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California Quail (Callipepla Californica)

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Presentation on theme: "California Quail (Callipepla Californica)"— Presentation transcript:

1 California Quail (Callipepla Californica)
PowerPoint Presentation Made By: Loucas Aliabadi and Elijah Springfield

2 California Quail (Male)
Name And Description California Quail (Name) They are a gray, ground-dwelling birds They are much more slender than most quails California Quail (Male)

3 Habitat and Range California Quail’s habitat is: under small bushes or small trees California Quail’s range is all along the west coast and one part of Mexico

4 Male And Female The Male has a bold face with a big feather plume.
The Female has a smaller feather plume. A Male California Quail. A Female Quail With Its Chick. Female Quails also have a tan head.

5 Feeding And Nesting Ground nesters, Females lay and incubate a clutch of eggs California Quail usually find a spot under a shrub or bush-pile or next to a log or other cover California Quails rely heavily on seeds, especially those from legumes. They will also eat leaves, fresh shoots, berries, acorns, and insects

6 Human And Natural Threats
Natural Threat to California Quail Human Threat Cars Trains Gas Habitat loss And pollution Predators (Just bigger birds, Eagles, Hawks) Wildfire Global warming

7 Steps People can take to help the California Quail
People can help by using cars less and not logging. This could protect their habitat. Also less pollution helps and we came up with an idea to put signs that say “Quail Crossing”

8 Behavior California Quail live on the ground, males usually spend most time off the ground in bushes, or trees California Quails can only fly for a short distance or time,

9 Personal Connection Loucas: One time when I was at Soap Lake, there were baby California Quails with their mom and dad.  Elijah: California Quails like trees and have that habitat, I too like tress and like to climb them. I have also seen birds (I don’t know which kind of bird) in trees 

10 Bibliography Emily Sprong. "BirdWeb." BirdWeb. Sue Trevathan, 24 July Web. 13 May 2013. Nupidea. "California Quail." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 10 Jan Web. 13 May 2013. Peter Alden. "Audubon Pacific Northwest." Audubon Society Field Guide. Dennis Paulsen, 17 May Web. 13 May 2013. Links: Book: National Audubon Society Field Guide To The Pacific Northwest

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