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Print Archive Network (PAN) Forum: OhioLINK Validation of Serials

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2 Print Archive Network (PAN) Forum: OhioLINK Validation of Serials
Amy Pawlowski Deputy Director, OhioLINK

3 Short History 1980’s: Committee formed to recommend solution to library storage issues – too many libraries needed to expand 1988: Committee recommended the building of high-density remote storage for State universities and a way to share collection data (OhioLINK envisioned) 1990’s: 5 high density remote storage facilities built to house low use collections of 12 universities Late 2000’s: All 5 storage facilities nearing capacity 2010: Decision made to de-dup serial holdings among 5 facilities

4 Serials Validation Routines 2010 –2016
2010/2011: Developed policies, procedures, and tested against a set of reference holdings. Initial policy for validating serials: validate at the issue level including verifying that all pages were intact. Done for all identified keeper volumes. Use this validation policy between 2010 and early 2016 to validate keeper volumes for: 130 JSTOR titles 129 Elsevier titles 15 Large Volume Serial Titles

5 Updated Serials Validation Policy & Procedures 2016
In Summer, 2016, the de-duplication process was evaluated to identify potential efficiencies. Findings: the validation process took a significant portion of the process (about 60%) Running depository lists against the INN-Reach catalog was time consuming

6 Updated Serials Validation Policy & Procedures 2016 cont’d
Change to process from study: Internal workflow improvement: Get deduplication information out of INN-Reach as opposed to the Depository Catalog. Change in Policy from study: Reduce validation to volume level: Verify the volume is on the shelf as opposed to page level verification. This was agreed to for titles in which at least 1 print copy existed in the state of Ohio OR at least 2 print copies existed on OCLC.

7 Results of New Policy & Process
Reduced OhioLINK central staff time creating final deduplication lists. Time per title has improved slightly but not as expected Other factors continue to slow the process down: New staff needing to be trained The need to check against other holdings databases besides the Central Catalog Time per title is expected to improve as the factors go away

8 Questions? Amy Pawlowski Anita Cook Deputy Director, OhioLINK
Anita Cook Librarian, Shared Resources and ILS

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