality control of alternative fuels for transport means; Legislation and normative technical base for alternative fuels production and application; Development, production and implementation of alternative jet fuels; Life-cycle assessment of alternative motor fuels.

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