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Chapter 06 Logic Gate Circuitry.

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1 Chapter 06 Logic Gate Circuitry

2 General Characteristics of Basic Logic Families
CMOS consumes very little power, has excellent noise immunity, and is used with a wide range of voltages. TTL can drive more current and uses more power than CMOS. ECL is fast, with poor noise immunity and high power consumption.

3 Input/Output Voltage and Current Definitions
Values for any gate are designated with two subscripts: The first subscript indicates an input or output value The second subscript indicates the logic level

4 Input/Output Voltage Designations
VOL – the logic LOW output voltage. VOH – the logic HIGH output voltage. VIL – the logic LOW input voltage. VIH – the logic HIGH input voltage.

5 Input/Output Voltage Designations

6 Input/Output Current Designations
IOL – the logic LOW output current. IOH – the logic HIGH output current. IIL – the logic LOW input current. IIH – the logic HIGH input current.

7 Input/Output Current Designations

8 Part Designation Typically 54XXYY or 74XXYY.
54 series is manufactured to military specifications. 74 series is manufactured to commercial specifications. XX is the subfamily designation. YY is the part designation.

9 Data Sheets Use the appropriate maximum or minimum parameters in design. Typical values should be considered “information only.” Refer to Figure 11.3 in the textbook.

10 Propagation Delay The time required for the output of a digital circuit to change states after a change at one or more of its inputs. Largely due to charging and discharging of capacitances inherent in the gate or flip-flop switching transistors.

11 Propagation Delay Definitions
tpHL is the propagation delay when the device output changes from HIGH to LOW. tpLH is the propagation delay when the device output changes from LOW to HIGH.

12 Propagation Delay Definitions

13 Propagation Delay Definitions

14 Propagation Delay Factors
Varies with operating conditions. Particularly affected by temperature and the power supply voltage.

15 Propagation Delay of 74XX00 Gates

16 Propagation Delay in Logic Circuits
Sum of the delays in the input-to-output paths. Delays that do not affect the circuit output are ignored.

17 Propagation Delay in Logic Circuits

18 Input Data to Clock Timing
Setup time (tsu) – the time required for the synchronous inputs of a flip-flop to be stable before the clock active edge. Hold time (th) – the time that the synchronous inputs of a flip-flop must remain stable after the clock active edge.

19 Input Data to Clock Timing

20 Clock Timing Requirement – 1
Pulse width (tw) is the minimum time required for an active-level pulse applied to a input. Values are measured from the midpoint of the leading edge of the pulse to the midpoint of the trailing edge.

21 Clock Timing Requirement – 1

22 Clock Timing Requirement – 2
Recovery time (trec) is the time from the midpoint of the trailing edge of a pulse to the midpoint of an active edge CLK edge (See Table 11.4 in the textbook). For a flip-flop, the propagation delay due to the clock is defined as the delay measured from the active edge of the clock to a corresponding change in Q.

23 Clock Timing Requirement – 3

24 Fanout The number of gates that a logic gate is capable of driving without possible logic error. Limited by the maximum current a gate can supply in a given logic state versus the current requirements of the load.

25 Fanout Definitions Driving gate is the gate whose output supplies current to the inputs of other gates. Load gate is a gate whose input current is supplied by the output of another gate.

26 Fanout Definitions

27 Current Output Definitions
Sourcing means that the current flows out of the terminal. Sinking means that the current flows into the terminal.

28 Current Output Definitions

29 Driving Gate Fanout May be different for sourcing and sinking.

30 Fanout Example for 74LS00 IOL = 8 mA IIL = –0.4 mA nL = 20
IOH = –0.4 mA IIH = 20 μA nH = 20

31 Current Designations Sourcing currents are designated as negative.
Sinking currents are designated as positive. Sign is disregarded in fanout calculations.

32 Exceeding Fanout Output voltage VOL increases with increasing sink current. Output voltage VOH decreases with increasing source current. A greater load in either state takes the output voltage further away from its nominal value.

33 Power Dissipation The measure of energy used over time by electronic logic gates. The product of the voltage and current required for the operation of the circuit.

34 Power Dissipation in TTL Devices
PD = VCCICC. VCC = power supply voltage. ICC = current used. In general, ICC = (ICCH + ICCL)/2.

35 Power Dissipation in TTL Devices

36 ICCL and ICCH ICCL is the current drawn from the supply when all outputs are LOW. ICCH the current drawn form from the supply when all outputs are HIGH.

37 Power Dissipation in CMOS Devices
PD = VCCIT. VCC = power supply voltage. IT = quiescent + dynamic supply current.

38 CMOS Quiescent vs. Dynamic Current
Quiescent current flows when the gate is in a steady state and is usually small. Dynamic current flows when the gate is changing state. The faster a CMOS gate switches, the more current (and the more power) it requires.

39 Power Dissipation of TTL vs. CMOS
Power dissipation in TTL is independent of frequency. Power dissipation in CMOS is dependent on frequency. In slow circuits (< 1 MHz), CMOS is generally superior.

40 Noise Unwanted electrical signals.
Induced by electromagnetic fields by such sources as motors, fluorescent lights, high-frequency circuits, and cosmic rays. Can cause erroneous operation of a digital circuit.

41 Noise Margin A certain amount of tolerance is built into digital devices to tolerate noise. Noise margin is required for both LOW and HIGH inputs (See Figure in the textbook).

42 Noise Margin for 74LS04 HIGH state: VNH = VOH – VIH = 3.0 V – 2.0 V VNH = 1.0 V. LOW state: VNL = VIL – VOL = 0.8 V – 0.5 V VNL = 0.3 V.

