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Published byHoward Henry Modified over 6 years ago
Geophysical and Geotechnical Investigation in Cambria, San Luis Obispo County, California
Josephine Axt, Ph.D. Chief, Planning Division Los Angeles District December 9, 2011 Purpose of investigation is to gather geotechnical data on subsurface characteristics (eg permeability) at Santa Rosa beach. We will be conducting a geophysical survey and geotechnical sampling of soils. (no drawdown testing) US Army Corps of Engineers BUILDING STRONG® And Taking Care Of People!
Project Location Project location is in Cambria, CA at Santa Beach off of Shamel Park.
Geophysical Survey Proposed seismic reflection and refraction data collection Consists of hand-placing geophones in a line along the beach surface. Measures sound generated from a 20-pound sledge hammer being stuck against a 1-inch thick steel plate. Approximate locations of the seismic reflection/refraction data collection lines are illustrated by yellow lines on the map. Geophysical investigation will consist of seismic reflection and refraction date collection (non-invasive) using hand-held geophones. The geophysical testing will allow us to better locate rotosonic drilling locations.
Proposed Geophysical Profile Lines
Rotosonic and CPT Data Collection
A maximum of six rotary sonic cored samples and seven cone penetration sample points are estimated. The Rotosonic sampling process Nearly continuous and relatively undisturbed samples Collected in four to six-inch diameter cores Sediment/soil extending from ground surface to the final depth will be contained within bags for off-site analyses. The maximum vertical depth of the collected samples is estimated to range from 50 to 150 feet. To gather samples to help identify subsurface characteristics we will perform rotosonic and cone penetrometer testing: Six rotosonic cored samples and seven cone penetration tests will be performed.
Rotosonic and CPT Data Collection
Cone Penetration Test (CPT) sampling method. Push a 1-inch to 1.5 inch diameter steel rod into the subsurface with a probe that will measure the pore pressure and resistance of the subterranean deposits. May also obtain a grab sample from a selected sediment layer. Will obtain a grab water quality sample from 4 CPT locations each. The maximum vertical depth of the collected samples is estimated to range from 50 to 150 feet. -The approximate data collection areas for the rotary sonic and cone penetration data collection will be within the white circles shown on the map -Pore pressure and resistence will be measured -A sample coring (soil log) of soil is collected from the borings down to 50 to 150 feet. This will give us a picture of subsurface soil characteristics. -We will collect water quality and sediment quality samples
Proposed Rotosonic and CPT Locations
Shows approximate locations. Locations will be refined based on results of geophysical testing and actual beach and site conditions.
Cone Penetration Testing (CPT) Rig
Rotosonic and CPT Equipment Rotosonic Sampling Drill Rig Cone Penetration Testing (CPT) Rig No disposal of soil or water on the project site. The proposed exploration locations may be subject to minor relocation, all of which will occur below the MHTL during the course of the geotechnical field investigation based on geologic conditions or additional site conditions, such as weather and tides.
Soil Samples Samples into plastic sleeves/cored samples will be removed from site Soil samples stored off site Soil will be analyzed for heavy metals 9
Conditions Survey of mean high tide line Environmental Training
Timing of project activities Safety Measures: beach conditions, weather and surf conditions, spill prevention and response Water and Sediment Quality testing and reporting Public Access The Corps has discussed and agreed on conditions with the Coastal Commission staff to further assure safety and environmental compliance State Parks, State Lands and NMFS have also been included in ongoing discussion concerning the project. (Josephine: I thought it might be better to have a short synopsis of conditions then if you want to scroll down to the more detailed information you can choose to do that as time allows. Last slide is synopsis of September 2010 activities
Thank you No snowy plovers have been observed or recorded on Santa Rosa Beach during the breeding season.
Mean High Tide Line (MHTL) Survey
Prior to starting onsite project activities, the Corps shall provide to the Executive Director results of a survey to identify the elevation of the Mean High Tide Line. Land-owning or land managing agencies, including the State Lands Commission, the Department of Parks and Recreation, San Luis Obispo County, and the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary to determine the adequacy of the survey. As proposed by the Corps, activities on Santa Rosa State Beach shall occur only below the MHTL. We’ve agreed to the following conditions: 1. Prior to starting on site activities the Corps will perform a survey to identify the elevation of the Mean High tide line. And provide results to State Lands, State Parks, MBNMS etc Corps concur with last bullet incorporated.
Environmental Training
Prior to starting on-site project activities, the Corps shall submit documentation for review of the environmental training to be provided to all onsite project personnel. The Corps shall keep records showing which personnel have received the training. Before starting daily activities at the project site, the Corps shall conduct meetings to cover any additional site constraints or characteristics that could affect the day’s activities and result in adverse environmental effects, as necessary. Second condition: Environmental training will be provided to site workers Concur with last bullet added.
Timing of Project Activities
Mechanized project activities on the beach, including the use of vehicles, rotosonic drilling rigs, cone penetrometer rigs, and motorized hand-held equipment shall occur consistent with the following: Between December 2011 and February 2012 and between September and November 2012. During non-holiday weekdays. During daylight hours. Only when there are no marine mammals on the Santa Rosa or Shamel Park beaches. Concur
Beach Conditions Slope
Prior to starting each day’s activities, the Corps shall determine the slope of beach areas to be used by project equipment and vehicles, including areas of the beach to be used for access to and from survey and test sites. The drilling equipment is capable of safely mobilizing on slopes up to approximately 26% and operating on slopes up to approximately 13%. The Corps shall not place or operate drilling equipment on the beach when the relevant beach areas exceed these parameters. If the beach slope increases beyond these parameters (e.g., due to wave action, breakthrough of the creek, etc.), the drilling activities will be halted. The Corps shall remove drilling equipment immediately, or as soon as it is safe to do so.
