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Wash and Be Clean. Wash and Be Clean Wash and Be Clean The healing of Naaman 2 Kings 5:1-14.

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2 Wash and Be Clean

3 Wash and Be Clean The healing of Naaman
2 Kings 5:1-14

4 Naaman was an important man
Commander of the army of Damascus A powerful man A valiant man A wealthy man A good man

5 Naaman had a problem Leprosy
A serious contagious, incurable, degenerative skin disease Hansen’s disease Bacillus – Mycobacterium leprae Causes deformities, neural and muscular deterioration

6 Naaman was willing to do anything for help
He took the advise of a little slave girl He went to a neighboring and sometimes hostile nation He brought 750 pounds of silver and 150 pounds of gold and ten top grade new suits He would have accepted the labors of Hercules

7 Naaman just couldn't accept God’s simple promise
It was too simple It was too easy There was no big show He didn’t have to do anything great or difficult It hurt his pride and his importance

8 But Naaman was healed Just go to the Jordan River and wash
The servants brought the voice of reason to his fit of pride God was true to His promise

9 How are people like Naaman?
Some are looking for some mystical incantations Some are looking for great labors to perform Some are looking for a complicated mystery to master and accept Some are looking for a blinding light - a radical experience - a miraculous event

10 How are people like Naaman?
“Jews demand miraculous signs and Greeks look for wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles” Corinthians 1:22

11 We preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called…Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God 1 Corinthians 1:23-25

12 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 1 Corinthians 1:18

13 God’s simple truth for us
Wash and be clean It is just that simple Jesus has paid the price for your life

14 Jesus died to pay the price for our disobedience

15 God’s simple truth for us
Wash and be clean Repent and believe

16 Jesus offers this as His gift for you
Gift means gift And your past is washed away And your mistakes are taken away It seems too simple – too easy – too good Yet – yes it is true!

17 Wash and be clean Baptism is a simple means of God’s grace
Even some Christian cannot believe this simple miracle It seems too simple – too easy – too good Yet – yes it is true!

18 Wash and be clean Repent and Believe
Repent – recognize that you need help Repent – accept the fact that like Naaman you are “sick” with sin Repent – turn from what you are doing – turn from your own ideas and pride – turn to the One Who alone can help you

19 Wash and be clean Repent and Believe
Believe – Jesus Christ is YOUR Savior Believe – He is coming to you now and here It seems too simple – too easy – too good Yet – yes it is true! Yes – it is that simple

20 Most Religious Thought
Great tasks Special acts of piety Self-denial Poverty Martyrdom

21 The Simple Message Of Christianity
The Simple Truth About Jesus Wash and be Clean

22 Wash and Be Clean Faith is the simple acceptance of that love and that acceptance of God brought to us all by the life, sacrifice, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ

23 He wanted to make it something impressive - Something difficult - Something he needed to do

24 Naaman But it was so simple – Wash and be clean – Believe and Receive!

25 God’s Simple Truth Jesus did it all for you
He did it in His sacrifice on the cross Believe and receive

26 Yes it is just that simple!
Believe in Jesus and… Be clean of your sins Burry your past Forgive your mistakes Receive the new life Yes it is just that simple!

27 Amen

28 The peace of God which surpasses all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Jesus Christ to everlasting life.

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