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Welcome to {3rd Grade} Meet the Staff Night

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to {3rd Grade} Meet the Staff Night"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to {3rd Grade} Meet the Staff Night
Mrs. Eckman’s Class 3-423

2 Reading and Writing: Journeys
3rd Grade Curriculum Reading and Writing: Journeys What is Journeys? balance of informational and literary texts involves text dependent questions and tasks allows for a gain in academic vocabulary students will be writing opinion, informative/explanatory, and narrative pieces

3 3rd Grade Curriculum Continued…
Math We will continue to use the GoMath curriculum again this year. This year we will be focusing on: Adding and subtracting within 1,000 Representing and interpreting data Multiplication facts and strategies Division facts and strategies Fractions Time, Length, Liquid Volume, and Mass Perimeter and Area 2D shapes

4 3rd Grade Curriculum Continued…
Science This year we will be learning about: Living Things in Our World Living Things Interact Earth’s Land Weather and Space Investigating Matter and Energy Exploring Forces and Motion

5 3rd Grade Curriculum Continued…
Social Studies This year’s topics include: World Communities Now and Long Ago World Geography and Culture Africa Asia Europe South America

6 3rd Grade Curriculum Continued…
Grading Policy: Level 4: % Level 3: 80-91% Level 2: 65-79% Level 1: 0-64% Details of the makeup of subject grades are as follows: 45%- Classroom Exams 30%- Classroom Participation 25%- Homework and Projects Testing Schedule: English Language Arts: March 28-30, 2017 Mathematics: May 2-4, 2017

7 ThinkCentral To log in, use the username and password that was sent home. On the website you will find: special interactive activities videos to recap each day’s lesson all of the students books used in class

8 School Website

9 Helpful Websites – practice basic math fact fluency – personalized digital math lessons - online reading practice

10 Scholastic Book Club The book orders are a great way to add books to your child’s own library at home. You will be receiving monthly order forms beginning in late September. The slip and payment must be returned by the due date. Please make checks payable to Scholastic Book Club and do not send cash. You may also shop online at: One-Time Class Activation Code: H9T7G

11 Sign up for text blasts! Enter this number: 81010 Text this message:

12 I look forward to hearing from you! 
Contact Me! I look forward to hearing from you! 

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