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State of the Academic Senate and the Chancellor’s Office

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Presentation on theme: "State of the Academic Senate and the Chancellor’s Office"— Presentation transcript:

1 State of the Academic Senate and the Chancellor’s Office
Julie Bruno, ASCCC President Pam Walker, Vice Chancellor of Educational Services 2016 ASCCC Curriculum Institute

2 Overview Chancellor’s Search Accreditation Bachelor’s Degree
Legislation and Curriculum Budget Transfer and Curriculum 50% Law and FON Upcoming Events Plea for Help

3 Changes Chancellor’s Office Changes ASCCC Changes

4 Chancellor’s Search Search Screening Committee completed its work
Board of Governors Make Final Decision Expectation is to have a new chancellor for fall 2016 Erik Skinner serving as interim chancellor

5 Accreditation Plan for change endorsed overwhelmingly by CEOs and Board of Governors Two work groups formed to move forward: One to address immediate relationship with ACCJC One to look for alignment with four-year institutions in the future A Preliminary Report to the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges presented to ACCJC in June

6 Bachelor’s Degrees Pilot colleges planning to begin in fall
Antelope Valley, Bakersfield, Feather River, Foothill, Rio Hondo, San Diego Mesa, Santa Monica, Shasta, & Skyline Handbook outlining parameters approved by Board of Governors ACCJC Policy approved in June that conflicts with Handbook Meetings in fall to assist in addressing differences Great work by all involved to put these degrees in place

7 Legislation and Curriculum
AB 1985: AP Credit CO and ASCCC develop, and local colleges, adopt and implement a uniform policy on awarding AP credit SB 830 (Budget trailer bill) Strong Workforce Program Student Success for Basic Skills Program Zero Textbook Cost Degree Grant Program Awards for Innovation in Higher Education CTE Pathways Program extended 1 year

8 2016-17 Final Budget Agreement
$114.7 million for increased access (2%) $29.3 million for COLA (.47%) $75 million for Base Augmentation $200 million for Strong Workforce Program $48 million for CTE Pathways Implementation $30 million for basic skills programs $5 million for OER and Zero Textbook Cost Program $25 million for Innovation Awards $20 million for OEI No designated funding for FT faculty hiring No Augmentation for SSSP or Equity plans $300,000 for ASCCC

9 Transfer and Curriculum
2026 Associate Degrees for Transfer (6/22/16) New TMCs with a deadline of 3/31/16 Agriculture Animal Science Agriculture Business & Food Industry Management New TMCs with a deadline of 8/01/16 Agriculture Plant Science Biology Chemistry Film, Television & Electronic Media Nutrition & Dietetics

10 Transfer and Curriculum
New TMCs with a deadline of 8/01/17 Child & Adolescent Development Global Studies Public Health Sciences Social Justice Studies 21 UC Transfer Pathways 40 C-ID CTE Disciplines in Progress

11 Making Headway Auto approval of non-substantial change
New hour and unit calculations Peer Review Workshops Improving the process for Public Safety Curriculum In the process of changing regulations around Stand-Alone course approval Revised PCAH New & improved Curriculum Inventory system

12 Programs

13 Courses

14 50% Law and FON What is instructional?
Workgroup proposal taken to Consultation Council 50% Law What is instructional? All faculty (including counselors and librarians) Supervised counseling and assistance Faculty release time for curriculum and senate work Take technology expenses out of the equation Re-determine percentage

15 50% Law and FON FON Need to re-benchmark
Want a system commitment to FT faculty hiring Any Proposal will go through full consultation process Changes will be simultaneous Work continues in fall

16 Upcoming Events 2016 Fall Plenary Session, November 3, Costa Mesa
2017 Accreditation Institute, February 17, Napa 2017 Innovation and Instructional Design, March 17, San Jose Stay tuned for Regional Meetings

17 We Need Your Help 900 faculty appointed to committees, task forces, and other groups in Thank you to all who are serving! Get involved---volunteer to serve Talk with ASCCC Executive and committee members about serving on a committee, task force or initiative

18 ASCCC Facebook Page

19 Thank You for all you do for our students, faculty, and colleges.
Enjoy the institute!

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