43 Noise Margin for 74HC00A HIGH state: VNH = VOH – VIH = 3.98 V – 3.15 V VNH = 0.63 V. LOW state: VNL = VIL – VOL = 1.35 V – 0.26 V VNL = 1.09 V.

44 Interfacing TTL and CMOS
An extension of fanout and noise margin calculations. Requires knowledge of input and output voltages and currents for the gates in question. Refer to Table 11.5 in the textbook.

45 High-Speed CMOS Driving 74LS
In general, the 74HC family satisfies the input voltage requirements of the 74LS family. In general, the 74HC family can drive the 74LS family directly, with a fanout of 10.

46 74LS Driving 74HC In general, the 74LS family satisfies the LOW-state criterion, but cannot guarantee sufficient output voltage in the HIGH state. Requires a pull-up resistor on the output to ensure sufficient HIGH-state voltage at the 74HC input.

47 74LS Driving 74HCT The 74HCT family has been designed to be compatible with TTL outputs. The 74LS family can drive the 74HCT family directly.

48 74LS Driving 74HCT

49 74LS Driving Low-Voltage CMOS
Low-voltage CMOS families, such as 74LVX and 74LCX, can interface directly with TTL outputs using 3.0-V to 3.3-V power supplies. TTL outputs using a 5.0-V power supply must be buffered to translate the TTL level down to an appropriate value.

50 74LS Driving Low-Voltage CMOS

51 TTL Gates Internal Circuitry
Uses the bipolar junction transistor. The transistors used are in one of two modes: cutoff or saturation. In cutoff mode, the transistor acts as an open switch. In saturation, the transistor acts as a closed switch.

52 TTL Gates Internal Circuitry

53 Bipolar Transistor Characteristics

54 Open-Collector Outputs
A circuit that has LOW-state output circuitry, but no HIGH-state output circuitry. Requires an external pull-up resistor to enable the output to produce a HIGH-state.

55 Advantages of Open-Collector Outputs
Allows the outputs of multiple gates to be directly connected. – Called wired-AND. Can produce voltage levels in excess of 5 V. Can drive high-input current devices.

56 Advantages of Open-Collector Outputs

57 Open-Collector Applications
Wired-AND – the outputs of logic gates are wired together. The wired-AND logical equivalent of combining the outputs in an AND function.

58 Open-Collector Applications

59 Open-Collector Applications

60 TTL Inputs LOW inputs allow current to flow from the gate VCC to the input. HIGH inputs cause current to flow to the phase splitter transistor. Open (floating) inputs act as a logic HIGH, but are unstable and vulnerable to noise.

61 Totem Pole Outputs The standard TTL output configuration with a HIGH output and a LOW output transistor, only one of which is active at any time. A phase splitter transistor controls which transistor is active.

62 Totem Pole Outputs

63 Advantages of Totem Pole Configuration
Changes state faster than open-collector outputs. No external components are required.

64 Totem Pole Switching Noise
Caused by one output transistor turning off slower than the other turns on. Briefly shorts VCC to ground. Prevented with use of decoupling capacitors.

65 Decoupling Capacitors
Usually about 0.1 µF placed between VCC and ground on the chips to be decoupled. Acts as a low-impedance path to ground for high frequency noise. Usually require one per chip.

66 Decoupling Capacitors

67 Decoupling Capacitors

68 Decoupling Capacitors

69 Connecting Totem Pole Outputs
Outputs must never be connected together. Connecting outputs causes excessively high currents to flow. Outputs will eventually be damaged.

70 Connecting Totem Pole Outputs

71 Tristate Outputs A configuration where there are three possible output states: logic HIGH, logic LOW, and a high-impedance state (Z). Created with circuitry to cut off both totem pole output transistors.

72 Tristate Inverter Truth Table

73 Other Basic TTL Gates NOR gates require an individual transistor for each input. AND and OR gates are based on NAND and NOR gates and require an extra inverter stage.

74 MOSFET Types Depletion-mode. Enhancement-mode:
n-channel p-channel CMOS (complementary) constructed from both n- and p-channel transistors.

75 MOSFET Types

76 MOSFET BIAS Requirements
Operates in two modes: Cutoff – acts as a very high impedance between the drain and the source. Ohmic – equivalent of saturation. Acts like a relatively low resistance between the drain and the source.

77 MOSFET BIAS Requirements

78 MOSFET BIAS Requirements

79 CMOS Inverter Depends on the biasing of the complementary transistors Q1 and Q2. Q1 and Q2 are always in opposite states. When Q1 is ON, Q2 is OFF.

80 CMOS Inverter

81 CMOS Transmission Gate
Behaves like an analog switch. Conducts in both directions. Used to enable or inhibit time-varying analog signals. When CONTROL = 1, conduction occurs When CONTROL = 0, conduction is inhibited

82 CMOS Transmission Gate

83 Schottky Family TTL Uses a Schottky barrier diode to create a Schottky transistor. Allows transistors to avoid deep saturation and to switch faster. Uses less power than standard TTL.

84 Speed-Power Product One measure of logic circuit efficiency.
Uses worst-case values of propagation delay and power dissipation per gate. Expressed in picojoules (pJ). See Table in the textbook.

85 CMOS Logic Families Metal-Gate CMOS (rarely used). High-Speed CMOS.
Advanced High-Speed CMOS. Low-Voltage CMOS. See Table in the textbook.

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