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UAH Discrimination/Harassment Policy and Procedures

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Presentation on theme: "UAH Discrimination/Harassment Policy and Procedures"— Presentation transcript:

1 UAH Discrimination/Harassment Policy and Procedures

2 UAH Equal Opportunity Policy Statement
Workplace Environment Commitment to equal opportunity Commitment to affirmative action Learning Environment – commitment to equal opportunity Harassment Generic statement Sexual harassment statement Discriminatory conduct – disciplinary action Compliance with federal and state laws Miscellaneous provisions

3 UAH Discrimination Complaint Procedures Introductory Matters and Overview
Applies to complaints alleging: Discrimination Harassment Interests implicated Campus – protect against unlawful discrimination Victim – provide redress Accused – insure recognition of rights Responsibility for action All members of UAH community Supervisors and administrators Dealing with unlawful discrimination Education

4 Introductory Matters and Overview
Procedure Time issues Bringing of complaint Timely filing No statute of limitations Expeditious handling by University Retaliation Non-retaliation policy

5 Initiation and Intake Phase
Intake officials Student complaints – VP, Student Affairs Staff complaints – Assoc. VP, Human Resources Faculty complaints – Assoc. Provost, Undergraduate Studies First notice of complaint - supervisor Informal action – “voluntary settlement” Counseling Confidentiality Why important “Need to know” limits No absolute assurance

6 Preliminary Action Phase
Filing of written complaint Referral For student respondent – Code of Student Conduct process For all other respondents – Preliminary Action Officer (PAO) Written notice to respondent – “cognizant VP” Dismissal (frivolous or meritless complaint)

7 Preliminary Action Phase
Preliminary Action Officer Appointment Duties Facilitate voluntary settlement Conduct investigation Make findings and recommendations Submit written report to cognizant VP

8 Preliminary Action Phase
Cognizant Vice President action Agree with “no reasonable basis” finding – dismiss Disagree with “no reasonable basis findings” refer for formal proceedings Agree with “reasonable basis” finding –refer for formal proceedings Agree with “reasonable basis” finding – impose oral/written reprimand or warning Attempt to settle Appeal of Cognizant VP action - President

9 Formal Proceedings Phase
Adversary hearing Faculty respondent – combination of grievance procedures/for cause termination procedures used Staff respondent Hearing panel – findings and recommendations submitted to President President action Dismiss complaint Impose appropriate sanction

10 Special Issues Case of reluctant complainant Other issues
Complainant’s “mixed signals” “Guilty” knowledge Need for follow-up Other issues


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