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Groundwater Pollution

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Presentation on theme: "Groundwater Pollution"— Presentation transcript:

1 Groundwater Pollution

2 Groundwater Pollution
Non-point Sources Pesticides Fertilizers Petroleum products (oil, gasoline from roads) Point Sources Underground Storage Tanks (USTs)- gas stations, oil tanks, factories Septic Tanks from homes Unlined Landfills Wastewater or Manure Lagoons

3 Industrial wastewater lagoon
Manure Lagoon Underground Storage Tank (UST) Industrial wastewater lagoon

4 Septic Tanks


6 Plume- a continuous emission from a point source that has a starting point and observable pathway

7 Cleaning Groundwater Pollution
Extremely difficult problem to solve: Aquifers are difficult to access, unlike surface water Recharge and flow rates are very slow Soil and Rock can “cling” to pollutants for many years

8 Remediation- the process of cleaning up pollution
In situ remediation- cleans up contaminated soils and groundwater without removing any materials; minimal disturbance Ex situ remediation- removes contaminated material from the site to be either: Dumped in a secure, off-site location (ex: landfill) Cleaned and then replaced in original location

9 Groundwater Contamination Lab
Arsenic Investigation Lab objective: Determine the source of Arsenic using well data from a community Complete Part 1, then pick up Part 2 up front

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