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Wyoming Middle School Model United Nations

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Presentation on theme: "Wyoming Middle School Model United Nations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wyoming Middle School Model United Nations
WMS MUN Wyoming Middle School Model United Nations

2 WMS OMUN 2010

3 WMS OMUN 2011

4 WMS OMUN 2012

5 WMS OMUN 2013

6 WMS OMUN 2014

7 WMS OMUN 2015

8 WMS OMUN 2016

9 WMS OMUN 2017

10 Real World Impact 2017-2018 Be a voice for those who have none.
The Children’s Foundation of Technology School in Sierra Leone Promote existing efforts at events like Harvest Fest Create educational programs to encourage awareness Help to create new solutions

11 Conferences for 2017-2018 WYOMUN November 4, 2017
Wyoming High School Fee: $35 one day conference individual debate experience the opportunity to represent diplomats and world leaders crafting solutions for complex world problems

12 Conferences for 2017-2018 2 day conference at the Hyatt Regency OMUN
students present resolutions perform talent entries participate in writing contests OMUN March 11-13, 2018 Columbus Ohio Estimated Fee: $280

13 Expectations Work hard Work as part of the team
Attend Saturday work sessions Attend team meetings Attend conferences Represent our school well Play well with others Be respectful (of each other, other schools, and the countries that you represent.)

14 Important Dates September 24 - Registration opens for WYOMUN
November 4 - WYOMUN Conference November $125 deposits due for OMUN January - Room requests due (rooms of 4) February - Officer Candidate forms due. March ONUN Conference in Columbus

15 Saturday Work Sessions
Time to prepare for both conferences A chance to check in with all teams Time to work on skills (group work, research, persuasive writing, debate, etc.) Time to work on research, resolutions, speeches, and talent entries *Expected that you will attend

16 Saturday Work Sessions
October 28 November 18 December 9 January 20 February 10 March 3 – Dress Rehearsal All are from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm in the middle school cafeteria.

17 Communication is ESSENTIAL!
365 Classroom - a place to house all of your content - a means for your advisors to monitor progress and provide feedback One system for all correspondences among group members

18 Questions or Concerns? Mr. Allen and Mrs. Nocks are always available by

19 Other ways to stay informed
WMS blog (submitted on conference registration forms)

20 Parent Guides are secured fo all teams by November 17
PRE CONFERENCE RESPONSIBILITIES Work as a guide for the teams Help the teams in the time leading up to the conference. Be available as a resource if there are questions Offer feedback on the resolutions and talent showcase Not necessary to always be there when the students meet, but encourage them to check in Your job is to keep them working together, it is their work!!!

Shadow your country from place to place Check to make sure everyone is where they are supposed and not supposed to be Compile the dinner order for your team on Saturday night. Escort your team to the Monday night dinner location. Each country will need a parent guide Bed check curfew, council sessions contests in bedrooms by 11:30 and up in the morning

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