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Daniel Spero and Derek Nichols

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1 Daniel Spero and Derek Nichols
“SHOW IT” CATEGORY shaka Daniel Spero and Derek Nichols [Jinx takes the stage.]

2 shaka: Overview Summary: Our mobile app is a social media platform that helps prospective and current college students stay up to date with what is happening at different college campuses including their own. We do this by providing them with a real-time, community-generated feed of current pictures and events, and allow them to connect with each other on their main social media platforms. Universities will have the chance to promote their schools from their official streams which can give prospective students “virtual tours.” Small businesses can advertise locally with promotions through engaging filters, photos, and videos. Devices: iPhone and Android. Software: iOS and Android.

3 shaka: Marketing Summary
Target Market: -Current college students and prospective students—American teenagers and young adults. Originality: -There is no other app that allows you see what is happening at specific schools around the country in real-time. -Snapchat is a similar concept, but is not centered around specific universities, and instead values individual users. -This app provides the chance for prospective students to get a sense of what schools are like through the lens of the school and students. -There is also no place where students can see real-time streams for study abroad students in specific cities.

4 shaka: Technology Summary
GPS Location: - Students can see the general campus story (day-to-day life) from anywhere, even outside the school. - Students can see more specific events on campus when within the vicinity of the campus. Facebook Login: - Students can link their Facebook to be able to post to specific campus stories even if they’re outside campus borders as long as their Facebook has their current university in their biography/user info. Link to other Social Media: - Students can link other social media accounts so that other users can find and follow them if they post good content. University addresses: - Students can validate their enrollment in a 4-year institution by verifying their account with university s. Image Recognition and Basic Machine-Learning Algorithms: - Help automate filtering of inappropriate content in an automated fashion.

5 shaka: Screen Mockups shaka Screen Mockups: Login Screen
Home Screen Main Screen Main Screen Expanded Story View Screen Profile View Screen Respond Screen Map Screen

6 Login Screen -Through this screen you have the option to login through Facebook, or create an account. -The login through Facebook option will help users create their profiles, while also creating a sense of transparency and accountability.

7 Login Screen 2 -This screen allows us to verify that you are a university student. You can only post if you are someone who attends that specific university. -You can use the app if you don’t have an , but you cannot post. -You have ability to link other social media to the app so people can follow you if they like what you post.

8 Home Screen -The first screen college students will see is the camera screen, encouraging users to submit videos to streams. -Once they record a video they will click an arrow to the Main Screen, where they will see what streams they are able to post to. -Those that aren’t college students will see the Main Screen instead of the Home Screen.

9 Main Screen The user can view stories for: -Different college campuses -Events on my campus -Students studying abroad (organized by city) -Major events at universities around the country

10 Main Screen Expanded -When you click on a college in your favorites it will expand, giving you the choice of an official or student stream (Pitt is used in this example). -The official stream is run by the university (Pathfinders) and acts as a virtual tour for prospective students. -The student stream allows you to see content submitted by students at that university.

11 Story View Screen This is what you would see when viewing a story. Note, you can like the post at the bottom right corner. The most liked posts will get highlighted at the end of the month, giving students motivation to upload quality posts. On this screen, you can swipe up to see the poster’s profile and swipe down to respond to the post with a post of your own.

12 Poster Profile Screen The user can: -Find the original poster on their other social media platforms (that the user willingly links). -View the original poster’s other posts within local campuses. -Scroll through posts and likes by the user. -Report the user or their content.

13 Response Screen The user can: -Respond to the original poster with another post. -Their post would appear within the local, public story as a response.

14 Map (left swipe from Home Screen):
-A map showing you the location of streams in your area. -Pathfinders can use the app to show prospective students around. -Only students can see local streams in their area.

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