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IBS Executive Board Orientation: 20:00 GMT Tuesday March 10th 2015

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Presentation on theme: "IBS Executive Board Orientation: 20:00 GMT Tuesday March 10th 2015"— Presentation transcript:

1 IBS Executive Board Orientation: 20:00 GMT Tuesday March 10th 2015
Agenda: (Items led by John Hinde except where stated)

2 IBS EB Orientation Introductions
Background, context and membership of Executive Board IBS Structures Officers Executive Board Representative Council Standing Committees

3 Governance Officers: Executive Board Representative Council
drawn from all the Regions Standing Committees Awards ; Communications ; Conference ; Editorial ; Education ; Strategic Planning

4 IBS EB Orientation Governance Management (Dee Ann Walker)
Bylaws Policies & Procedures Management (Dee Ann Walker) IBO & Bostrom Staff & duties Finance (James Carpenter) Fiscal Year Budget 2015 Financial Reports Audit/Review


6 IBS EB Orientation Governance Management (Dee Ann Walker)
Bylaws Policies & Procedures Management (Dee Ann Walker) IBO & Bostrom Staff & duties Finance (James Carpenter) Fiscal Year Budget 2015 Financial Reports Audit/Review


8 IBS EB Orientation Executive Board Responsibilities Projects & Plans
Meetings Documentation – Minutes, Officer Notes, etc Liaison to Committees – assigning new EB Directors to Standing Committees Communications IBC Projects & Plans Strategic Initiatives – 5 priorities set in 2013 Funding initiatives

9 Standing Committees Awards Fund Committee (No vacancies)
Committee on Communications (2 vacancies) Conference Advisory Committee (1 vacancy) Editorial Advisory Committee (1 vacancy) Education Committee (1 vacancy) Budget and Finance Committee (2 vacancies) Strategic Issues Committee (1 vacancy)

10 IBS EB Orientation Executive Board Responsibilities Projects & Plans
Meetings Documentation – Minutes, Officer Notes, etc Liaison to Committees – assigning new EB Directors to Standing Committees Communications IBC Projects & Plans Strategic Initiatives – 5 priorities set in 2013 Funding initiatives

11 Strategic Priorities – ACTION PLANS
Increase Tangible Member Benefits Task group formed of James Carpenter, Peter Njuho, Sharon-Lise Normand and Sue Welham (Chair of Committee on Communications). Generate ideas for possible new/enhanced benefits for various segments of membership. Enhance Biometric Bulletin Task group formed of Lisa Lavange, Michael Schemper, Dimitris Karlis (Bulletin Editor) & IBO staff. John Hinde to contact Dimitris Karlis about new direction for Bulletin to include features, more photos, better marketing Allocate $1,000 USD to pay feature writer for first year.  Develop Student Initiatives Task group formed of Kerrie Mengersen, Vicente Núñez-Antón, and José Pinheiro. Establish a task force made up of students for activities at IBC Allocate funds for student mixer at IBC Use Twitter at IBC

12 Strategic Priorities – ACTION PLANS
Develop Short Courses and Create an Awareness of Short Courses for members in Developing Countries Task group formed of Andreas Ziegler, Paulo Ribeiro, and a student-to-be named along with some Education Committee members. Develop a member needs assessment Survey Regions to see if people are presenting short courses and are willing to travel to developing countries with costs underwritten Catalogue current short course offerings and disseminate Take IBC short courses to other regions (be aware of competition with regions) Repackage short courses from IBC 2010 for website – (Andreas) Develop Webinars and Podcasts Task group formed of Wesley Johnson and Alan Welsh Make webinars and podcasts financially successful in order to help fund short courses Look at developing a series

13 IBS EB Orientation Membership Information Membership numbers
IBS Programs & services

14 The Society Around 5,350 members In all continents
(65% regular members, 13% DC, 2% retired, 20% students) In all continents 34 Regions (19 DC) 3 Networks

15 International Society

16 The Regions

17 IBS EB Orientation Membership Information Membership numbers
IBS Programs & services

18 Programs and Services of IBS
Funding Programs Travel awards for members from developing countries (DC) to attend IBC Travel awards for DC members to attend region/network meetings in non-IBC years Funds for speakers to present at conferences in the developing world. Funds for young statisticians to attend and present at the IBC. Funds for Officers to visit regional conferences

19 Programs and Services of IBS
Publications Biometrics (currently seeking co-editor & book review editor) JABES (currently seeking editor) Biometric Bulletin (currently seek editor) (archives on website) Educational Programs IBC Scientific Program Showcases at IBC Short Courses at IBC Captured content on website (video and audio) Journal Club (in process) Webinars (1st course to be produced by German Region) Prose Editing Project

20 Programs and Services of IBS
Communications Website Get it Stat! E-blasts LinkedIn & Facebook Honors & Awards Honorary Life Membership Outstanding Contribution to the Development of IBS Outstanding Contribution to the Development of Biometry in the Developing World Best Paper in Biometrics by an IBS Member Best Paper in JABES by an IBS Member

21 IBS EB Orientation Questions? Close 21:00 GMT

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