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Provided by Edinburgh Supported Employment Consortium

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Presentation on theme: "Provided by Edinburgh Supported Employment Consortium"— Presentation transcript:

1 Provided by Edinburgh Supported Employment Consortium

2 SQA Anne Boyd, Qualifications Manager Laura Kincaid, Qualifications Officer Theresa McGowan, Business Development Manager

3 PDAs GJ1J 47 PDA Supported Employment Practice at SCQF Level 7 GF8D 48
PDA Supported Employment Advance Practice at SCQF level 8

4 Report on Implementation Pilot
ScotGov funded pilot, 2012/13 2 Centres – Stow, Motherwell Colleges Candidates drawn from Public and Third sectors Review highlighted need for unit amendments Units revised by SQA, republished 2014

5 WHO? Designed primarily for staff and/or volunteers involved in face to face delivery of employment/work placement opportunities for clients with additional needs Existing staff wishing to develop their skills with a view to moving into a senior and/or management role within their sector and/or progress to further study Staff and volunteers from other professions wishing to improve their professional practice in relation to working with clients with additional needs.

6 Structure level 7 All mandatory structure – 5 units required H1J1 34 Supported Employment Practice: Values and Principles H1HX 34 Supported Employment Practice: Engaging with Clients H1HY 34 Supported Employment Practice: On and Off the Job Support H1J0 34 Supported Employment Practice: Promoting Equality and Diversity in the Workplace H69J 34 Supported Employment Practice: Engaging with Employers

7 Structure level 8 Mandatory and Optional Structure
4 Units required – 2 / 2 Two Mandatory Units H1J5 35 Supported Employment Practice: Professional Practice H28Y 35 Supported Employment Practice: Managing Relationships with Employers and other Agencies

8 Level 8 Optional Units A Minimum of 1 credit must be achieved from Group 1; balance may be taken from either Group 1 or Group 2. Group 1 1 credit must be achieved H1F3 35 Management: Plan, Lead and Implement Change F5GF 35 Managing People Group 2 Up to 1 credit may be achieved H1F2 34 Management: Leadership at Work H1SX 34 Systematic Instruction: Facilitation for Everyday Living

9 Support materials Available on the SQA website
Group Award Specifications for each Unit Specifications Implementation Support Pack Case Studies Cornerstone Case Study Employer blossoms Supported Employment makes a difference

10 Entry requirements At the discretion of the Centre
Centres should ensure that prospective candidates have sufficient academic ability and the appropriate personal qualities to succeed. Good interpersonal and communication skills, both written and oral. Essential that candidates are in an appropriate work or volunteering environment in order that they can meet the Evidence Requirements of the component Units.

11 Entry requirements These could be evidenced either by the achievement of nationally recognised qualifications or by other methods which could include any of the following: SQA qualifications (or their equivalent from other Awarding Bodies), eg English/ Communication or other based language-based subjects to a minimum of SCQF level 5 SVQ at level 2 in a related area, eg Advice and Guidance Process of application and interview Current relevant evidence from the workplace, eg reference from employer

12 Assessment Assessment Strategy for the qualification The Unit specifications detail the Evidence Requirements for each Unit. Centres should devise assessments that meet the needs, learning styles and environments of the candidates. Centres are free to develop their own assessments; Prior Verification of centre-devised assessments is available Methods of assessment may include: Assignments Reflective accounts of practice Case studies Structured questions Observation with appropriate checklists Witness statements

13 Assessment SQA encourages
Holistic assessment of Outcomes within (and, where possible, across) Units The provision of a clear and accessible Recognition of Prior Learning process (given the nature and purpose of the awards) The focus of the qualification is on the development of competence, skills and knowledge. Assessments should allow candidate evidence to be based, where appropriate, on naturally occurring circumstances during the course of day to day work activity. This approach will encourage candidates to reflect on the nature of their job role in relation to implementing a person-centred approach to their practice.

14 Candidate Portfolio of evidence
A portfolio is a collection of the work that has been produced by the candidate. This facilitates a holistic approach to delivery and assessment Portfolios of evidence will normally include -

15 Candidate Portfolio of evidence
Reports, evaluations and records Written assignments Reflective accounts of practice Case studies Responses to Structured questions Witness testimonies NB - It is expected that candidates completing the PDA will collect evidence for the Award when working in real work settings. This will normally be the candidate’s own workplace or volunteer position.

16 Progression PDA in Supported Employment: Advanced Practice at SCQF Level 8. Various Higher National Qualifications (HNCs), PDAs and SVQs in related areas which may provide progression or alternative options for successful candidates. These include -

17 Progression SVQs in Advice and Guidance
SVQs in Community Development Work SVQs in Youth Work SVQs in Health and Social Care HNC/D Additional Support Needs/Supporting and Managing the Service HNC Working with Communities HNC Social Services HNC Counselling PDA Adult Learning and Literacy PDA Working with Individuals with Dyslexia PDA in Health and Social Care: Personalisation in Practice at SQCF level 8 Relevant HEI qualifications in, for example, Community Development/Community Work, Careers Information, Youth Work, Social Work

18 Contact SQA Optima, Glasgow SQA Lowden, Dalkeith

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