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Developing a rapid response team

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1 Developing a rapid response team
~A grassroots response to special interest groups and corporate non-profits~ By: Robbie Goodrich Co-founder, RACCE A Rapid Response Team theme was cultivated from a Connecticut Parents Union parent empowerment workshop that took place on January 23, 2017 in conjunction with the Yankee Institute.

2 The Advocacy Space Corporate Non-Profits and Special Interest Groups
501(c)3,4,56 have tax exempt status and this provides them with funding streams. Depending on tax exempt status can participate in lobbying. Have missions, strategies, and visions closely aligned with funders (+ -). Often staffed by professionals from outside of the area from where they work or work is done. This can create a savior complex. Dominate this space because they have resources and skill sets that help build relationships with power structure. Unions are friends and foes because they are motivated by an idealism that supports fairness and equality but often are unwilling to compromise, this makes them dangerous... Non-profits are friends and foes. “The Non-profit Industrial complex is is a system of relationships between the State and the owning classes foundations, and non-profit/NGO social service & social justice organizations.” (INCITE) The NPIC can be a layer of surveillance as well as control, and ultimately dilute social impact. Grants often require community input as a “bucket” requirement to get funding. Community input is crucial but will they slowly walk away fro stakeholders after they get the $$$. Conditioning our support based on this is important. P.O.C. and the poor often relegated to submissive roles. Simply ask: “will they carry your water as well.” Mission Drift & the politics of inside deal making almost always fail those who are in need…

3 Grassroots Can be tax-exempt or for profit.
Sometimes unpaid. Should never be… Organically created by circumstances not virtue or savior complex. Authentically tied to the most visible needs of their community. Have deep socio-cultural bonds, know and understand who holds power in neighborhoods, and what to say to motivate their community members to act. Effective at building alternative systems of power and influence. This is dangerous but sows great rewards. Are very valuable to larger highly specialized non-profits and special Interest Groups. Grassroots must be compensated and treated with respect. Money and influence must be bi-directional. Structural limitations. Brain drain, mass incarceration, systemic racism, plus skilled professionals are more easily accepted by mainstream political or economical systems or actors than are radical activists.

4 Offense and Defense Equally Important
Rapid Response Team Place individuals in places and situations that they will succeed in. This will allowing our advocacy to have impact. Themes are cultivated from parental and stakeholder concerns (first & last). We need guardrails for this effort. Pick two or three issues. Team(s) Organizers, Legislation Trackers, Communications & Media Outreach, & Public Speakers Offense and Defense Equally Important OFFENSE Push legislators to introduce legislation or Co-sponsor legislation. Organize press conferences. Vote for our supported bills. Get other advocacy groups to partner or choose one to join forces with. DEFENSE Find legislation that works against our advocacy efforts and find ways to defeat it in some way or some form. Inform legislators of unintended consequences of bills they may or may not support as it relates to our advocacy. Stop bills from leaving committee or have legislators introduce bills in opposition. Why? Legislators are beholden to voters and district constituents. Not special interest groups, NPO’s, institutions, commissions, smaller elected boards, or mayors within their districts. The “people” are often ignored but don't have to be...

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