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Introduction-2 Important molecular interactions in Biomolecules

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1 Introduction-2 Important molecular interactions in Biomolecules
Homework 2 (due Fr, Feb. 1): Van Holde 3.1 (Coulomb potential) Van Holde 3.2 (Dipole-diople interaction) Van Holde 3.3 (Lennard-Jones potential) Van Holde 3.4 (force is gradient of potential) Van Holde 3.6 (Manning theory of counterion condensation) Van Holde 3.9 (Hydrogen-bond potential) Reading: Van Holde, Chapter 1 Van Holde Chapter 3.1 to 3.3 Van Holde Chapter 2 (we’ll go through Chapters 1 and 3 first. Paper list (for presentations) is posted on web site

2 Introduction-2 Important molecular interactions in Biomolecules

3 The notion of potential energy
The force, with which molecules attract or repel each other is: Force is negative of (gradient) slope of potential well Molecules get “pushed” to the lowest point of potential Molecules sit in minimum of potential function V (We are ignoring entropy for the time being ( Gibbs free energy) x Molecular potentials:

4 Bonding potential (covalent bonds)
( kJ/mole) The bond potentials are often approximated by harmonic potentials (good for small deflection): Vbonding is big, but DVbonding between conformations is not so big  Vnonbonding is what counts most for folding

5 Charge-charge interaction
(~ 60 kJ/mole, long-range) A lot of biological molecules are charged. Amino acids: Asp-, Glu-, Lys+ Arg+, His+; DNA: phosphates- in backbone, salt ions, etc. Like charges repel, opposite charges attract. Z1,2… amount of charge e … charge of electron e = 1.6*10-19C r … separation of charges D … Dielectric constant; D =kere0 e0 … permittivity constant e0 = 8.85*10-12 C2/Nm2 …4p in SI units er… relative permittivity (depends on material) The tricky part 1: D not constant) Dwater = 78.5·ke0 (easy). D inside a protein varies (1·ke0 to 20· ke0, average ~3.5 ke0) and depends on the local environment Various approx. to deal with this Tricky part 2: (counterion screening) Really also related to D not being constant) Counterions (salt) condense/surround fixed charges on protein/DNA

6 Counterion shielding (screening)
Solution ions form a “cloud’ around the fixed charges on protein surfaces or DNA.  The electric potential of these fixed charges is weakened (damped). This damping is called Screening. N fixed charges in vacuum have the following potential: The ions in solution are then forming a “cloud” around those charges, which effectively screens the fixed charges from each other: Debye-Hückel screening parameter k: (“decay length of charge strength) D … dielectric constant kB … Boltzmann constant T … absolute temperature I … ionic strength; e … electron charge NA … Avogadro’s number c … ion concentration Z… valency

7 Counterion condensation
Charges also condense (bind longer) onto fixed protein/DNA charges, and partly neutralize them. For condensation of counterions onto DNA: If a charge is actually “condensed”, depends on the parameter x b … distance between charges. For DNA: b = h/Z = 0.34/2 = 0.17 For x > 1, condensation occurs. For an electrolyte in water, x = 0.71/b, with b in nm. At 25°C, x = 4.2 for B DNA.  So, counterions do condense on DNA. How large is the net charge of the phosphates then? Amount of charge neutralized: Thus, for B-DNA, 76% is compensated in aqueous Na+ environment and 24% is not compensated.

8 Dipole-dipole Interactions
(~ -2 to 2 kJ/mole, shorter range, can act in series) + - Dipole moment (note: vectors) General dipole-dipole interaction: If m1 and m2 are side by side: If m1 and m2 are parallel:

9 Induced dipole-induced dipole interactions (van der Waals interactions)
(~ kJ/mole, very short range) I … ionization energy of atoms a1, a2 polarizabilities of atoms Attractive London Dispersion potential: Repulsive potential from electron cloud: Strong force when r is small, m = 5 to 12 Combining them we get the van der Waals potential: And for m = 12 the Lennard-Jones potential: A, B are constants that depend on the type of interacting atoms in table 3.4

10 Hydrogen-bonds m1 m2 Important for protein/DNA stability
(0-48 kJ/mole, very short range, directional  provide specificity) Important for protein/DNA stability Easy make-easy break, directional  requires very accurate alignment. m1 H-bonds – it is still debated how to treat H-bond potential. Treat like dipole-dipole interaction (4-48 kJ/mole). Best alignment (diagram) gives: m2 D-H ………….A However, some aspects of H-bond are similar to covalent bonds – e.g. the optimal distance between donor and acceptor is very short (see next page)! So, model that by a van der Waals potential: C, D depend on the particular donor and acceptor This potential is added to the dipole-dipole interaction and only contributes ~ 2 KJ/mole of energy. In real life, we need to consider H-bonding to water too!! So unless solvent is accounted for, H-bonding affect is overestimated. Hydrogen bond are important in the inside of proteins and DNA (obviously).

11 Watson-Crick base-pairing
H-bond examples Watson-Crick base-pairing

12 Non-Watson-Crick base-pairing
a-helix (© by Irvine Geis) Biochemistry Voet & Voet Watson-Crick base-pairing Non-Watson-Crick base-pairing Red – oxygen Black – carbon Blue – nitrogen Purple – R-group White – Ca Hydrogen-bonds between C-O of nth and N-H group of n+4th residue.

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