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Bell Ringer What were the Dark Ages, and what was happening in Europe during this time?

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer What were the Dark Ages, and what was happening in Europe during this time?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer What were the Dark Ages, and what was happening in Europe during this time?

2 Fall of Constantinople

3 Causes of Exploration Traders want faster TRADE routes to ASIA
Explorers search for adventure, glory and riches Spanish desires to spread Christianity Increase in knowledge and education sparks curiosity about the rest of the world.

4 Columbus’ Four Voyages
1492 Caribbean Islands – Bahamas 1493 Returned to Caribbean and explored more. 1498 Aware of a mainland – explored South America Wanted to find route to Asia – explored Central America



7 European Colonization
Once the New World is discovered, the Big 4 four (plus one) European countries begin competing for control of North America and the world…. Spain England France Portugal + the weaker Netherlands This power struggle ultimately leads to several wars.

8 Angered European colonists
Colonies goal: produce profits by shipping gold, sugar, and slaves to Spain. Had to turn to force Angered European colonists Spain and Portugal split the world by drawing a boundary Caused problems as discovered more land. What about the Natives? Seen as pagan savages Refused to honor treaties Didn’t think could/should be left alone

9 SPAIN’s Cycle of Conquest & Colonization European Colonial Empire
Explorers Conquistadores Missionaries European Colonial Empire Permanent Settlers

10 Columbian Exchange People, plants, animals, and diseases exchanged between Europe, Africa, and the Americas What was the influence of this today? Livestock New plants/food (wheat, grasses, corn) Population changes – More Europeans but less Natives

11 Europe Competes for Colonies Religious Divisions Emerge in Europe
1- The Spanish were creating a great empire in America that was 10 times larger than Spain and rich in Gold and Silver. 2- Other European nations joined the quest to compete for control and wealth in the Americas, through exploration and colonization. 3- Through this competition, European nations became the controlling powers over the land in N. and S. America, which once belonged to thriving culture of NA people. Religious Divisions Emerge in Europe 1- In 1517, the Protestant Reformation spread across Europe and was the start of an era that would forever affect history in the world. 2- Martin Luther, a German Monk, questioned the authority of the Pope and the Catholic Church. His followers were known as Protestants because they protested the corruption and materialism of the church. 3- Protestants believed in the individual’s right to seek God through direct teachings from the Bible and the ministers that preached evangelical sermons. Without a unifying Pope, the protestants formed into many different denominations. 4- These religious rivalries would grow and help shape the development of the colonies in America.

12 Development of New Spain (since 1492)
1- The Spanish treated the NA poorly and were about conquering and enslaving them for their own gain. 2- Spain wanted to change their policy and sent priests and missionaries to the colonies to establish order, maintain a peaceful control, and convert the NA to the Catholic Church. 3- Inspired by Cortés’s success in taking over Mexico, de Soto and Coronado led their own expeditions to the north looking for gold. This enabled Spain to lay claim to the southern portion of N. America. 4- Florida was settled as a defensive zone from rival nations , to keep them away from the precious mines and towns of Mexico. 5- Eventually many of the Spanish colonizers realized how remote and isolated most of the New World was and thus chose not to come. The religious missionaries, or friars, were the most successful colonizing force for Spain.


14 Development of New France (early 1500’s)
1- The French witnessed the success of the Spanish and sought to make their own claim in America, mainly in the north. 2- Explorers sailing for France weren’t as interested in setting up colonies, as they were in finding the Northwest Passage… an all water route through N. America to ASIA. 3- The fur trade with the NA became big business for the French and the NA. The goods provided in trade for the furs, made the NA groups more powerful than their enemies, thus it became important for them to make good relations with the French. 4- Unlike the Spanish in the south, the French needed the NA people to work with them and provide the valuable furs, so they never enslaved them or took their land. 5- One tribe, the Iroquois, did however hate the French and would spend many years raiding their forts and fighting the influx of French trappers and their NA allies. 6- The French founded small settlements along the St. Lawrence River and fortified forts as trading posts for the fur trade. Quebec became the first French settlement in Canada. 7- New France’s dense forests, long winters, and Iroquois raids discouraged immigrants from settling there. As a result, New France was very slow to develop. 8- With the discovery of the Mississippi River by de LaSalle, the French were able to lay claim to the Louisiana Territory and thus set up New Orleans as a way to keep out the English settlers and have a great seaport for which to ship goods back to France.


16 New France

17 Effects of Exploration
The search for the fabled Northwest Passage will lead to European control of all of North America European settlements are founded Trade and mercantilism grows European nations compete for colonies Conflicts with Native Americans develop Slavery is introduced to the Americas Three Cultures Clash--- NA/African /European

18 What are the BIG 4 and the weaker country that wanted to expand into the “New World”?
Bell Ringer

19 Explain the differences in how the French treated the NA as opposed to how the Spanish treated them?
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