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Business Service Management

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1 Business Service Management
Product Overview Title Slide - Generic May 2014

2 What is Business Service Management
What - Business Service Management is a strategy, an approach and methodology for aligning IT elements to the goals of the business Why - So that IT can deliver and maintain high quality services, applications, processes, activities and transactions to the business so business goals and objectives are met How - Communicating the right message at the right time to the right level within IT and the business, in business terms or IT terms as appropriate for each audience Before discussing the new features of BSM, I would like to review what the BSM product is, and what it is not. <SLIDE TRANSITION> Business Service Management is a strategy that involves correlating and aligning IT infrastructure to the applications that the infrastructure supports. The purpose of this is to help ensure that the IT organization is delivering high quality applications, processes, and services to meet business goals and objectives. This is accomplished by communicating useful data in a timely manner to the right people in the organization, in appropriate business or technical terms. BSM is no longer required simply to get compelling dashboards for RUM data.

Role relevant reporting from CEO to marketing to operations Correlation, Impact analysis, SLA/OLA Customer experience, Infrastructure performance, Business metrics VISIBILITY INTELLIGENCE - ‘Service Model’ COLLECTION

4 Integrate with virtually any data source
Compuware BSM Business Metrics Service Desk Capacity Infrastructure DC-RUM dynaTrace Gomez SaaS ServerVantage Enterprise Synthetic COLLECTION Integrate with virtually any data source Collect from disparate data sources Leverage existing monitoring investment Service desk/Configuration data Infrastructure metrics Business data

5 Compuware BSM Service dependency model
Sales Business INTELLIGENCE Sales COLLECTION EMEA Response times Service dependency model Correlate performance, infrastructure, & business data Transforms data to meaningful business-driven information Quantify business Impact 3rd Party content eCommerce B2B Web Server DoubleClick App Server Database

6 Compuware BSM Role relevant dashboards
VISIBILITY INTELLIGENCE Role relevant dashboards Holistic view of Service Delivery Right information, to the right people, at the right time Prioritise business issues Real time SLA tracking & reporting * Custom dashboards to illustrate capabilities

7 Sample Custom Dashboard
SLA Summary tracking Key business services Highlighted important metrics/measurements Correlated key business metrics

8 BSM Product Components
BSM is a toolkit for building a customized solution for analyzing and reporting on business relevant entities The BSM product consists of three main components Connection Manager for collecting data from multiple sources, Compuware and third-party Service Model for building relationships between applications or business processes and the infrastructure that supports them Dashboards in the Enterprise Portal for displaying service quality and metrics in customizable views In 12.x, both BSM and DCRUM are data feeds for the Enterprise Portal At a high level, the BSM product is made up of three main components <SLIDE TRANSITION> The Connection manager and its adaptors are used to collect monitoring data from multiple sources. These sources includes Compuware’s Real User Monitoring, Gomez SaaS, and Server Monitoring, as well as third party adaptors such as VMware, SCOM, and Nagios. The Service Model is used to build and model the relationships between applications, transactions, locations, and the infrastructure (tiers, servers, services) that support them. Many types of relationships can be modeled including organizations, locations, and processes. BSM includes easily customizable dashboards within the Enterprise Portal that can be used to correlate data from the service model and other sources.

9 Standard Dashboards Sampling of the Out-of-Box Dashboards
Now we will take a brief look at some of the new dashboard improvements.

10 Standard Dashboards Based on default EUE service model
Applications, transactions, locations, and infrastructure Metric data from Compuware APM tools DCRUM, ServerVantage, Synthetic Monitoring, VMWare Focus on application performance and root cause analysis Both high-level and detailed views Executive and Operation summaries In the past, there was a different look-and-feel across Gomez SaaS, BSM, and RUM dashboards, and the process of creating custom dashboards was difficult. <SLIDE TRANSITION> In this release, we have updated the dashboard styling, made it more consistent across products, and added new creation and management features This results in better looking dashboards that can be created much more quickly.

