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Early Civilizations of Ancient India.

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1 Early Civilizations of Ancient India

2 INDIA 2500 B.C.E.

Subcontinent (large landmass that juts out) includes India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka Surrounded by Mountains and Ocean Monsoons (seasonal winds) dictate life Oct. is hot and dry May = torrential rains

4 Indus River Valley Civilization
Cities planned in grid, clay houses “Modern” plumbing Well organized government Ship trade along coast Polytheistic Disappears around 1750 BC ????

5 Public Well, Harappa

6 The Vedic Age (1500 BCE BCE)

7 Aryan Migration pastoral  depended on their cattle.
warriors  horse-drawn chariots.

8 Ganges River Civilization
Built by Aryan invaders Society divided by occupation Brahmin = priest Kshatriyas- warriors Vaisyas= herders, farmers, artisans Sudras= non-Aryans

9 Sanskrit writing

10 The Vedas 1200 BCE-600 BCE. written in SANSKRIT.
Hindu core of beliefs: hymns and poems. religious prayers. magical spells. lists of the gods and goddesses. Rig Veda  oldest work.

11 Pariahs [Harijan]  Untouchables
The Caste System Priests Brahmins Kuh shat ree yuhz Warriors Kshatriyas Herders Farmers Merchants Vis yuhz Vaishyas Workers Servants Soo druhz Shudras Pariahs [Harijan]  Untouchables

12 The Caste System WHO IS… The mouth? The arms? The legs? The feet?
Brahmins WHO IS… Kshatriyas The mouth? The arms? The legs? The feet? Vaishyas Shudras

13 The foundations for Hinduism were established!
The Vedic Age The foundations for Hinduism were established!

14 Hinduism Polytheistic- “God is one, but wise people know it by many names” Brahman- Spiritual Power that resides in all things Mystics- Seek spiritual truth-- yoga, meditation Ahimsa- Nonviolence

15 Hinduism Believe in reincarnation (human last step before Moksha)
Moksha= ultimate goal of existence (union with Brahman)- free from all selfish desires that separate them from Brahman Karma- Actions of one life impact another Dharma- religious and moral duties

16 Brahman- All powerful spiritual force, resides in all things
Brahmin- Priests, highest caste Brahma- a Hindu god, the creator

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