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The Signature Project Lagan College

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1 The Signature Project Lagan College
Janice Russell - English Sharon McKee - Maths

2 Background Founded in 1981 with 28 students, Lagan College was Northern Ireland’s first planned integrated school. Today students. Open to boys and girls of all abilities 35% students selected on the basis of academic ability.

3 Background 65% students enter without any reference to their academic ability  26.2% - Free school meals 30.1% - SEN register

4 Signature Partnership
+3 GCSE Subjects Maths English Here we can talk about different ways this can be interpreted: The Signature kids The Teachers The Pastoral Team/ HOD/ SLTs

5 Whole School GCSE 2013 2014 2015 No. of Year 12 pupils taking at least 5 GCSE subjects 203 208 204 % of Year 12 pupils achieving 5 GCSEs incl. English & Maths 46% 56% 57%

6 Signature Cohort Impact

7 What Went Well? Early and clear identification of project
Smaller class sizes Connectivity between 2 internally seconded staff Excellent back fill teachers

8 What Went Well? Student withdrawal classes (policy & practice)
A range of fluid interventions Links with all GCSE staff

9 Identification of Signature cohort
Data trawl to identify cohort / wider cohort Yr 10 formative & summative assessments Summer Report Teacher judgement % attendance FSM

10 Identification of Signature cohort
Failing English but passing Maths Failing Maths but passing English Whole school predicted grades at start of Yr 11

11 The Challenges KS3 Tests in Maths Predicted grades Smart Data
Withdrawing pupils from other classes Affirming rationale of Signature Project with staff Parental support

12 Legacy Significant uplift in 5+GCSEs including English & Maths.
Growing the shared vision with staff Using SMART data strategically Resources Using SMART data strategically Resources

13 Legacy Synergy project funded for 3rd year
Response from students and parents. Career aspirations

14 English Tracking Spreadsheet

15 Individual student tracking

16 Maths Signature resources

17 Maths Signature resources

18 Maths Revision - Priority


20 Signature - Intervention

21 What the pupils said… In my class, the ethos was “can do”
I felt able to speak up because we were all in the same boat I felt a strong bond with my class I was able to find ways round things that had been impossible for me before

22 What the pupils said… I didn’t feel as embarrassed
I was motivated by using a tracking spreadsheet I felt that I could use the resource grid to work out which topics to revise first The red sections got less and less I loved having one to one time with my teacher

23 What the pupils said… There were friends of mine who were the same ability as me and they failed. I know if they had been on this project they would have passed too and been back in 6th form. I was humbled and moved by the personal comments made by the children about their Signature experience (Principal)

24 The Signature Project Lagan College
Janice Russell - English Sharon McKee - Maths

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