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J.-N. Périé, S. Calloch, C. Cluzel and F. Hild

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Presentation on theme: "J.-N. Périé, S. Calloch, C. Cluzel and F. Hild"— Presentation transcript:

1 J.-N. Périé, S. Calloch, C. Cluzel and F. Hild

Aim: Understanding and modeling the multi-scale behavior of materials Model identification (coupons) and validation (mock-ups) EXPERIMENT / SIMULATION INTERACTIONS

3 Testing machines Tested objects Strains obtained by: experiment? computation?

4 Material Model and identification Shear test Conclusion

5 Some applications of Sepcarb®

6 Needled laminates [Cavalier]
HR Carbon Fibers HM Carbon Fibers Needled laminates [Cavalier] Novoltex® Skinex® Multirex® Unidirectional or woven plies of ex-PAN fibers (preoxyded) + Ex-PAN fiber mat (preoxydised) Unidirectional or woven plies of HR Carbon fibers + Ex-PAN fiber mat (preoxydised) Yarns, unidirectional or woven plies of continuous or non-continuous HR Carbon fibers Preform manufacture (Stacking + Needling) Carbonization Pyrolysis (>1000°C) Chemical vapor infiltration

7 Plane preforms made of non-continuous fibers Unidirectional layers
“C/C reinforced laminate” Layers of continuous fibers “X” Carbon preform + Carbon matrix stacked +“needled” and/or Layers of non-continuous fibers “Y” Some preforms … Plane preforms made of non-continuous fibers Needling Unidirectional layers Satin layers

8 Multirex® family Meso-undulations Macro-undulations No-undulation
satin layers unidirectional plies 10 mm Macro-undulations (scale: n plies) ~1.5 mm ~3 mm Meso-undulations (scale: ply) 1.5 mm 0.5 mm No-undulation (scale: coupon)

9 Tension/compression tests at 0° and 45° on a [0y,90y]n satin
Multirex® behavior Linear in continuous fiber direction Tension/compression tests at 0° and 45° on a [0y,90y]n satin Stress (MPa) Non linear for tension test in non-continuous fiber direction Non linear for 45° test

10 Model for a family of materials
Identification procedure Validation on a set of composites Uniaxial tests Biaxial tests Displacement and strain field measurement

11 Material Model and identification Shear on C/C Composites Conclusion

12 Model designed for a family of materials brittle (rupture of fibres)
Damage meso-model Meso-constituents Layers of continuous fibers Layers of non-continuous fibers Models “X” 2 damage parameters: d2 and d12 Transverse tension ≠ compression “Y” 3 damage parameters: d2 and d12 + d1 (in fiber direction) Fiber direction tension ≠ compression Hybrid laminate Model designed for a family of materials Kinetics of damage: gradual or brittle (rupture of fibres)

13 Anisotropic damage theory [Lad 83]
State: damaged material strain energy mechanism? “crack opening” “crack closure” < a > +: positive part of a a°: initial value of a di = piecewise constant (meso level) Kinetics: Associated forces: “Energy-release rate” Effective stress d1 ( , , ) d12 or 2 ( , b ) Mechanisms: friction and incomplete-closure of cracks Plasticity model with isotropic hardening Inelasticity

14 Elastic longi. and transverse energy
Elastic parameters: 2 tensile tests on a hybrid [0x,90y]n Damage kinetics: 2 tensile tests on a [0y,90y]n satin Elastic shear energy Hyp: no change in d1 45° tension test d12(Yd12 ) kinetics Elastic longi. and transverse energy 0° tension test Hyp: d12 and d2 linked d1(Yd1 ) kinetics

15 Laminate 0y 90y Loading d1 d12 d2 Plies Plastic strains
0° tension test on a [0y,90y]n satin Stress (MPa) Test Simulation Mean L. Strain (%) Mean T. Strain (%) Simulation tool: classical laminate theory in the non-linear field

16 Material Model and identification Shear test Conclusion

17 Comparison between experiment/simulation
[0y,90y]n C/C Composites Biaxial tests Comparison between experiment/simulation Uniaxial tests Heterogeneous strains Gages Strain fields CORRELILMT [Hild, Périé & Coret, 1999]

18 Video digital camera + ICPCI bus + PC
Tensile machine CARDAN joint Long distance microscope CCD video camera PC C/C specimen Resolution : > 1Mpixels Coding : 8-12 bits File format : .bmp, .tiff, .jpeg… Interchangeable lenses Digital camera Argentic camera or video camera + scanner Scanning Electron Microscope ...

19 Principle of image correlation
Displacement Scale of study: (only depends on magnification and pattern) micro 0.4mm meso Macro

20 Principle of correlation: displacement of 1D signal
x+A x g g g g f x d Correlation product: g*f (FFT) ) ( * g FFT f = x d-A d d+A

21 Algorithm: CORRELILMT
Reference image (t0) Deformed image (t) Choice of ZOI Pixel correlation Extraction of Displaced zone Windowing FFT correlation + interpolation Sub-pixel displacement increment FFT shift of displaced zone Convergence? Total displacement New zone? Strain computation Reference ZOI Shifted ZOI Yes DV DU FFT Correlation (precision: pixel) Max. Sub-pixel displacement (dU,dV) No Yes No

22 Shear test on [0y,90y]n C/C Composite (SEPCARB®)
Fibres 100 mm 10 mm Macro-undulation (random distribution)

23 Optical strain field measurement
ASTREE: Triaxial testing machine Image Acquisition Control

24 Boundary conditions: displacements
Specimen: plate Boundary conditions: displacements Loading (elastic FEA)

25 Validation of geometry:
shear damage in a ply FEA + Damlam [Clu 01]

26 Surface displacement field
Gauges Artificial speckle Experimental boundary conditions x 30

27 8-bit signal - Size of ZOI: 64 pixels - ZOI shift: 32 pixels
DIC Gauge 0.2% Strain (%) Time (s) Practical Precision (strain) ~10-4

28 Material heterogeneities ?
Strain field Displacement field N°1 Material heterogeneities ? N°6 N°11 CORRELI2D FEA Boundary conditions

29 Shear damage d12 CORRELI2D Damlam Strain: Damage: Ply Ply CORRELI2D
Coupling CORRELI2D FEA Damlam Strain: Damage:

30 Fiber damage d1 CORRELI2D Damlam Strain: Damage: Ply Ply CORRELI2D FEA
Coupling CORRELI2D FEA Damlam Strain: Damage:

31 Brittle failure

32 Distributed shear damage (YET THERE ARE DEFECTS)
Displacement field measurement (CORRELILMT) Experimental strain field (CORRELILMT) Computation (FEA) of strain field with experimental boundary conditions Evaluation of damage state: Damlam Distributed shear damage (YET THERE ARE DEFECTS) Onset of fiber damage ? Brittle failure

33 Material Model and identification Shear on C/C Composites Conclusion

34 Specific identification procedure Model implemented in Damlam
Meso model 1 stacking sequence 2 meso constituents Specific identification procedure Model implemented in Damlam Mock-up design

35 Multiaxial experiment (mock-up)
Displacement field measurement Experiment / Simulation coupling Experiment interpretation by using the material model

36 Inverse identification
Understanding and modeling the multi-scale behavior of (composite) materials Measurement of fields (DIC) (texture = tracer) Numerical simulations Control of test Real-time simulation Inverse identification Multi-scale measurement Resolution of CCD cameras

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