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The Thirteen Colonies By Mrs. Moore.

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Presentation on theme: "The Thirteen Colonies By Mrs. Moore."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Thirteen Colonies By Mrs. Moore

2 Jamestown English Colony 1st permanent settlement Leader John Smith
Established for economic reasons- hoping for gold No gold was found- made a profit off tobacco


4 New England Religion: Pilgrims and Puritans settled here for religious freedom. The meeting house was the center of the religion. They wanted religious conformity. Economy: Made money from ship building, timber, fishing, whaling Lifestyle: women did cooking and cleaning, men worked in stores or as artisans. Kids learned to read and write Important Facts: Cold rocky climate, Fled England for religious persecution.


6 Middle Colonies Religious beliefs: Pennsylvania: Founded by William Penn for Quakers; Maryland: Catholic Wanted religious tolerance Economy: Made money from farming, exporting goods to the Caribbean and other colonies. Important Facts: Colony was once controlled by Dutch and then English Breadbasket of colonies: Maryland tobacco important cash crop Lifestyle: Same as New England

7 William Penn

8 Southern Colonies Religious beliefs: Protestant
Economy: Made money by farming cash crops like tobacco, rice, indigo, Virginia's cash crop was tobacco Important Facts: Georgia was established as a debtors colony Lifestyle: Men and women worked on farms along with indentured servants and slaves. Plantations were large farms Indentured servants were brought to work the farms. A decrease in indentured servants led to slave labor from Africa.


10 Use the pictures and fun facts to make inferences about colonial cities. I can tell…

11 Use the pictures and fun facts to make inferences about colonial towns
Use the pictures and fun facts to make inferences about colonial towns. I can tell…

12 Use the pictures and fun facts to make inferences about plantations
Use the pictures and fun facts to make inferences about plantations. I can tell…

13 Think about what colonial life was like in each of theses areas
Think about what colonial life was like in each of theses areas. If you had to live in colonial times, would you rather live in a city, town, or plantation? Use complete sentences to give at least three reasons explaining why you would want to live there.

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