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Services to Hispanic Populations

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1 Services to Hispanic Populations
Presented by Kimberly Brown-Harden, Indiana State Library Selina Gomez-Beloz, Crown Point Public Library Mónica Casanova, Monticello-Union Township Public Library Mary Schons, Hammond Public Library Jessica Moore, Indianapolis Public Library

2 Kimberly Brown-Harden Northwest Regional Coordinator Indiana State Library/Professional Development Office

3 Selina Gomez-Beloz Library Director Crown Point Community Library www
Selina Gomez-Beloz Library Director Crown Point Community Library

4 Professional Resources
REFORMA: The National Association to Promote Library and Information Services to Latinos and the Spanish Speaking Joint Conference of Librarians of Color (JCLC) - now an ALA affiliate EMIERT - ALA Roundtable FIL Guadalajara - ALA Free Pass program WebJunction

5 Working with Staff Encourage and recruit
Options for specific skill sets Collections that reflect the community Join other community groups (ex. La Mesa Redonda / Mecha / Latino Unidos) Provide tools (foreign language flip cards, brochures in other languages) Programs (conversation circles, bilingual story times) Celebrate staff knowledge and skills

6 Library Spanish example
Clave Pin MULTA FINE Tarjeta Card Reservados Holds

7 Working with Community
Provide a safe space / respectful space Translate signs, brochures, applications well - understand where your biggest communities are really from.   Update website - provide a language option or add a widget Ask to speak with leaders in many areas - social services, medical, education, union, etc Just show up!  Effort is appreciated

8 Monica Casanova Director Monticello-Union Township Public Library www
Monica Casanova Director Monticello-Union Township Public Library

9 Programs for Spanish Speaking Population
Programs & Services Festivals Cooking Demos ESL Classes Communal Día de los Muertos Altar Spanish language concerts MC- In the eight years I have worked at the library, starting as the Adult Services Librarian I have tried to engage the Latino population through a variety of programs and services. I started an International Festival and have had patrons donate typical dishes. I have had patrons offer cooking demos. We have also offered ESL classes through the years, but have suspended these for now. Photo taken by Monica Casanova September 19, 2015

10 Barriers Source: Wikipedia
Familiarity with public libraries (exposure) Fear of institutions Is your library a warm, welcoming place? How do you reach out to Latinos? Is there signage? Do you have employees who look like them? Access Time What services do you offer? What’s your value to the community? Source: Wikipedia

11 (Monticello-Union Township Public Library)
Bilingual Staff We offer Spanish classes for patrons and one staff members attends. Other opportunities include InfoPeople. Valeria Fuentes & Monica Casanova (Monticello-Union Township Public Library)

12 Myths & Stereotypes Latinos are not library users
We’re a monolithic community No one size fits all Talk to your patrons. Find out what kind of programs/services they want. Engage them. Recruit them as board members, staff, volunteers, etc.

13 Mary Schons Head of Information Services Hammond Public Library www
Mary Schons Head of Information Services Hammond Public Library

14 Spanish Language Publishers
Atria Books Español ( Celebra ( Me Gusta Leer ( Vintage Español ( espanol/) HarperCollins Español ( Lorito Books ( Looking to add Spanish language titles to your collection? Many of these publishers have mailing lists and a social media presence. MC- Lorito Books specializes in children’s titles, including audiobooks

15 Spanish Language Magazines
Some examples of Spanish language magazines include: Cocina Fácil (Cooking) Cosmopolitan en Español Fútbol Mundial (Sports) Leo Leo (Children’s) People en Español Ser Padres (Parenting) TV y Novelas (telenovelas) Latina (Bilingual)

16 Spanish language library signage

17 Examples of Spanish language library signage:
Favor de poner el material en este carreton cuando termines de leerlos. Favor de no ponerlos en los estantes. ¡Muchas gracias! Put library materials on this cart when you are through reading them. Please do not reshelve. Thank you!

18 Examples of Spanish language library signage:
Check out at the Circulation Desk, first floor. If your library is on one floor, remove the last line.

19 Applications for library cards written in Spanish
Hammond Public Library Download a PDF copy at

20 ¿Biblioteca o librería?
Places to promote this idea: Social media Library newsletter Flyer/handout Library signage

21 Jessica Moore Immigrant Program Specialist The Indianapolis Public Library

22 The Indianapolis Public Library

23 Shifting Demographics

24 Source: Immigrant Welcome Center



Spanish language computer classes Bilingual storytimes English for…life and work English conversation circles Hispanic Heritage Month Día Journey… Lunch & Learn Immigrant Empowerment Series Books and materials in over 50 languages, including Spanish Language lab (new resource coming soon) Access to local periodicals Expanded reach through digital offerings Informe Odilo (coming soon) Zinio

28 Challenges & Strategies: Services for Hispanics and other immigrant communities

29 Yikes! I don’t understand!
Challenges: Linguistic and cultural representation among staff Limited access to original text in world languages Library as a safe place Understanding non-verbal communication for new communities Strategies: Staff training Language classes Communicating through an interpreter Communicating across cultures Signage and materials in relevant languages PARTNERS, PARTNERS, PARTNERS

30 Make Friends! Challenges:
Staff capacity to build partnerships outside of building Building trust with target communities Strategies: Connect with community groups who meet in your library community rooms Include local Hispanic and immigrant communities in program planning Develop long-standing relationships beyond single programs or series Intentional efforts to build trust

31 Global Village Project

32 Toronto Public Library
Newcomers to Canada Services Service model

33 Global Village Project
¡Bienvendios a la Biblioteca!

34 Creating a Welcoming Library
Library Info Videos – 9 languages Immigrant Welcome Center Mobile Branch Locations Intentional Community Engagement/Outreach Expansion of World Language Collection & Digital Resources Targeted Programming Signage Staff world language speakers identified Translated promotional materials

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