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Initiation in Puducherry 24th Oct 2010

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1 Initiation in Puducherry 24th Oct 2010
PROFIT Initiation in Puducherry 24th Oct 2010

2 Revolutionising Evangelism
PROFIT PROfessionals Fellowship of International Talents Revolutionising Evangelism (A Mission Initiative of Gospel Echoing Missionary Society – GEMS)

3 Unlocking Workplaces for Evangelism through your Vocational Identities
PROFIT Unlocking Workplaces for Evangelism through your Vocational Identities

4 You are better placed to show The Way to your peer
Do your Un-believing peers recognise them? No doubt that, a full-time minister of God is well known in the Christian circles but quite less known in the un-believing circle. Even if he be a TV preacher who is known to a certain extent, the concern is, will the unbelieving world be in a position to accept their counsel! But you being in their peers have got a better chance to influence them. God has kept you in a company to show The Way to the peer.

5 Doctors: 497 Nurses: 578 Beds: 860
JIPMER Doctors: 497 Nurses: 578 Beds: 860

6 Closed Doors for “Missionaries”
Reality: Due to the spiritual lost-ness of man, the thinking pattern is rapidly changing to a “neutral” and “secular” stand, which is also widely being accepted. The environment is turning hostile towards “Missionaries”. Difference that You can make You are already in their “Acceptance Circle”

7 Natural way of Identifying with your peer
Reality: There is quite an evident air of curiosity and uneasiness when a “Missionary” comes in touch with a normal “office going” person. Natural way of Identifying with your peer Difference that You can make In the people's eyes you are just another person like them and they feel very “comfortable” to open up. The “co-worker” Call of the Lord is the advantage for you!

8 Common Platform & Similar Struggles
Reality: Full time Missionaries are despised and not many listen to them as they are looked upon as “jobless people who CANNOT understand the struggles” that a normal working class person goes through. Common Platform & Similar Struggles Difference that You can make Since you work with them and go through the same struggles and strains, they will be open to you and listen to your Godly counsel more than anyone!!

9 YOU… The Missionary @ Your Workplace
The ball falls at your court! And God also wants it that way… You – The Your Workplace. The power weapons that can be used at the periphery are your Vocational Identity and Skills Unlocking Work Sectors for Evangelism through your Vocational Identities and Skills

10 PROFIT is The reason they are professionals is to
PROFIT is a network of Christians who intentionally and actively use their professional identity to share the Gospel in the workplace. The reason they are professionals is to Win the Workplace for Jesus By 1. Viewing their Workplace as a “Mission Field” 2. Understanding they are Missionaries

11 Gospel to your Influence Circle
Gospel to your Colleagues… Gospel to your Authorities… Gospel to your Subordinates… Gospel to whoever comes in your “influence circle” in your work-life. I.E Whoever comes in touch with you, when you are in the process of going to work, at work and coming back to work, you are the Gospel carrier. Gospel to your Clients/ Customers… Gospel to your peer Companies/ Businesses…

12 Beyond a Witnessing Life Intentional & Active Evangelism
You are a good Christian in your hospital having a Testimonial Life which includes Punctuality and Faithful work. The institution is happy with you. Preach the Gospel What is the difference that you make as a “Christian”? We have a tendency to live a very passive testimonial life. The variable of such a life is Punctuality, correctness, faithfully working, good conduct etc which somehow we assume that the unbeliever will understand it is the work of Christ and not yours. However, these outwardly appearing actions are shown by at least a few ‘good’ unbelievers. In Such cases you fail to make a difference and show that you are a Christian. DO NOT LIVE IN THE ASSUMPTION THAT BY LIVING A GOOD “MORAL” LIFE YOU HAVE FINISHED PREACHING THE GOSPEL. The Bible clearly mentions the action of “voicing out” the Gospel, which may be missed out if only passive witnessing is involved. Yes, when it is a closed country this is treated as a special case. Suman comes on time to the hospital and does excellent job. She does her job on time and the institution is happy with her too.

13 What is he doing? Why is he doing? Does he understand what is written in it? Do people see you as a little boy selling some news, when you share the Good News… or do they find Conviction in you and Coherence in your life?

