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Developing norms for data sharing

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Presentation on theme: "Developing norms for data sharing"— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing norms for data sharing

2 Website

3 PDF Document (Do not need to read)

4 1st content chunk: WHY use a data repository
Automatic version control of your data set and associated materials Data backed up / cannot be lost Easily shared between coauthors Documented for future use by you and coauthors If using OSF: Integrates easily with Mendeley, Github, Zotero, JASP, Dropbox / Box, R, etc. Easy to make public or share with other researchers

5 2nd content chunk: HOW to use a data repository
Step-by-step walk-through of creating an account, getting the data online, etc.

6 Video component Essentially a video walkthrough of the PDF document
Perhaps some details left out Non-Youtube mirrors for countries that block Youtube

7 Slides Basically the same content, but organized in a format to be used by ambassadors leading a workshop on using data repositories

8 Sharing Data Beyond the Lab
Why would I want to share data more broadly? You have to! To substantiate published analyses (American Psychological Association, 8.14, 2010) For publicly funded data We want science to be correct and cumulative Others can catch errors Posted data aids future meta-analysts Other scholars can discuss and cite your data Your data goes further than it would otherwise

9 Sharing Data Beyond the Lab
Am I allowed to share? (Law/regulation) Application of Common Rule to p2p & repository data sharing Myth busting/avoiding learned helplessness…

10 Sharing Data Beyond the Lab
Data destruction clauses

11 Sharing Data Beyond the Lab
Am I allowed to share? (Law/regulation) Application of Common Rule to p2p & repository data sharing Myth busting/avoiding learned helplessness Ought I to share? (Ethics) Privacy risks to participants Understanding re-identification risk Privacy risk minimization tools: deidentification, restricted data, restricted access Autonomy interests of participants Consistency of data sharing with consent promises With whom are data shared? For what purpose are data shared?

12 Sharing Data Beyond the Lab
Templates IRB submission/communication Participant consent Data submittal agreement Data usage agreement Other Resources Case studies Articles Human resources

13 Sharing Data Beyond the Lab
“Better practices” for repositories [separate project?] Uploading Submittal agreement Researcher checklist (nudge/speed bump) Downloading Usage agreement Repository terms of download? E.g., no re-ID; citation/credit required. Metadata to travel w/data (e.g., no re-ID; citation/credit info; IP)

14 Sharing Data Beyond the Lab
Other common concerns and questions: Do you want to share the “minimal” vs. entire dataset? Is co-authorship vs. a citation normative in your subfield? If the entire dataset is posted, how do you mitigate the risk that the new project will contribute to “piecemeal” publication? (American Psychological Association, 1.09, 2010) Does someone give away distribution rights for data upon sharing them? Does someone give away rights to an instrument when sharing it?

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