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The Why of Data Statewide Managers’ Meeting Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services September 29, 2017 WIOA signed into law on July 22,

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Presentation on theme: "The Why of Data Statewide Managers’ Meeting Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services September 29, 2017 WIOA signed into law on July 22,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Why of Data Statewide Managers’ Meeting Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services September 29, 2017 WIOA signed into law on July 22, 2014 the Act takes effect on July 1, 2015 Barbara J. Burkett, Ph.D., M.S.P.H.

2 I know you are all shouting “oh god why me, why today”

3 I Do Understand Your Pain CSAVR Survey Role(s) of the VR Counselor
CSAVR (Council of State Administrators of VR) surveyed 20,000 employees in 80 state VR agencies across the U.S. Questioned as to the number of tasks that counselors perform and how they describe their job.

4 Roles include: case managers, social workers, transition specialists, advocates, disability awareness specialists, trainers, business specialists, benefits planners, employment specialists, community outreach specialists, marketers, facilitators, and smi/sa/autism experts, etc . Not meant to understand this slide, but shows how many roles you undertake. You have a large amount of responsibility and data is probably a low priority. But… Each of you and those you supervised serve in many of these roles. I know data is not high on that list but we are in a world of accountability and we must not ignore data. I feel your pain

5 But…Why Data Needs To Be A Priority
The public VR program will celebrate our 100 year anniversary. We need to continue to create innovative practices and increase better competitive, integrated employment outcomes. Our survival as a federally funded program is dependent on data. RSA and other state and federal agencies will be getting more data and be able to analyze that data to greater extent than ever before using predictive analytics and modeling/forecasting.

6 Vocational Rehabilitation State Grants
Funds are distributed to states based on the statutory formula that takes into account population and per capita income in determining the amount of Federal funds made available to states for VR program purposes. VR implementing regulations require that the state incur a portion of expenditures under the VR services portion of the Unified or Combined State Plan from non-Federal funds to meet its cost sharing requirements (34 CFR §361.60). Funding Source Basic VR Only % SFY2018 Federal 78.7% $67,689,655 State Match 21.3% $18,320,072

7 Who Gets Our Reports and Who Monitors Us?
Federal RSA (RSA 911, PIRL) Bureau of Labor (Common Measures) State External Stakeholders Legislators, Advocates, Vendors, Clients State Rehabilitation Council (Federally Mandated) Internal Stakeholder Department of Planning and Budget (Scorecards) Commissioner VR Director Managers WIOA Partners VEC, CSS, Dept. of Veteran Affairs, Dept. of Labor and Industry, Va Dept of Education, DBVI, Dept. of Social Services Other State Agencies That Give Us Funding: Behavioral Health, Social Services

8 WIOA Changes Many Aspects of VR Program Including Increased Accountability
RSA 911: is primary data tool for RSA to gather information on the operation of VR programs Old RSA 911 New Revised RSA 911 (Issued 9/27/16) Reason for Changes (WIOA Driven) Used in FFY2014, , FFY2015, FFY2016 and 3 quarters of FFY2017 Change to program year so begins July 1, 2017 *Major Goal is to (1)Increase Program Accountability between Federal Programs Closed Cases *Open Cases as of July 1, 2017 Due November 15, 2017 (2) Lays Ground work for expanded data exchanges such as UI and FEDES Annual Reporting *Quarterly Reporting (3) Adds reporting on students receiving pre employment transition services who may not be VR applicants or participants WIOA change many aspects of VR program including increased accountability. Reports due 45 days after quarter end. Report sent on August 15, 2017 october June 30, 2017 closed cases

9 Twelve Areas of Data Elements-RSA Covers Every Aspect of the Entire VR Process
Data Elements at Application Eligibility Data Elements OOS Disability Trial Work Experience IPE Pre-employment services Measurable Skills Gain (NEW) Employment Data Elements Post Exit Data Elements (NEW) Barriers To Employment (NEW) WIOA Program Involvement Training Services Career Services

