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Accelerated Improvement of Civil Registration and Vital Statistics

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1 Accelerated Improvement of Civil Registration and Vital Statistics
Africa Programme on Accelerated Improvement of Civil Registration and Vital Statistics - Translating political commitments into actions Raj Gautam Mitra UNECA Workshop on Principles and Recommendations for a Vital Statistics System Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 2-5 December 2014

2 WHO Counts Series 2007 Lancet
Scandal of invisibility – Many Africans are born and die without leaving a trace in any legal record and official statistic The single most critical failure of development over the past thirty years

3 A good CRVS system for good governance
Three Levels Individual level Community level Aggregate level Legal documents Identity Management Reliable vital statistics Evidence based policy making and programme implementation Realizing Human Rights Improved Service delivery Good Governance

4 Why past efforts in Africa did not succeed in the past?

5 The new paradigm CRVS systems is multi-disciplinary in nature and can be improved only through holistic and coordinated approach It requires strong legislative provisions, appropriate organization structure, efficient management and operations backed by suitable monitoring and evaluation mechanisms Above all political commitment is required to improve CRVS systems Thus was born the APAI-CRVS that derives policy guidance from Conference of Ministers responsible for Civil Registration, which is now institutionalized as a permanent conference under AUC

6 APAI-CRVS: Guiding principles
Promoting country ownership and leadership; Promoting coordination between Civil Registration Offices, National Statistics Offices, Health Ministry and other stakeholders at country levels; Promoting phased-based, holistic and integrated approach; Establishing strong partnerships and coordination at regional and country levels; Building capacities of national CRVS institutions; Promoting innovations and knowledge sharing 6 6

7 CRVS System and Multi-sectoral Linkages An ideal model
7 7

8 Creating momentum at the highest political level
2 Ministerial conferences (Addis Ababa 2010, Durban 2012) with strong declarations Endorsement of the APAI-CRVS and a Medium Term Plan Institutionalization of conferences under the AU permanent structure

9 Second Conference of Ministers – Key declarations
Committed to urgently undertake comprehensive assessments of their CRVS systems and develop costed action plan with the support of the Secretariat (ECA) and partner organizations; Called upon the development partners to continue their support to countries on capacity development and resource mobilization; Requested countries to establish high-level coordination mechanisms involving all stakeholders; Called upon countries to allocate adequate human and financial resources for day to day operations of CRVS

10 Some common challenges identified in countries
Lack of demand for registration High cost of registration Colonial law with only incremental changes Distance to registration centres Lack of linkages between systems (eg, with national id) Inappropriate organizational arrangement Incorrect and inefficient business processes

11 Some common challenges identified in countries
Insufficient training of staff No performance monitoring or supervision Inappropriate use of technology Poor service delivery Vital Statistics variables not included and/or not compiled Causes of death system does not exist or inadequate Huge backlogs – no systematic approach

12 Moving from a current business process to a new business process
How do we get there? STRATEGY Where are we going? What needs to Change? Where are we now?

13 What actions are needed for changing a business process?
Advocacy Review the Law Innovate Modify the design of the reporting and registration forms Review data items in the registration form Introduce ICT Develop capacity Improve coordination Raise yourself from within the system and take an areal view of the system Look around and you will find solutions

14 Some key messages Identify low hanging fruits – small changes may help quick wins Make CR services accessible – move information not people, may not need creation of separate structures Make CRVS inter-operable Introduce appropriate technology – but get the business process right Do not try of find a solution in search of a problem The three most important ways of establishing an efficient and sustainable CRVS system Coordination, Coordination and Coordination

15 Thanks

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