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Emergency Solutions Grant Consolidated Plan

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1 Emergency Solutions Grant Consolidated Plan 2016-2020
NH Department of Health and Human Services Bureau of Homeless and Housing Services

2 ESG grantees must collaborate with Stakeholders and CoC’s
Use of Funds, Program Design Performance Standards Evaluating Outcomes Developing procedures, policies and standards for HMIS

3 Program Components Rapid Re-Housing Homeless Prevention HMIS

4 Eligible Activities Housing Relocation and Stabilization
Financial Assistance & Services may include: Housing Search and Placement; Housing Stability Case Management; and Mediation, Legal, and Credit Repair services required to assist the individual or family access housing Financial Assistance Rental assistance

5 Current Program Design
Approximately 13 months of Program Services Housing Relocation and Stabilization Services consisting of: Financial Assistance such as utility payments; and Housing Stability Case management. Housing stability and case management services will be provided for the period financial assistance is provided, and for the 6 months after financial assistance has concluded. 1 month of housing search assistance is provided at program entry. Each household may receive up to $3,000 in rental assistance over a 6-month period. Programs may determine the method for rental distribution.

6 Performance Indicators
Housing Stability Goal: 70% of program participant households will achieve housing stability for 6 months following the end of rental assistance. Measurement: percentage of program participant households who maintain their tenancy and remain in the program for 6 months following the end of rental assistance. Increased Income Goal: 50% of program participant households will maintain or have increased their income (employment, cash benefits or other income) at program exit, demonstrating sufficient income to maintain housing. (Expectation is not all households will need to increase income, or have capacity to due to disability). Measurement: Percentage of program participant households whose income is the same or higher at entry than at successful program exit.

7 Performance Indicators
Recidivism Goal: Less than 30% of program participant households will experience recidivism into homelessness as evidenced by their return to emergency shelter. Measurement: Total number of adult program participants with successful exits from the program (with a successful housing outcome) that had an emergency shelter stay of at least 1 night within 6 months of exiting the program.

8 Consult Questions Program Length? Dollar amount of Rental Assistance?
Housing Stability Case Management? Percentages to allocate to RRH & Prev? Reporting & Outcome Expectations - are performance indicators realistic?

9 Contact Information Website: BHHS Administrator: Maureen Ryan Main Phone Number:

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