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‘Lord of the Flies’: Chapter 6

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1 ‘Lord of the Flies’: Chapter 6
Lesson Objectives: to explore examples of foreshadowing and consider their effects on the reader

2 At the end of Chapter 5, Ralph, Jack and Piggy talk …
‘Grown ups know things,’ said Piggy. ‘They ain’t afraid of the dark. They’d meet and have tea and discuss. Then things ‘ud be all right –’ ‘They wouldn’t set fire to the island. Or lose –’ ‘They’d build a ship –’ The three boys stood in the darkness, striving unsuccessfully to convey the majesty of adult life. ‘They wouldn’t quarrel –’ ‘Or break my specs –’ ‘Or talk about a beast –’ ‘If only they could get a message to us,’ cried Ralph desperately. ‘If only they could send us something grown-up a sign or something.’ What is the significance of this conversation? What does it reveal about: Ralph? Jack? Piggy?

3 Chapter 6: Beast from Air
But a sign came down from the world of grown-ups, though at the time there was no child awake to read it. There was a sudden bright explosion and a corkscrew trail across the sky; then darkness again and stars. There was a speck above the island, a figure that hung with dangling limbs. The changing winds of various altitudes took the figure where they would … the wind … bore it in a descending curve round the sky and swept it in a great slant across the reef and the lagoon towards the mountain. Why does Golding tell the reader about the airman? Why is it important that we learn about the airman and the boys don’t?

4 The dead airman What is the significance of him being dead?
Sam ‘n’ Eric discover “the beast” whilst on duty keeping the fire going What is the significance of him being dead? What does him being an airman remind the reader? Why do they think he is a monster?

5 Sam ‘n’ Eric’s story ‘It was furry. There was something moving behind its head – wings. The beast moved too –’ ‘The was awful. It kind of sat up –’ . . . ‘There were eyes –’ ‘Teeth –’ ‘Claws –’ What impact does Sam ‘n’ Eric’s story about “the beast” have on the other boys? Answer this question using the PEE paragraph structure to help you. Aim to write at least 100 words.

6 Castle Rock Why is the rock referred to as Castle Rock?
Ralph said nothing. He led the way over the rocks, inspected a sort of half-cave that led to nothing more terrible than a clutch of rotten eggs and at last sat down, looking round him and tapping the rock with the butt of his spear. Jack was excited. ‘What a place for a fort!’ A column of spray wetted them. ‘No fresh water. ‘What’s that then?’ There was indeed a long green smudge half-way up the rock … Why is the rock referred to as Castle Rock? What do Jack and Ralph’s differing views about the rock suggest? What examples of foreshadowing can you see in this extract?

7 Timed essay Lesson Objectives:
To show understanding of the novel under timed conditions

8 How and why has the character of Ralph started to change by Chapter 6
How and why has the character of Ralph started to change by Chapter 6? Consider: - what was Ralph like at the start of the novel? - how others reacted to him at the start, and now - how you feel about Ralph now as a reader Introduction: Who is Ralph? How is he introduced? What is his role in the novel? 2. Paragraph 2: What does Ralph do in the first 5 chapters of the novel? How do the other boys react to him? How does the reader react to him? 5. Conclusion: how does the reader react to this change? What does this change make the reader feel/fear/expect to happen? Paragraph 4: what happens to change Ralph? How does he change? Does anyone else notice? 3. Paragraph 3: How does Ralph interact with the other boys? Is he similar or different o them?

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