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E Camden Fisher Yale University ITS

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1 E Camden Fisher Yale University ITS
Yale Build and Deploy Sneak Preview E Camden Fisher Yale University ITS

2 Who am I? E Camden Fisher Technical Lead Unix Infrastructure and

3 What is Jenkins? Jenkins is an application and a framework that manages and monitors the execution of repeated tasks.

4 Who Uses

5 Overview Before Jenkins After Jenkins Building is slow, error prone
Testing is onerous Code coverage is onerous Bugs caught later Devs worry about servers No change control for deployments Slow progress Different artifact per environment Inconsistent configuration per environment Deployments are "hard" Integration Hell "fire and forget", consistent! Testing is automated! Code coverage is easy! Bugs caught early and often! Devs worry about code! Change control in the right places for deployments! Rapid progress! Agility! Identical artifact per environment! Identical configuration per environments! Deployments are “click” easy Integration Nirvana

6 Let’s Not Forget Continuous Integration!
Maintain a Single Source Repository Automate the Build Make Your Build Self-Testing Every Commit Should Build the Mainline on an Integration Machine Keep the Build Fast Test in a Clone of the Production Environment Make it Easy for Anyone to Get the Latest Executable Everyone can see what's happening Automate Deployment Avoid "Integration Hell!!”

7 Why did we chose Jenkins?
Easy! Extensible Scalable Flexible Open Source Supported! Easy Install: easy up and running with java -jar jenkins.war, or run it in a java container (like jboss, tomcat, etc) Configure: web based UI, or web services endpoints to manage with other tools Extensible: hundreds of community plugins ability to write our own plugins web services API Scalable: built-in deployment and management of jenkins slaves virtual machine management Flexible: runs on many different operating systems can mix masters and slaves master on redhat linux 5, slaves running redhat linux 6, and windows

8 Yale History Lesson Application lifecycle is a progression
Source Code Management Maven and Artifactory Building and Testing with Jenkins Container Configurable artifacts Runtime Configurable Containers Managed deployments with Jenkins

9 SCM Islands of SCM begat central SCM (subversion)
SCCS RCS VSS CVS cp –pr Islands of SCM begat central SCM (subversion) Single source repository! Easy to get access. Easy to onboard. Easy to support. Everyone wins!

10 MVN Maven Project Object Model (POM)
Simplifies dependency resolution ("oops I forgot that .jar!") Makes the build process easy and uniform Artifactory (Maven Repository) Where do I put my built artifacts? Makes it easy for everyone to get the latest build!

11 Builds: Before Jenkins
We have a single source repo + a place to store built artifacts, but….. Builds still take a long time Testing takes longer! Code coverage take even longer! Build environments are not standardized Mistakes are caught later, hard to debug Result: developers don't build, test or report on their code regularly enough because it's just too time consuming.

12 Builds: Enter Jenkins SCM commits automatically kick off a build
Testing and code coverage is automated and is run on every commit. Broken builds immediately notify the team and the committer Tests run in a Clone of the Production Environment! Everyone can easily see what's happening! Developers can get back to coding instead of building and testing. Releases are quick and easy Result: developers don't build, test or report on their code regularly enough because it's just too time consuming.


14 Deployment: The problem.
Configuration must be different per environment Choice between loss of control or loss of agility Often devs configure the container Either devs can edit deployables or they can't If they can... things are bad Code is deployed, edited and removed w/out Change Control Moving quickly… "I'll clean it up later!" Dev environments quickly diverge from Production Security is compromised If they can't... things are worse Change requests are "slow” Systems groups must do everything

15 Deployments: How do we fix them?
Standardize the process! Promote SANE change control Normalize deployables/artifacts Single location for app configuration data Standardize the container Externalize what makes an environment unique and special

16 Yale Application Installer Plugin
Standardize the process! Why? SSH creds + Delegation Manage keys outside Node name substitution How? Installer is co’d, scp’d on dest Pre-Install SSH exec installer Post-Install

17 Container Configurable Artifacts
Artifacts were built with embedded configuration. ie. datasources, CAS service endpoints, etc Artifacts are different per environment! What!? "Oops, I forgot to update that parameter!" Externalization of configuration parameters deployable XML Apps self configure with JNDI Now we have Container Configurable artifacts The SAME artifact migrates between environments XML configuration data (stored as build parameters in Jenkins) is all that differentiates environments

18 Yale Standard Java Container
JBoss EAP (5.1 now) Minimal customization to externalize configuration into runtime Packaged in RPM Configuration Management to install + manage what’s “special” Meets 100% of use cases (so far) Runtime configurable container is key!

19 Yale Standard Java Container
$JBOSS_HOME/deploy/jbossweb.sar/server.xml <!-- Connector for SSL ECF --> <Connector protocol="HTTP/1.1" SSLEnabled="true" port="${jboss.bind.httpsport}" address="${jboss.bind.address}” secure="true" clientAuth="false" scheme="https” proxyName="${jboss.proxyname}" proxyPort="${jboss.proxyport}” SSLCertificateFile="${jboss.server.home.dir}/conf/server.crt" SSLCertificateKeyFile="${jboss.server.home.dir}/conf/server.pem” URIEncoding="UTF-8” SSLProtocol="TLS”> /etc/init.d/jboss_nodexx # JBoss variables export JBOSS_OPTS=“-Djboss.bind.httpport=${HTTPPORT} \ -Djboss.bind.httpsport=${HTTPSPORT} ${ADDLJBOPTS}” ${JBOSS_HOME}/bin/ ${JBOSS_OPTS} -c ${JBOSS_NODE} -g ${JBOSS_PARTITION} -b ${JBOSS_BIND} -u ${CLSTR_ADDR}








27 Deployments: The result.
Consistency! Jenkins writes configuration XML: $human_error-- Eliminate shells, and elevated privileges on servers Container is managed by infrastructure with the O/S Developers can deploy to DEV at will Empowers developers to GTD Puts gates at appropriate places Changes to the Jenkins jobs, containers + deploys to Test/Prod require change control Frees Systems folks to work on more interesting things Standard Container + Cloudy IaaS + Container Configurable artifacts = Vendor-lock-in-less PaaS! Deployments to DEV look like deployments to TEST which look like deployments to PROD

28 Drupal Continuous Deployment
Yale has a large shared Drupal infrastructure Shared = needs change control Migration process looks similar to Java Some end users want to edit themes! Jenkins to the rescue!





33 What’s New? Workflow integration through web services
Build + Release of Apache Servicemix bundles and “features” Spawning and Destroying Servicemix child instances Deployment of Features and OSGI bundles to Apache Servicemix Deploying Drupal 7 git + pull

34 Other Languages Php Ruby .Net Code coverage and unit testing available
Automated unit testing Automated code coverage Automated deployment coming soon .Net Build, unit test, archive creation

35 The Future RBAC + folders More ruby Enterprise Service Bus
delegate responsibility to other systems groups More ruby unit testing and code coverage deployments Enterprise Service Bus Centralized SSH mangagement the tools are better now Managing/Provisioning with cfg mgmt Cloud deployments

36 E Camden Fisher @fishnix
Questions? E Camden

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