11 Executive Summary Higher-level availability
Business impact of an outage (cost, effects on users, business, and productivity) Summarized trend of IT performance Executive Summary Here are some examples of the default BSM dashboards showing custom layouts using Dynagrid and the new look-and-feel <SLIDE TRANSITION> Executive Summary – Lists all applications in order of current service quality along with key metrics including response time and application performance from DCRUM. Also shows a measure of the impact of poor performance based on the total number of users and affected users. The trend chart shows how the selected application has been performing throughout the day to easily determine if a current problem is a common or unusual occurrence.

12 Operation Summary More detailed overview
Locations, transactions, and tiers for selected application Current performance and service quality trend <SLIDE TRANSITION> Operation Summary – Provides more details about the current service quality of all applications. For the selected application, you can see the performance from each location and for each transaction that makes up the application. In addition, you can see how the different infrastructure tiers contribute to the overall application performance. Drilldown links are available at each level to see more detail about the selected item.

13 Transaction Details Lists each transaction across all applications
Shows locations accessing each transaction Displays multiple metrics over time <SLIDE TRANSITION> Transactions – This dashboard lists each transaction for all applications and shows both the locations accessing the selected transaction and charts of key metrics from multiple sources over time.

14 Operations Details Current detailed System Status Key Responsibilities
Root cause Business Impact <SLIDE TRANSITION> Operations Details – This drilldown dashboard provides details for the selected service including any events that have caused a service quality state change. Hovering over an event description will display a tooltip with a detailed explanation of the reason for the event. The service quality trend chart shows how long during the time period the service was in each state (critical, warning, or normal), and the user can select time ranges of days, weeks, months or year.

15 Unified Performance Analysis
Drilldown report for application Shows multiple metrics for infrastructure supporting app <SLIDE TRANSITION> UPA – This drilldown dashboard displays multiple metric charts for the selected time range. When accessed for a specific application, the charts show metric values in the context of the application’s service quality (shown with a colored bar at the top of each chart). This makes it easy to identify if there is any correlation between changing metric values and application performance.

16 Customized Reporting using Built-in Portlets
Now we will look at changes done to improve reporting using Dimensions and Metrics

17 Creating Custom Dashboards
Custom dashboard pages are created using built-in portlets Tables and charts Pages can be modified, duplicated, or deleted Pages can be assigned to individual users or groups

18 Dashboard Layouts When creating a new page, Dynagrid Layout Editor can be used to customize Portlet locations Drag dividing lines from the top, bottom, left or right margins You can then select adjoining cells and merge them into one Some of the enhancements in this release include simplified dashboard and page creation. <SLIDE TRANSITION> From the menu, simply clicking the Manage Pages menu item will display a dialog box for managing dashboards and pages. On this dialog, you can click the Dashboard button to create a new dashboard, to copy or rename an existing dashboard, or to perform import or export operations at the dashboard level. You can also click the Add Page button to add a new page to any dashboard. Another great feature is the ability to create custom layouts using a new “Dynagrid” capability. Selecting the “Edit Dynagrid Layout” menu will bring up this dialog that allows you to create any custom layout by simply dragging lines onto the canvas <SLIDE TRANSITION> selecting multiple cells, and merging them together to create your layout. <SLIDE TRANSITION>

19 DMI Portlet Feature Benefit
Dimensions and Metrics added to the model to allow DMI access to data Automatic inheritance of Dimensions in model Benefit Dashboards can be built much easier using same configuration interface as DCRUM data Multiple chart types and table features In the past, access to service model data was limited unless you used custom programming, and there were fewer output options. <SLIDE TRANSITION> Data Views using the RUM DMI technology have been added to the service model so that Dimensions and metrics are available for reporting. These dimensions are automatically inherited so that, for example, an Application dimension can be used on a Server type to find all servers for a specific application. The benefits are that dashboards can be built more quickly using a consistent configuration interface, and there are many more charting options available.

20 DMI Table and Chart Configuration
This screenshot shows the configuration interface and charting options: Many options are now available for selecting dimensions and metrics including statistics and raw data, and multiple chart types.

