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The experts involved in the preparation of the opinio Interim Evaluation of Horizon 2020 and preparation of the next Framework Programme ERAC opinion.

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Presentation on theme: "The experts involved in the preparation of the opinio Interim Evaluation of Horizon 2020 and preparation of the next Framework Programme ERAC opinion."— Presentation transcript:

1 The experts involved in the preparation of the opinio Interim Evaluation of Horizon 2020 and preparation of the next Framework Programme ERAC opinion paper n Rapporteur Denis Despréaux (FR) Myriam Cevallos (CH) Erik Hansalek (DE) Eduardo Maldonado (PT) Christian Naczinsky (AT) Katrine Nissen (DK) Taivo Raud (EE) With the contribution of ERAC delegates + ERAC related groups => Good balance of the point of views : Member States and Associates Members ; Northern Europe and Southern Europe ; Western Europe and Eastern Europe

2 The main milestones to the adoption of the opinion
1 February 7th 2017 : kick off meeting Paris 2 March 15th-17th ERAC meeting Malta (discussion with the ERA related groups and the ERAC plenary ) 3 March 30th-31th 2017 : Research Policy Group (discussion on FP9) 4 May th-11th: participative workshop with important stakeholders and ERAC delegates (Brussels) 5 June 2017 : adoption of the draft opinion

3 The ambition of the opinion paper
Taking stock of H2020 main successes : disclosing significant shared preferences among MS/AC + Indicating a set of directions to reinforce FPs impacts: suggestions of issues to be discussed to boost H2020 and prefigurate the next FP

4 A wide agreement on H2020 key features
The support of the whole R&I chain with the 3 pillars approach is effective and strenghtened by a right timeframe (2 years WP) and by simplification efforts (single funding rate + participant portal) The emulation/cooperation among transnational and intersectorial teams is well incentived by sound criteria (excellence/impact) and by appropriate funding schemes H2020 is contributing to the achievement of ERA H2020 delivers widely supported initiatives : ERC, MSCA, Infrastructures, collaborative research (SC, FET, KET)

5 6 main proposals to bolster FPs
Enhancing the contribution of FPs to ERA achievement (designing a sound multi level governance) Including more excellent participants from all MS/AC, in particular through further simplifications and synergy of fundings International cooperation should be relaunched Innovation : supporting the EU R&I ecosystems Promoting linkages between FPs and the other EU sectoral policies Communication on FPs successes, with a continued dialogue with European societies

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