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2 Professional Codes of Conduct
Health care workers must stay within a “scope of practice” Illegal and unethical to perform skills or tasks that are outside scope of practice Limits of practice are established by each state Nurse Practice Acts Laws that determine which tasks nurses may legally perform

3 Table 4-1 Sample Scope of Practice

4 Professional Codes of Conduct
Ethics are the principles and values that determine appropriate behavior Respect for cultural, social, and ethical differences of the clients and other workers Practicing within the guidelines of laws, policies, and regulations established for each type of employment Morals are based on the experience, religion, and philosophy of the individual and the society

5 Box 4-1 Code of Ethics


7 Health Careers and the Law
Health care provider is legally responsible (liable) for his or her behavior and the care given Employer may also be liable for the actions of a health care provider that are not reasonably prudent (negligent) or that reflect bad practice (malpractice)

8 Malpractice Liability
• It is considered malpractice when the health care worker is: Performing skills that are beyond the level of the health care worker’s education and training Neglecting to do something that is considered to be common practice, such as leaving the client in an unsafe situation

9 Common Law A statutory law, for example, might say "Anyone who commits a burglary is guilty of a class 3 felony." If the language of the law itself defines the word "burglary" then that is the definition that will be used. If it does not, or if there is confusion over whether a specific act meets the definition, then the court will look to the common law definition, which has been established and refined by years of judicial precedent.  In civil law, which governs relations between private parties, common law comes into play much more frequently. For example, it is a given that you are not liable for damages resulting from your not coming to someone's aid when you could of, *unless* you owe that person a "duty of care". 

10 Confidentiality A patient’s health care is considered confidential, or private The health care worker is ethically responsible to maintain the patient’s privacy Confidentiality is important so that the patient may tell the health care worker personal information related to health care without fear of it being shared with someone who is not involved in the patient’s health care.

11 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
HIPAA passed by Congress in 1996 Established to try and reduce administrative overheads and protect electronic health information of an identifiable individual Standards for “Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information” became effective in 2003


13 Patient’s Rights Advisory Commission on Consumer Protection and Quality in the Health Care Industry Issued report designed to protect consumers Listed specific rights and responsibilities for the patient Right and responsibility to participate or have a representative in making treatment decisions Responsibility to communicate honestly and show respect for health care providers Responsible for making a “good-faith” effort to pay for care Responsible for following the procedures of the health care plan

14 Patient’s Rights (Continued)
American Hospital Association’s “Patient Bill of Rights” Patient has right to confidentiality and personal privacy All patients have right to quality care without mistreatment, neglect, or abuse Patient has right to voice grievances without fear of retaliation Patient’s personal possessions must be cared for and secure while care is being given

15 Legal Directives Legal documents that allow patients to express their wishes about their health care and treatment Two types of Advance Directives: Living will allows a person to state in advance whether to receive life support and what life-support procedures to withhold if the person is terminally ill and permanently unconscious Durable power of attorney allows a second person or agent to make decisions if the first person is unable to make them

16 Box 4-5 Elements of Advance Care Directives

17 Health Care and the Internet
• Patients can: Access health care information Join chat groups Purchase drugs and other medical items Consult a health care practitioner online

18 Documentation A chart is the written documentation that serves as the legal record of the care given to the client A chart must be precise, clear, and concise to show the activities of care


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