21 Example Custom Dashboards
These custom dashboards are built with release 12.0 standard components Charts and tables using DMI portlets Data from Compuware and 3rd-party sources DCRUM, CV-Active, ServerVantage vCenter, Nagios Combination of standard and custom service models

22 Application Overview Summary dashboard with tables, charts, and gauges.

23 Data Center Overview This high-level view provides a status overview for the applications and servers in our internal lab environment using data from multiple sources including DCRUM, Synthetic monitoring, ServerVantage, and 3rd-party monitoring tools Nagios and Vcenter. The top portlet shows a summary of all synthetic transactions running against all lab products. Drilling down on an application will show details on all transactions. The second portlet shows a summary of all servers and the VMware environment. Again, drilldowns are available to a UPA report with more details. The next two portlets show details about two of the primary servers, dtwcov4m-002 and dtwcovm4-003. Finally, the two bottom-most portlets contain a service tree with all monitored entities on the left and details for each selected node on the right.

24 Drilldowns From Overview to Detail
These screenshots show a couple of different drilldowns from the summary page showing detailed metrics over time.

25 Virtual Infrastructure for Applications
This dashboard shows an overview of application performance in relation to the virtual machines that support it. It highlights the use of different portlet types (tables, gauge, multi-line chart) and shows how the service model can show the relationship between applications and infrastructure. The top section of the dashboard shows application performance based on DCRUM and Synthetic monitoring. For the selected application, its current service quality and availability is represented in the gauge, and the virtual host and guest machines that the application is running on are shown in the bottom left tables. Finally, metrics for the selected guest are displayed in the chart in the lower-right corner.

26 Top Servers for Applications
This dashboard shows CPU and memory utilization over time for the top three servers for each selected application.

27 Server Performance Trend
This dashboard shows CPU utilization for the top servers for each selected application over multiple time periods (today and the last 30 days).

28 Multiple Chart Types Available options include 3D Pie, pyramid, funnel, thermometer, and other gauges.

29 Services-Developed Customizations
Thank you for spending the time to view this presentation. Please see the additional training materials for this release for more detailed descriptions of the new features.

30 Custom Solutions Custom solutions can be developed by Compuware Services Custom service model, custom adaptors, and customer interfaces Examples include tracking supply chain orders and remote bank branch monitoring

31 Supply Chain Status and Trends

32 Alert Viewer Plus Map Quick analysis and filtering controls
Map communicates with Event Viewer

33 BSM Delivery Model

34 Where BSM sits in the Performance Journey
Successful BSM projects built on established foundation BSM LEVEL 5 PERVASIVE Active management of the application delivery chain Real-time visibility used to orchestrate service delivery Leverage “collective intelligence” across the internet DC-RUM & dynaTrace LEVEL 4 OPTIMIZED Broad EUE visibility and deep dive diagnostics across app delivery chain Automation of problem analysis and diagnosis Initiatives prioritized based on business impact with deep root cause insight LEVEL 3 EFFECTIVE EUE & transaction visibility across the app delivery chain Accelerated problem resolution via deep-dive diagnostics Problems prioritized by business impact LEVEL 2 AWARE Basic awareness of EUE app performance Can identify problems, but root-cause analysis takes too long Performance baselined and trends tracked LEVEL 1 REACTIVE Limited awareness of end-user experience (EUE) app performance Reactive problem resolution and frequent war rooms Technology-centric, element-level visibility Business Agility and Competitive Edge Generally, BSM deployments are most successful when positioned on top of an established APM monitoring solution or other established IT processes that can benefit from higher level analysis and reporting. Attempting to deploy BSM without a solid foundation will lead to extended delivery cycles and rework. Optimize App & IT Performance Prioritize by Business Impact EUE Visibility

35 Services and Sales-Led Approach
BSM is a toolkit, not an off-the-shelf product Customizations and extensions to core product are always needed including: Custom adaptors for data collection Custom service model to meet business objectives Custom dashboards for target audience Pre-sale activity includes FTS/ES design session to estimate product and services costs and project duration Generally 3-5 day billable project resulting in SoW All potential deals reviewed by BSM Project Approval Board Sales and Technical leadership validation of appropriate project

36 Thank You Thank you for spending the time to view this presentation. Please see the additional training materials for this release for more detailed descriptions of the new features.

37 Social links


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