10 RSA 911 Post Exit Measures Measurable Skills Gain
Credential Attainment Rate Employment Rate 2nd and 4th Quarter after Exit* Employment Type of Employment Match Wage Median Earnings in the 2nd Quarter after Exit* *Data will come from VEC and Other State Unemployment Insurance Agencies. We will have the ability to get wages from other states and territories using SWIS along with federal government employees (military and civil) with system called Federal Employment Data Exchange System (FEDES). Only going to go over the elements that will affect us

11 Expanded VR Service Data Will Be Made Available in the New RSA 911
Each Service Provided In house (VR agency) or Purchased Purchased Service Provider Type Amount of VR Funded Expended for Service Title I (State VR) Amount of SE Funded Expended for Service Title VI (Supported Employment) Services Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type

12 So…data on $ spent will not be counted
Clients Whose Case Record Has Not Had Activity for the last 90 Days Will Not Be Included in RSA 911 So…data on $ spent will not be counted Client count will not be as high as could have been and won’t reflect the work you have done. A reporting of how many of those cases will be available. Ex: x% of Virginia’s cases were not touched in 90 days. That becomes an unexpected metric.

13 DOL Common Performance Measures
The percentage of program participants who are in unsubsidized employment during the second quarter after exit from the program The percentage of program participants who are in unsubsidized employment during the fourth quarter after exit from the program. The median earnings of program participants who are in unsubsidized employment during the second quarter after exit from the program. The indicators of effectiveness in serving employers Percentage of program participants who obtain a recognized post secondary credential, or secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent during participation or 1 year from exit. The percentage of program participants who during a program year are in education or training program that will lead to a recognized postsecondary credential or employment and who are achieving measurable skills gains towards a credential or employment. 2.2% of general population quits job per month If someone is going to leave a position 40% do it in first 6 months. Metric Goals Set By Commissioner and VR Director 2nd Quarter Employment 47.00% 2nd Quarter Median Earnings $3,200 4th Quarter Employment 45.00% Credential-during or by 4th Quarter 32.00% Measurable Skill Gain

14 Governor’s Workforce System Performance Report Submitted Monthly-Still Undergoing Refinement
Partners Virginia Employment Commission Virginia Community College System Department of Labor and Industry Veterans Affairs Department of Social Services Virginia Department of Education Virginia Department for Blind and Visually Impaired Metric State Goal Credentials 50,000 Jobs 50,000 in high demand Wages Increase in Wages to family sustaining wage level Return on Investment For Taxpayer and Participant Business Engagement Increase the number of businesses served and supported. Target 50,000 and 75% must be to industry sectors prioritized in Gov. Economic Development Plan Values for all programs will be averaged. VEC 70% success rate (67.3% in q3 of 2017, so we may feel some pressure to perform better on these metrics.

15 Statistical Adjustment Model
The WIOA statute requires the use of a statistical adjustment model in establishing performance goals for core programs. This is a fundamental change. Our performance metrics will be set by statistical modeling based on data. Virginia VR is no longer setting federal performance metrics. We will have negotiating power but data will drive the negotiations. Reference:

16 Statistical Adjustment Model
The statistical model will be used to make adjustments to negotiated state levels of performance for actual economic conditions and participant characteristics. The negotiated levels for each indicator are based upon: Comparison with adjusted performance levels of other States; Adjustments of levels using an objective statistical model; Continuous improvement of each State; and The requirements of the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA).

17 Take Home Messages We need more data for extended reporting.
Data will be used to drive our goals. Consequences for late/incomplete reporting with DOL, potentially harming agency and clients. Quality Vs Quantity – Shift in Thinking “The goal is to turn data into information, and information into insight”.

18 We Need To Take Data Seriously

19 Data Is Now An Important Part of All VR Professionals

20 Be the driver, not the driven!

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