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9/10/2018 1 1.

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1 9/10/2018 1 1

2 9/10/2018 S.FRANCESCO D'ASSISI 2 2

3 9/10/2018 In 1213 Fracesco began his preaching longer range that causes him to travel to Morocco, but had stopped him in Spain disease. In obtained from Honorius III the indulgence of the Portiuncula, the forgiveness of Assisi, the most important of Christendom after the Holy Land. In 1219, Francesco left for Acre et Damietta in the wake of the crusade and arrives in Egypt before heading to Palestine. In 1220 Francesco returned to Assisi, where his ideals of poverty, charity and simplicity have taken hold on many,begins a new cycle of evangelization trhoughout Italy. A Fontecolombo, near Rieti, draw up a new rule, then approved by Honorius III. 4 4

4 9/10/2018 5 5

5 Madre teresa di Calcutta
9/10/2018 Madre teresa di Calcutta 6 6

6 9/10/2018 Originally Anjeze Gonxhe Bojaxiu, Mother Teresa of Calcutta, was born August 26, 1910 in Albania. Her spiritual life begins at age 10, where she met India through active Jesuit missionaries in Bengal letters. At age 18 she decided to take the votes entering the Sisters of Loreto, where, after a first meeting in Paris is sent to Dublin to learn English and receive the veil postulant. Finally in 1929 she reached India. She stops for two years to the Himalayan slopes where she learned the languages ​​and teaches in the convent school. 7 7

7 After receiving the votes she reaches Calcutta where he lived and worked for the next 17 years. The rule of the Sisters of Loreto did not allow it to move away from the convent, but, thanks to the volunteer work done by some of his pupils had the opportunity to take more and more aware of the terrible living conditions in the slums of Calcutta, and in particular in that of Motijhil, bordering the school. In August 1946 in Calcutta, there were terrible fights. The city was paralyzed for several days and Mother Teresa, left the college to get some food, was impressed by the devastation that was able to see. In her, then she began to develop a deep inner reflection that would lead soon to the turning point of his life. 9/10/2018 8 8

8 On the evening of 10 September he sets off by train to go to Darjeeling, where he was to play ten days of spiritual exercises. As she will rebuild later, it was in the night of travel, contact with extreme poverty, that she had a "call within a call“. “That night I opened my eyes to the suffering and understood deeply the essence of my vocation [...] I felt that the Lord was asking me to give up the quiet life within my religious congregation to come out into the streets to serve the poor. It was an order. It was not a suggestion, an invitation or a proposal” 9/10/2018 9 9

9 Mother Teresa then decided to leave the convent and get to the "poorest of the poor“.
In 1948 Mother Teresa had finally permission from the Vatican to go to live alone on the outskirts of the metropolis, on condition that continues religious life. She decided to abandon the black veil of the Sisters of Loreto on the day of the feast. That same year, Mother Teresa also taken the citizenship of the newly independent Republic of India. 9/10/2018 10 10

10 In 1950, Mother Teresa founded the Congregation of the Missionaries of Charity, whose mission was to take care of the "poorest of the poor" and all those people who feel unwanted, unloved, uncared for throughout society, all those people that they have become a burden to society and who have fled from everyone. The first members were twelve girls, including her former students at Saint Mary. She established as divided a simple white sari blue stripes, apparently was chosen by Mother Teresa because it was the cheapest among those sold in a small shop but mainly because it had the colors of the caste of untouchables, the poorest of India. 9/10/2018 11 11

11 In 1979 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
In 1979 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Among the reasons, it was shown her commitment to the poorest of the poor, and his respect for the value and dignity of every single person. Mother Teresa refused the conventional ceremonial banquet for the winners, and asked that the $ 6,000 of funds were allocated to the poor of Calcutta, which could have been fed for a year: "earthly rewards were important only if used to help the needy of world". 9/10/2018 12 12

12 9/10/2018 On 13 March 1997 definitively left the head of the Missionaries of Charity, whose leadership was replaced by Sister Nirmala Joshi. In March, she met Pope “Giovanni Paolo II” for the last time, before returning to Calcutta, where he died on September 5 following, at the age of 87 years. 13 13

13 9/10/2018 14 14

14 9/10/2018 Pope John Paul II 15 15

15 9/10/2018 He was elected by the second Papal conclave of 1978, which was called after Pope John Paul I, who had been elected in August after the death of Pope Paul VI John Paul II is recognised as helping to end Communist rule in his native Poland and eventually all of Europe. John Paul II significantly improved the Catholic Church's relations with Judaism, Islam, the Eastern Orthodox Church, and the Anglican Communion. He upheld the Church's teachings on such matters as artificial contraception and the ordination of women, but also supported the Church's Second Vatican Council and its reforms. 16 16

16 9/10/2018 He was the second longest-serving pope in modern history after Pope Pius IX, who served for nearly 32 years from 1846 to Born in Poland, John Paul II was the first non-Italian pope since the Dutch Pope Adrian VI, who served from 1522 to 1523. On 19 December 2009, John Paul II was proclaimed Venerable by his successor Pope Benedict XVI and was beatified on 1 May 2011. On 11 September 2014, Pope Francis added John Paul II's optional memorial feast day to the worldwide General Roman Calendar of saints, in response to worldwide requests. It is traditional to celebrate saints' feast days on the anniversary of their deaths, but that of John Paul II (22 October) is celebrated on the anniversary of his papal inauguration. 17 17

17 9/10/2018 Pastoral trips During his pontificate, Pope John Paul II made trips to 129 countries,travelling more than 1,100,000 kilometres while doing so. 18 18

18 Death and funeral He died On Saturday, 2 April 2005
9/10/2018 Death and funeral He died On Saturday, 2 April 2005 On 31 March 2005 following a urinary tract infection,he developed septic shock, a form of infection with a high fever and low blood pressure, but was not hospitalised. funerals there were the April 8, 2005 19 19

19 9/10/2018 Beatification Inspired by calls of "Santo Subito!" ("Make him a Saint Immediately!") from the crowds gathered during the funeral Mass that he performed,Benedict XVI began the beatification process for his predecessor, bypassing the normal restriction that five years must pass after a person's death before beginning the beatification process. 20 20

20 9/10/2018 21 21

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