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Nigerian traditional art

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Presentation on theme: "Nigerian traditional art"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nigerian traditional art

2 Benin art Nok art Igbo-ukwu art Ife art Esie art

3 This is an Igbo-ukwu art

4 Match the right art work
Igbo-ukwu Esie Nok

5 Nok Art location : Jos in plateau medium: terracotta characteristic:
the heads are usually oval the shapes of the eyes are usually inverted triangles or half circles pupils of the eyes are represented with holes the mouths are usually in singing position they have elaborate hairdo

6 Nok Art

7 Ife Art location : ile -ife ,osun state
medium: terracotta, stone and metal characteristic: naturalistic eyes round in the socket holes used to represent hair on the head striations or scarification, a form of lines running down the faces some of the heads have beaded crowns on them

8 IFE ART The art of Ife combines terracotta, bronze and stone sculptures; these are done in life sizes or naturalistic styles.

9 Igbo-Ukwu has been revealed in bronzes dating from the 9th century,
location : igbo ukwu, aguata, anambra state medium: bronze characteristic: intricate designs, richly ornamental bowls, pots e.t.c most works are skillful metal works produced in cast bronze.

10 Igbo-Ukwu igbo_ukwu_vessel.jpg Igbo-Ukwu Culture Bronze Bowl,
Igbo Ukwu bronze ceremonial vessel made around the 9th century AD. pendant

11 Esie stone carvings location : Esie, Ilorin, Kwara State
medium: soapstone characteristic: some have facial scarification in various patterns like Ife terracotta figures they have triple tattoo marks ,parallel lines from the corners of the eyes to the ears the figure either were hats or special head dresses, they also wear beads around thier neck and sometimes wrist. the figures are full of dignity, some stand on short legs while others sit on mushroom shaped stools

12 Esie Soapstone

13 Benin Art location : Benin, Edo state
medium: ivory, brass ,wood and stone characteristic: naturalistic and idealistic, but are more symbolic. figures in the round plaques executed in low relief

14 BENIN Sculpture of a 'Queen Mother' from Benin.
16th century ivory mask from Benin

15 Other traditional crafts
An embroidery using richly colored threads to make intricate designs and patterns.



18 Ife art is Abstractlistic Culturalistic Naturalistic Realistic

19 In traditional Nigeria Art, which of the following have many things in common?
Owo, Bida Igbo-Ukwu Tseode Ife, Benin Esie, Igbo-Ukwu Benin, Nok

20 What is the principal medium of Nok sculpture?
Brass Iron Stone Terra-cotta Wood

21 Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Nok art?
Open mouth and ear The bronzes are mainly 3 dimensional The pupils and nostrils are indicated with holes Triangular eyes The works are mainly in terracotta

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