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Final Project Dissemination Meeting

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1 Final Project Dissemination Meeting
Meat processing technologies G. Parolari SSICA- Italy Brussels, 16 November 2015

2 At the origin of the Phytome project
The rationale Being unaware of what could intrinsically harm in meat products, three issues were addressed: Remove/reduce nitrite Use plant extracts as sources of beneficial ingredients Target broadly familiar meat products

3 Products: N. 6 meat items Class Items Dry sausage Southern style
Northern style Cooked sausage Bologna Dried ham Brine injection Vacuum brine immersion Cooked ham

4 Aims of adapted or newly developed technologies
Objectives Aims of adapted or newly developed technologies To meet expected sensory requirements To address microbial safety To be cost effective

5 Technologies in their developmental stages
Methodology Technologies in their developmental stages Tested at pilot plants (WP2) Scaled up at processing factories (WP3)

6 Outcome Results, by meat class

7 Dry sausage, Southern style
Control, no Phyto, 80 ppm nitrite 150 ppm nitrate Phytochemicals + 80 ppm nitrite 150 ppm nitrate colour, acceptable no nitrite/nitrate large amounts of added polyphenols no pathogens found Phyto, no nitrite no nitrate Red beet, curcumin pale colour, even with natural colourants large weight loss

8 Dry sausage, Northern style
Control, no Phyto, 150 ppm nitrite Phyto + 150 ppm nitrite colour, pale large amounts of added polyphenols no pathogens found colour, red and stable Phyto + 25 ppm nitrite, Carmine nitrite-free option unfeasible (colour) carmine needed for colour (200 ppm)

9 Hints for manufacturing
Dry sausages Hints for manufacturing Red colour in nitrite-free sausages forms by synthesis of Zn-protoporphyrin. Avoid myoglobin oxydation allowing an adequate cold resting phase of the mince. North dry sausages being ripened need nitrite to form NO-Mb. To get the most of added nitrite, prevent it from reacting with ascorbate in the salting mix. Encourage meat protein extraction by adequate mixing

10 Cooked sausage colour unpleasant, brownish
Control, no Phyto, 150 ppm nitrite Phyto + 150 ppm nitrite colour unpleasant, brownish large amounts of added polyphenols no pathogens found colour acceptable Phyto + ppm nitrite, carmine, curcumin nitrite-free option unfeasible (colour) carmine (100 ppm) and curcumin (10ppm) needed

11 Hints for manufacturing
Cooked sausages Hints for manufacturing In order to pursue the nitrite-free option, try specified carmine-curcumin ratios in a colour optimization study

12 Plant extracts added in minced meat products
Dried sausage, South North Cooked sausage Resveratrol from Polygonum (95%) 0.051 0.05 0.10 Quercetin from Sophora (95%) 0.25 0.50 EGCG from green tea (70%) White grape (95%) 0.65 Aquarox (15%) Origanox (30%) 0.20 Ascorbic acid from Acerola (20%) 1Amounts in grams per kg of meat Addition resulted in a final content of 2 grams polyphenols/kg meat

13 Dried ham, brine injection
Control, no Phyto, 150 ppm nitrite Phyto + 150 ppm nitrite no pathogens found Phyto + 75 ppm nitrite at least 75 ppm nitrite needed (colour) low polyphenol uptake (<0.4 g/kg meat) foreign plant aftertaste

14 Hints for manufacturing
Dried ham, brine injection Hints for manufacturing Try multi-needle injection, to prevent polyphenol spot precipitation (‘clotting’) Try more soluble, polyphenol-rich, plant extracts

15 Dried ham, brine impregnation
Control, no Phyto, 150 ppm nitrate Phyto + 75 ppm nitrite 75 ppm nitrate no nitrite/nitrate no pathogens found large polyphenol uptake (>1 g/kg) Phyto, no nitrite, no nitrate colour less red, pale foreign plant aftertaste uneven or inconsistent polyphenol uptake

16 Hints for manufacturing
Dried ham, brine impregnation Hints for manufacturing In the nitrite-free option, target a final polyphenol content of <1 g/kg to contrast plant aftertastes Use standardized meat cuts (similar weight, fat-to-lean ratio) to avoid inconsistent polyphenol absorption Prolong the cold resting stage to stabilize Zn-protoporphyrin

17 Cooked ham no pathogens found nitrite-free option unfeasible (colour)
Control, no Phyto, 100 ppm nitrite Phyto + 100 ppm nitrite no pathogens found Phyto + 25 ppm nitrite, Red beet nitrite-free option unfeasible (colour) red beet needed (colour) low overall polyphenol content (<0.5 g/kg) uneven colour

18 Additional features of ‘Phytome’ meats
Polyphenols Upsides Stable throughout the product’s shelf life Large contents (>2 g/kg) in minced meats Broad range of polyphenol classes Downsides Poor solubility in brine/muscle Plant taste, with large plant extract addition Spot discoloration in whole cuts Low polyphenol content with brine injection

19 Additional features of ‘Phytome’ meats
Nitrite Elimination Affordable only in selected dry sausages and dry hams Reduction Generally possible, provided that colourants are used

20 Additional features of ‘Phytome’ meats
The safety issue No pathogenic bacteria found in finished products, regardless of nitrite and polyphenol addition.

21 Additional features of ‘Phytome’ meats
About technologies No major changes from currently used processing methods Guidelines given to manufacturers for selection and addition of plant extracts Plant extracts easily available on market

22 Conclusion What’s left to do
Refine formulations proving effective in toxicological studies Improve key properties (sensory, cost management, etc.) Validate each manufacturing technique by microbial testing against relevant microorganisms Investigate new ways to incorporate plant extracts in whole cuts, using extracts high in polyphenols

23 Dried hams, no additives, impregnated
Ongoing trials are promising Dried hams, no additives, impregnated Former recipe Polygonum, Sophora, Green tea, White grape, Aquarox, Origanox, Acerola Refined recipe Polygonum, Sophora, Green tea

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