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Evolution of a Project Based Graphics Course

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1 Evolution of a Project Based Graphics Course
Robert G. Strader Deborah L. Dunn Stephen F. Austin State University Nacogdoches, TX Introduction – focus on issues related to course evolution: graphics - shaders, sound, architecture – parallel/GPU, environments CCSC Austin 2010

2 Goals Structure Course Around a Project Theme
Allow for Incorporation of New Techniques Supports Multimedia Exploration Prepare a Product of Interest for Each Student Work in a Team Environment Focus of the course organization CCSC Austin 2010

3 Background Course Structure Long-term variable component – Project
Short-term current component – Activities Long-term stable component - Interactive 3D Graphics Labs Workflow Accomplish in one course Course structure, some stability, some change – keeps course “doable” on every other year basis CCSC Austin 2010

4 Projects Games Education Topic Interest Technique Interest
Space , Exaltech, 3D-Tetris, Nanoc, Island Education Litho, U-Fix-It, ShuffleBoard Topic Interest Boids Technique Interest Chisos, ART, StrangeLand Only Litho, ShuffleBoard and Boids will work from the screen. The others have positionally (from the exe file) assets that require execution from out of the ppt environment. CCSC Austin 2010

5 Activities Short term topics or tools Asset Creation Techniques Theory
Modeling tools – animation/gaming support Audio tools – general project support Techniques Raytracing, Shading, Parallel Processing Theory Scene Graph, Design, Electronic Storytelling Not really a game school so must balance topics and trends and still overview issues in game business – design, management, work environment CCSC Austin 2010

6 Labs Develop Graphics Skills, Introduce Theory
Develop a Small Game Environment – Limited Game Engine Approach: Five to Six Labs Each Lab Builds on Previous Work Support: “Story Telling”, Design, Implementation, Presentation Goal of most stable component – teaching interactive graphics by example and preparing for the project CCSC Austin 2010

7 Lab Exercises Graphics Output (2D) - Maze
Interactive Input (2D) - “Rat” in Maze First Person Maze (3D) - “Rat’s View” in Maze Shading (3D) - Rat’s View with Shadows Texturing (3D) - Rat’s View with Texture 6 Curves and Surfaces – Non-Linear Objects Screen shots of the labs – all jpg files. 6 has been reserved for graduate students (the G course – now 560) CCSC Austin 2010

8 Topic Evolution Graphics Sound Techniques
Techniques: Rendering and Shading Tools: Evolving(?) APIs Sound Sound Environments and Tools in Games Techniques Parallel Processing/GPU Programming Deals with issues of rendering – raytracing photorealistic, radiosity, shading models. Deals with API issues: DirectX, OpenGL 2.x to 3.x, etc. Deals with sound: DirectX, Simple Direct Media Layer (SDL), others. Deals with Using GPU programming (CUDA, etc.) for games. CCSC Austin 2010

9 Project Evolution More External Modeling More Sound and Music (Clips)
More Storylines Some Shading Techniques More Project Review/Class Presentation Better Final Report/Project/Demonstration Variable Class Speakers Some progress in “more”, slow progress in some, problems in variable – access and timing CCSC Austin 2010

10 Capstone Evolution Elective Course vs. Required Course
Core Coverage: Programming, Data Structures, Architecture, Algorithm Analysis, Software Engineering, Discrete Structures, Mathematics Other Coverage: Networking, Operating Systems, OOP, AI, Database, Science Really an issue of how the course relates to the rest of the cs curriculum as both change. CCSC Austin 2010

11 Possible Improvements
A More Object-Oriented Approach More Shading/Less Cartoon-Like Some (?) Parallel Processing/GPU Increase Representative Advanced Techniques – Theory and Implementation Sound and Alternate APIs Summer STEM Camps Issues on the horizon for graphics – last one is to recruit new students (very much needed). CCSC Austin 2010

12 Conclusions Structure Provides “Stability with Evolution”
Students Develop 3D Interactive Graphics Skills focused by their Interest Provides for the Incorporation of New Techniques and Tools Completed in a Single Course Single course attempts to provide students with graphics, design, art, English, storytelling, business, and soft skills, as well as tools and techniques. CCSC Austin 2010

13 References Ed Angel, Interactive 3D Graphics with OpenGL, 5th Edition, Addison Wesley, 2009 Dave Shreiner, OpenGL Programming Guide, 7th Edition, Addison Wesley, 2010 Rost and Licea-Kane, OpenGL Shading Language, 3rd Edition, Addison Wesley, 2010 Standard OpenGL references – many more. CCSC Austin 2010

14 Acknowledgement - Students
Fall ’02 – Jeremy Day, Diana Gunter, Laurence Miller, Marlo Nordt Fall ’04 – Eric Erby, Richard Davison, Jessica Roberson, Ted Melot, Wesley Martin Fall ’06 – Anton Kalis, Billy Clack Fall ’08 – Aaron Jones, John Anderson Sample student projects over years since SIGGRAPH paper in 2000 CCSC Austin 2010

Addresses Who to blame, er., contact. CCSC Austin 2010

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