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Career Advancement in Human Services

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1 Career Advancement in Human Services

2 Managerial vs. Technical/Professional
Supervise and grow staff Direct and lead organization Budgetary decisions Accountability Technical/Professional Focuses on their expertise Working with client-customers Refining their practice Sharing their knowledge with colleagues Advocate for client-customers

3 How to Climb the Human Services Career Ladder

4 Staying Current “Be a life-long-learner!”
Read professional publications Join and participate in professional organizations National Association of Social Workers American Counseling Association American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences National Association for the Education of Young Children American Journal of Family Therapy Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal Community Mental Health Journal Journal of Family & Consumer Sciences Journal of Consumer Affairs Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services Journal of Counseling and Development

5 Education “Invest in yourself!”
Continuing education courses Renews and earns licenses and certifications Advanced degrees Examples: Masters in Social Work Masters in School Counseling Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy Masters in Business Administration- Human Resource Management PhD in Psychology PhD in Public Administration

6 Professional Networking “Meet and greet!”
Professional associations provide networking opportunities Attend conferences Take advantage of workplace opportunities that allow you interact with new people Online networking platforms Networking is a skill- practice, practice, practice!

7 Writing for Publication “Get your name out there!”
Validates content knowledge and expertise Earns respect among colleagues and peers Exercises and demonstrates technical writing skills Increases awareness of you and your work

8 Advocacy “Show you care!”
Human services = helping professions Advocate for client-customers Demonstrates passion and commitment Relies on communication and problem-solving skills

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