Beach Conditions Width
Project equipment shall be on the beach only when there is a safety zone and lateral public access. Exposed sand to provide a 75-foot safety zone around equipment (i.e., minimum 25 ft seaward of the equipment and 50 feet landward of the equipment) and at least 50 feet for lateral public access on the landward side. The beach width provided for lateral public access and safety zone may be above the MHTL. During activities on the beach, the Corps shall continually monitor the safety zone on the seaward side, and if the width decreases below the minimum width, the Corps shall move equipment and vehicles immediately or as soon as it is safe to do so.
Weather and Surf Conditions
The Corps shall monitor local weather and surf forecasts and shall not schedule project activities during a National Weather Service “high surf advisory”. Also will not schedule project activities during either: A severe storm prediction for the area, A predicted rainfall of 0.5 inch or more in a 24-hr period in the Santa Rosa Creek Subwatershed or at Cypress Mountain (3,228 feet), 1,800 cfs based on the SLO County stream gage at Main (Sensor 716).
Beach Conditions Beach locations for cone penetrometer (CPT) and rotosonic sampling The Corps shall identify fixed GPS coordinates for CPT and rotosonic sampling that are at least 50 feet from water that is located within Santa Rosa Creek channel that crosses the beach at the identified MHTL survey. Beach vegetation Project activities shall not occur on vegetated areas of the beach. Beach protection The Corps shall use track mounted cone penetrometer rig and rotosonic drill rig during survey and testing activities.
Water and Sediment Quality Sampling, Testing, and Reporting
Prior to starting project activities, the Corps shall submit for Executive Director review a proposed Water Quality and Sediment Sampling and Analysis Plan that describes collection, sampling, and testing protocols that will be implemented to identify potential contaminants. Plan shall include sediment sampling and testing for mercury and methylmercury and shall identify protocols that will be used to detect those contaminants in water and sediment samples at concentrations at or below allowable discharge limits. Plan shall include chain of custody protocol the Corps will implement to ensure sampling and testing is consistent with the U.S. EPA protocols.
Spill Prevention and Response Plan
Spill avoidance and minimization The Plan shall identify measures needed to avoid and minimize potential hazards identified in all Activity Hazards Analyses (AHAs) produced for the project, including copies of all project AHAs, which shall follow standard safety protocols for any potential hazards, including the potential presence of mercury and methylmercury at the project site. Inspections The Plan shall identify the pre-project and daily inspection measures that will be used to help ensure safe operation of, and prevent spills from, the machinery and mechanized equipment to be used during the project and be consistent with those required pursuant to the Safety Manual’s Sections 18.H (Drilling Equipment). 6a – storage of hazardous material - deleted
Spill Prevention and Response Plan
Contact information The Plan shall identify and provide contact information for the Corps’ selected Site Safety and Health Officer (SSHO) and shall document the SSHO’s credentials (pursuant to the Safety Manual’s Section 01.A.17 – Site Safety and Health Officer). 6a – storage of hazardous material - deleted
Lighting and Public Access
The will use LED lighting on any casing left in place overnight and a hand-held flashlight for security. Public Access and Safety Fencing The public and visitors will not be allowed access to the 25 foot safety zone. When the drilling equipment is working, traffic tube delineators connected with yellow caution tape will be used to outline the safety area around such equipment.
Noise and Safety Measures
Project-related Noise Noise shall be monitored at a distance of 50 feet from the equipment during drilling operations on the beach. To the extent practicable, the Corps will use sound attenuation measures to minimize noise effects from the rigs. Public Access and Required Safety Measures Only assigned project working personnel will be allowed in the proposed 25 foot safety zone. Visitors other than such personnel will not be allowed to visit the job site within the 25 foot or 50 foot safety zone.
Public Access, Traffic Control, and Access Routes
This geotechnical investigation will follow the specific requirements for drilling portions of the Safety Manual. When the drilling equipment is stationary, traffic tube delineators connected with yellow caution tape will be used to outline the safety area around such equipment. The transportation of equipment on public streets will follow the State of California Vehicle Code. When the equipment is moving through the park or on the beach, additional project working personnel will walk approximately 25 feet in front of the moving equipment and enforce a safety buffer.
Posting Requirements At least 72 hours before planned project activities on the beach or within Shamel Park, the Corps shall conspicuously post a notice at the Park describing the type, location, and duration of the planned activities. The notice shall also include the Corps’ contact information for members of the public that would like additional information. Prior to starting project activities, the Corps shall submit for Executive Director review the proposed notice. The Corps will carefully consider all comments by the Commission’s Executive Director and will make all reasonable efforts to ensure that the concerns expressed are resolved prior to conducting the relevant activities.
2010 Geotechnical Investigation
Shamel Beach investigated for subsurface geotechnical properties. Were unable to attain access to State Parks Santa Rosa Beach to complete our investigation within allowed time window Soil samples collected and tested for engineering soil classification and were field screened for metals including Mercury Lab test results reported for soil classification and disposal No Mercury detected in field screening or lab test results For your background information Purpose was to identify presence of paleochannels at Shamel Beach.
2010 Geopyhsical Investigation
No water samples collected (not enough water in formation to sample). Soils were clay/sand not highly permeable Would not preclude this location as a intake or discharge location (could engineer it to work but would be more expensive Stress that these tests are intended to gather data to inform the upcoming water supply EIS. NOI will be coming out within the next two months. A preferred water supply alternative will be selected as a result of the EIS. If desalination is selected a preferred location will be determined. Santa Rosa is one possibility
Responses to Concerns noted in Preface to Conditions
Will need to add later computer crashed again
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