14 Just not ‘Spraying & Praying’ The Gospel ain’t a “Mantra”!!
“Shanthi went through an abortion… I am going to preach her the Matthew’s Gospel” “Govind seems to have landed in debts… I am going to preach the Luke’s Gospel” Here we are not undermining the power of the Gospels. But what we intend to say is that the Gospel is not a “Mantra”. Also, presenting the Gospel does not always necessarily include all the exact words, but the essence in that person’s context. The Spray & Pray methodology which is a well know method in the conventional Missions is not always THE method. When the crowd changes, the presentation need to be accordingly. Some times speaking few sensible words, led by the Lord, would open doors for Salvation of your peers

15 PROFIT Are you finding struggles in sharing the Gospel to your colleagues? Are you able to tap into every opportunity for Jesus?

16 2. Tapping into every opportunity in the workplace for Jesus
PROFIT Chapters PROFIT CHAPTERS are gatherings of professionals that offer the space for learning, sharing and growing to spread the Gospel of Jesus in their workplace. The very intention is to equip each other for Evangelism in the Workplace By 1. Finding Solutions to the Struggles in sharing the Gospel to their colleagues 2. Tapping into every opportunity in the workplace for Jesus

17 Meaningful Presentation
Acts 9: 22 vs Acts 17: 22 Paul in Athens… Paul to Jews… Not for the sake of “Conscience-Satisfaction” Acts 17: 17 2 Cor 2:17 Paul in Athens… In Context Acts 17: 23

18 Higher “Morality” Pedestal
Step down from Higher “Morality” Pedestal Seeking a Higher-Moral Ground Preaching “down” to others Feel-Good factor b’for Christendom Inability to be Transparent Only if I am a “saint”, I can preach Attitude of the High Priests and Teachers of the Law

19 Understanding Others’ Worldviews
Athens (Acts 17:22-23) Knowing the struggle point for belief and filling in the right details Also helps to meaningfully communicate the Gospel in Context of their worldview Pray against the spiritual implications of the worldview held by the Non-Christian

20 PROFIT Chapters PROFIT CHAPTERS strive to create, nurture and deploy an active and credible network of Christians who would desire to do the following in their workplace: Identify with Christ through life and work Proclaim the Gospel with discretion Appeal for a decision towards the Gospel with sensitivity Nurture new believers and equip them towards similar deeds

21 PROFIT Chapters Vocation-specific PROFIT Chapters are suggested to tackle vocation-specific issues, challenges & barriers to workplace evangelism. PROFIT facilitates other willing Christian professionals to be part of an existing PROFIT Chapter or initiate new PROFIT Chapters.

22 PROFIT Resources Literature Workbooks Case Studies Scripture Modules
Models of Workplace Evangelism Other Reference Materials

23 PROFIT Resources Seminars & Workshops
Education and equipping towards geographic work relocation Enhancing professional skills to strengthen the professional identity for workplace evangelism Facilitating peer-specific interactions to establish new contacts

24 PROFIT Resources Exposure & Training Direct & Virtual Networking
For Cross-cultural adaptability Through Church or Mission based field visits for active evangelism Direct & Virtual Networking For professional interaction between the peers For social interaction between Christian professionals of the same neighborhood For Ministerial interaction with forums of Christian professionals involved in workplace evangelism

25 How to Involve? Become a member of PROFIT Chapter in your vicinity
Launch a PROFIT Chapter by forming a group with a minimum of 2 people. For assistance to launch contact

26 How to Involve? Meet at least once a month for discussions, prayer, strategies, reviews, planning and implementation Motivate, Mobilise and Monitor the Chapter activities for effective functioning

27 How to Involve? Share and be connected with other PROFITeers in the PROFIT network & Networking Portal Organize and be part of the annual Active Evangelism Exposure teams by visiting Mission Fields

28 GEMS PROFIT GEMS Campus, Sikaria Dehri On Sone, Bihar INDIA – 821308
Ph: , , Web: PROFIT -

29 PRAYER & LOVE "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5 NIV) And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbour as yourself.' (Mat 22:39 NIV)

30 YOU are… the need of the Hour!
“…who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?” (Est 4:14 NIV) YOU are… the need of the Hour! & YOU were born for such a time as this!

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