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Slating Process National Council

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1 Slating Process 2018-2020 National Council
National Nominating Committee

2 Preface In an effort to provide transparency while maintaining confidentiality for candidates, the National Nominating Committee (NNC) presents this information to discuss: The nomination and slating process The governance model used by the Alpha Chi Omega enterprise The timeline of the process The characteristics of an exceptional board. ** Please note, this is informational only. The NNC will use its discretion and duties as assigned by the Alpha Chi Omega Articles of Incorporation to present a qualified slate of candidates to the voting delegates.

3 Duties National Nominating Committee

4 Fraternity Articles of Incorporation, Article IX, Section 1 states:
The National Nominating Committee is charged with the duty of canvassing Alpha Chi Omega for candidates eligible and qualified to serve on the National Council, and to prepare a slate of such candidates for submission to the delegates, all in accordance with Fraternity policies. The National Nominating Committee shall, in accordance with these Articles and Fraternity policies, be elected at each National Convention.

5 NNC Process Gather information regarding the state of the Enterprise and issues facing the Greek system from key stakeholders. Use the information to write the questions for the Potential Candidate Questions (PCQ). Collect nominations. NNC verifies that nominees are qualified to be considered candidates per the Articles of Incorporation. Nominees are contacted by the chair of the NNC to verify their interest to serve. Note: self nominations are accepted. Questions distributed. All interested and qualified candidates are sent the PCQ. Candidates must return the PCQ, by the deadline, for consideration. Interviews for National Vice President (NVP) candidates are at the discretion of the NNC. However, all National President (NP) candidates will be interviewed.

6 NNC Process (continued)
Slate created. The NNC meets in person to discuss the candidates and slate the candidates. The NNC starts the discussion with a blank slate. The NNC is charged with compiling a slate of the best candidates for the current and near future considerations of the enterprise. The dynamics of the overall group is also considered. Candidates notified. The slated candidates are contacted by the chair of the NNC. The candidates not slated will then be contacted by the chair of the NNC. Slate mailed. The slate is mailed to the voting delegates at least 120 days prior to Convention. Right to petition. Candidates who were part of the nomination process but not slated, may petition by contacting the NNC chair no later than 100 days prior to Convention. An additional mailing to voting delegates, if needed, is mailed at least 90 days prior to Convention.

7 Timeline for 2018 Nomination Process
Nominations due to Lee Lucas, NNC Chair, by November 3, 2017 PCQ sent to nominees by January 3, 2018 PCQ due to Lee Lucas by January 19, 2018 Interviews as needed February 5-16, 2018 Slate mailed to delegates by March 1, 2018 Petitions due to Lee Lucas by March 21, 2018 Second mailing to delegates (if needed) by March 30, 2018 Convention June 29, 2018

8 Candidates National Council

9 Qualifications Fraternity Articles of Incorporation, Article VIII, Section 3 states: To be qualified as the National President member of the National Council, an individual must have previously served on the National Council. An individual may not serve more than two (2) consecutive terms as the National President member of the National Council. To be qualified as one of the National Vice President members of the National Council, an individual must be an alumna in good standing who has demonstrated leadership or possesses other expertise that will be of benefit to the Corporation. A National Vice President member of the National Council may serve four (4) consecutive terms.

10 Duties Fraternity Articles of Incorporation, Article VIII, Section 7 states: The National Council has the legal authority and responsibility to manage the business and affairs of the Fraternity. The National Council focuses on establishing policy and setting the direction for the achievement of the Fraternity’s goals while the Executive Director, professional staff and operational volunteers focus on operational issues. The National Council focuses on resources, board and policy development; overseeing finances and monitoring major areas of corporate performance while the Executive Director focuses on executing policy adopted by the National Council and determining the methods by which the Board’s policies and directives will be executed to achieve the desired outcomes.

11 Governance Alpha Chi Omega

12 Board Governance The following slides of information may be used for guidance on governance and exceptional boards but are not exhaustive and should not be viewed as all encompassing for consideration by the NNC. Several models exist and no single model is “correct” Governance is not optional. Organizations must be governed.

13 Duties of Board Members
Fiduciary Finances Audits Stewardship Fundraising Duty of Loyalty Board members must act without conflict of interest Duty of Care Legal obligation of reasonable care

14 Fiduciary Fairly well defined for duties and actions
Not usually controversial Lack of experience in this area can result in problems for boards Are the numbers correct? What do they mean strategically? Can we/should we move forward on initiatives? What do the numbers mean for our future? Interpreting audits?

15 Duty of Loyalty Conflict of interest.
Not enough to have a policy. Therefore, AXO requires that national level board members sign a conflict of interest agreement. Board members should refrain from any transactions that are or are perceived as conflicts. For example, a contractual business relationship with the national organization or involved with specific chapters at the organizational level. Abstain from voting on a specific issue is not realistic. The NC is a small board. Losing one person’s voice from an NC vote is a large percentage. Additionally, there is potential friction if the board voted against the personal interest of the NC member.

16 Duty of Care Act and respond in the measure of a reasonable person
Avoid acts or omissions which could cause harm Relates to avoiding negligence of board members in duties and actions

17 Leadership Alpha Chi Omega

18 12 Principles of Governance that Power Exceptional Boards
Constructive Partnership: a board which governs in constructive partnership with the Executive Director and staff, recognizing that the effectiveness of the board and staff are interdependent. Mission Driven: a board that shapes and upholds the mission, articulates a compelling vision, and ensures the congruence between decisions and core values. Strategic Thinking: a board which allocates time to what matters most and continuously engages in strategic thinking to hone the organization’s direction. Culture of Inquiry: a board which institutionalizes a culture of inquiry, mutual respect, and constructive debate that leads to sound and shared decision making. Independent-Mindedness: when making decisions, board members place the best interests of the organization above all else. Ethos of Transparency: a board which promotes an ethos of transparency by ensuring that members, stakeholders, donors and interested members of the public have access to appropriate and accurate information regarding finances, operations, decisions, and results. *Copyright: Board Source

19 12 Principles of Governance that Power Exceptional Boards (continued)
Compliance with Integrity: a board which promotes strong ethical values and disciplined compliance by establishing appropriate mechanisms for active oversight. Sustaining Resources: a board which links bold visions and ambitious plans to financial support, expertise and networks of influence. Results-Oriented: a board which measures the organization’s advancement towards mission and evaluates the performance of major programs and services. Intentional Board Practices: a board which intentionally structures itself to fulfill essential governance duties and to support organizational priorities as defined by the strategic plan. Continuous Learning: a board which embraces the qualities of a continuous learning organization, evaluating its own performance against these principles and assessing the value it adds to the organization. Revitalization: a board which energizes itself through planned thoughtful recruitment and inclusiveness.  *Copyright: Board Source

20 Questions Contact Lee Lucas, NNC Chairwoman at or (239) Please note: the process is open for explanation; however, the discussions of the NNC are confidential.

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