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Tutorial Six Recap & Linux Basics CompSci 210 - Semester Two 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Tutorial Six Recap & Linux Basics CompSci 210 - Semester Two 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tutorial Six Recap & Linux Basics CompSci Semester Two 2016

2 So what have we done Boolean Algebra Binary
Logic circuits Binary Addition Two’s compliment how to write assembly code for the LC-3 What an assembler / Linker is CompSci Semester Two 2016

3 Linux CompSci Semester Two 2016

4 Connecting to the University Linux Server
We use an SSH client to make a network connection to a remote computer (basically text-based remote desktop) Any SSH client should work (hint for mac/linux users) Use SSH to connect to: Login using your UPI and password You can access the Linux server from anywhere CompSci Semester Two 2016

5 Make an SSH Connection with PuTTY
CompSci Semester Two 2016

6 You will see this the first time you log in from a new computer
CompSci Semester Two 2016

7 your connection to the Linux server
CompSci Semester Two 2016

8 Basic Linux Commands We will not use the Linux command-line very much, but it is important to know a few basic commands ls list files and directories mkdir make directory cd change directory pwd print working directory Source:

9 More Basic Linux Commands
…and a few additional commands cp copy file mv move file (also used to rename files) rm remove file rmdir remove directory clear clear screen …many more! Feel free to explore. Source:

10 Nano Nano is a simple text editor you can use to write code while connected to the Linux server. There is a basic tutorial HERE. You can start Nano by typing the command: nano Or you can edit a specific file by typing it with the command: nano myfile.txt

11 GCC GCC is the C language compiler we will be using. Only code which compiles using GCC version (the version found on the Linux server) will be awarded marks for assignment 2. There is a basic tutorial HERE. This command will turn your code into a program called a.out: gcc mycode.c Or you can name your program by typing a name with the command: gcc mycode.c –o myprogram Note: In Linux, compiled programs traditionally have no extension.

12 Reference site for C and C++
Provides information on all standard functions Think of it as the LC-3 Reference, but for C. (have it open when you are working) Great place to find example code! Also

13 Moving files to/from Linux

14 Moving files to/from Linux

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