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Terms of Reference, Membership and Report

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1 Terms of Reference, Membership and Report
ISCB Sub-Committee National Groups Terms of Reference, Membership and Report ISCB38 Vigo 2017: AGM Wed 12 Jul

2 xxx: Terms of Reference and Membership
Information Terms of Reference Members National Groups To help those who interested in forming a National Group through the approval process as described in the Constitution To review the arrangements with the current National Groups To set rules and standards for funding of ISCB members of National Groups The Subcommittee administers the Conference Awards for Scientists for the annual ISCB meeting Chair: 1. *Zdeněk Valenta (CZ) Secretary: 2. Anca Vitcu (RO) Members: 3. Chris Metcalfe (UK) 4. David W. Warne (CH) 5. Gordana Jovic (UK) 6. Hein Putter (NL) 7. Kinga Sałapa (PL) 8. Laszlo Tothfalusi (HU) 9. Stanislav Katina (CZ) 10. Tomasz Burzykowski (BE) 11. Zsolt Lang (HU)

3 Polish NG: Report PNG Representatives, mandate 2016-2018
Krystyna Szafraniec (chair), Alicja Cicha-Mikołajczyk (vice-chair), Kinga Sałapa (treasurer), Renata Majewska (webmaster) Membership 2016 94 registered, 75 paid membership fee (among them 2 students, 10 retired) Membership 2017 63 total, including 5 students, 10 retired Course Organisation 2-day course sponsored by ISCB entitled “Causal Inference”, September 22-23, 2016, Krakow, Speaker: Stijn Vansteelandt, Professor of Statistics at Gent University and at the London School of Public Health (U.K.) 23 participants, 22 members of PNG Seminars Organisation Two educational seminars organised for non-statisticians, lectures given by members of PNG: 1. „Pitfalls in Medical Statistics” organised within the IXth Conference on Preventive Cardiology, November 18-19, 2016, Krakow 2. „Statistical standards in medical research projects and publications” organised within XIth International Seminar- Statistics and Clinical Practice, May 11-13, 2017, Warsaw Regular meeting, February 24, 2017, Large health studies in Poland- challenges in statistical modelling PNG Life Short Summary Satisfied with the Causal Inference course last year we are waiting for the next one in this September (thanks for sponsoring) We made some steps toward 2020 Annual ISCB Conference in Krakow Next regular meeting is scheduled for December 2017

4 Hungarian NG: Report HNG Representatives Membership 2016
Chair: Julia Singer ( ) Secretary: Tímea Gombos ( ) Treasurer: Attila Dávid ( ) Membership 2016 52 members, it was not split into categories Membership 2017 23 members, 20 scientists, 2 students, 1 retired Course Organisation 14-15 October 2016: Statistical Issues in Drug Development, delivered by Stephen Senn. This was the most successful course in our 25-year history in terms of number of participants (53 attendants from different countries: 46 from Hungary, 3 from Romania, 1 from Poland, 2 from Austria and 1 from Germany). Seminars Organisation Monthly regular seminars, and a two-day event Biosimilar Forum (organized in cooperation with the Viennese section of IBS and Accelsiors Ltd ) HNG Life Short Summary Regular meetings, and celebration of the 25th anniversary of the foundation of our national group.

5 Romanian NG: Report RNG Representatives Membership 2016
National Representative: Anca Vitcu ( ) Deputy/Treasurer: Anca Ignat ( ) Webmaster: Elena Rotaru ( ) National network coordinators: Elena Podoleanu (Bucharest), Sorana Bolboacă (Cluj-Napoca), Liana Bera (Sibiu), Laszlo-Barna Iantovics & Marius Mărușteri (Târgu Mureș), Corina Vernic (Timișoara) ( ) Membership 2016 68 members (68 scientists) Membership 2017 59 members (59 scientists) Course Organisation ISCB – will sponsor for the Fall of 2017 a package of three lectures: Using R for Statistical Analysis (Daniel Leucuța - University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania), Survival Analysis: Principles, Methods and Applications (Tomasz Burzykowski - Hasselt University, Belgium), Introduction to Web Scraping, Data Visualization and Content Analysis (Anca Vitcu - „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Faculty of Computer Science, Iasi, Romania) Seminars Organisation Being affiliated to the academic community all members have a hectic life imposed by their status - almost regularly deliver lectures, organize workshops and conferences at local and national levels RNG Life Short Summary Short meetings with the local coordinators are held almost each month, and at local level discussions take place whenever needed.

6 Czech NG: Report CzNG Representatives Membership 2016 Membership 2017
Zdeněk Valenta (chairman), Marek Malý (vice-chairman), Jindra Reissigová (treasurer) Mandate 11/ /2018 Membership 2016 43 members Membership 2017 39 members (34 scientists, 3 students, 2 retired) Course Organisation Prof. Stephen Senn, Ph.D. „An Introduction to Statistical Issues in Drug Development“. One day course in Prague attended by 24 participants from the Czech Republic (20), Slovakia (2), Germany (1) and Austria (1). Seminars Organisation Karel Kupka, TriloByte Statistical Software, Ltd. Measurement and classification of photoplethysmographic signals and their potential for cardiovascular disease diagnostics Duintjer Jurjen Tebbens, ICS CAS Prague. Some applications of numerical linear algebra in statistics and some applications of statistics in pharmacy. Milan Paluš, ICS CAS Prague. Brain networks and scalp electroencephalogram.

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