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The eLITE project: preliminary results on the importance of using enriched texts in a Primary Education context Dra. Lourdes Pomposo Universidad Camilo.

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Presentation on theme: "The eLITE project: preliminary results on the importance of using enriched texts in a Primary Education context Dra. Lourdes Pomposo Universidad Camilo."— Presentation transcript:

1 The eLITE project: preliminary results on the importance of using enriched texts in a Primary Education context Dra. Lourdes Pomposo Universidad Camilo José Cela (UCJC) Dr. José Javier Ávila-Cabrera Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)

2 Outline Goal > creation of enriched texts
Why an analysis of teachers’ needs? Methodology First tool of needs analysis: questionnaire Questionnaire general results Second tool of needs analysis: the interview Conclusion

3 Project: Creation of enriched texts
Enriched texts are digital books which enhance the possibilities of learning and interacting if compared with the format based on only a text This effect is achieved by using icons embedded in the original text which permit the user to listen to audio files, see images, maps, listen to music, get access to a series of notes on diverse topics, etc. This additional information can be adapted to the reader’s profile and, within a teaching setting, to the teachers’ goals and interests

4 Goal Creation of enriched texts within a research project
‘Cuentos de Calleja’ The research groups: Leethi, Loep, Ilsa (UCM) Atlas (UNED) Methodology > Multi-strategy design Quantitative/Qualitative data (Robson, 2011) The eLITE project (H2015/HUM-3426) financed by the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte of Spain

5 The enriched text Cuentos de Calleja. Biblioteca enciclopédica para niños. (1923). Plaga de dragones. Madrid: Editorial Saturnino Calleja S.A.

6 The enriched text Cuentos de Calleja. Biblioteca enciclopédica para niños. (1923). Plaga de dragones. Madrid: Editorial Saturnino Calleja S.A.

7 Why an analysis of teachers’ needs?
To know the Primary teachers’ reality on: The work they do with their students on reading for learning a language Proficiency on the use of ICT tools in the classroom and their tendency to accept them Degree of satisfaction and expectations

8 Methodology Multi-strategy design
Combination of quantitative & qualitative data Quantitative data Questionnaire > Primary teachers Qualitative data Face-to-face interviews > Primary teachers Robson, 2011

9 First tool of needs analysis: questionnaire and diffusion
Google forms (quantitative data) questionnaire addressed to: Public schools (Receiving state subsidy) private schools Master Degrees for Primary/Secondary teachers Several universities Employed teachers Social networks: Research Gate, Academia, LinkedIn, Twitter, university online campuses

10 Questionnaire general results
109 participants Profiles Postgraduates with over 10 years’ experience Spanish and/or English tuition +10 hrs./week

11 Questionnaire general results
Location> 13 ‘Comunidades Autónomas’ Work methodology The oral skill is boosted in the classroom through fluency and expression 37 from Madrid 19 from Navarra 11 from Cantabria 10 from Castilla la Mancha 4 from Comunidad Valenciana 4 from Cataluña 4 from Castilla y León 2 from Andalucía 2 from Galicia 1 from the Canary Islands 1 from the Basque Country 1 from Asturias 1 from Ceuta

12 Questionnaire general results
General preferences Ludic readings Reading in class helps the multiple intelligences development Use of ICT tools Most teachers prefer a hybrid method combining digital learning with the teacher and another medium The whiteboard is the most common ICT tool used ICT tools have a full acceptability among teachers and students

13 Questionnaire general results
Enriched texts Most teachers think they could help learning and teachers would welcome them Skeptical about the effectiveness of learning a language based on a text in both English and Spanish

14 Second tool of needs analysis: the interview
Personal interview (qualitative data) to complement the questionnaire results and to delve into the ensuing aspects: Satisfaction with the work done Type of methodology followed in the class Explaining types of reading ICT education Competences assessment Possible problems and solutions when using ICT tools for reading

15 Second tool of needs analysis: results
Teachers are willing to read in class to improve the learning of a language To be done in the classroom Reading is practised both in the classroom and outside On a daily basis Teachers are willing to use ICT tools They would like to use our research tool Teachers do not think using enriched texts in the classroom can be a problem They do not think there are enriched texts in their schools ICT tools which integrate audio and video files are positively considered

16 Second tool of needs analysis: results: wants and lacks
Teachers think that apart from reading comprehension, other skills could be assessed Students’ interest can rely on what others think Rather than on what they like Lack of cooperative work training for primary teachers Lack of ICT training for primary teachers Students have little alternatives when choosing readings There are not reduced groups Reading practices turn more difficult

17 Second tool of needs analysis: results: wishes
Question 11: As far as the objectives and benefits derived from children’s reading, what type of support would you like to have? The addition of brief videos to illustrate what the text describes Recapitulations on the plot Lexical support with difficult terms Reading comprehension exercises > digitalised results > assessment Cultural contextualization exercises > information on the reading > Comprehension improvement

18 Conclusion To consider the didactic teachers’ views in the creation of the enriched texts Teachers are willing to use ICT in general Teachers feel lack of training Teachers are skeptical about learning a language with texts in two languages More skills should be assessed, not only reading comprehension

19 Current Project work Layout created > Hotspots (icons)
Reading comprehension Listening comprehension Critical awareness Collaborative task Creativity Different groups working on diverse areas Translation of the tales (by volunteers) Elaboration of activities (by volunteers) Creation of a Crowd content development of enriched texts guidelines Narration recordings on English and Spanish (CEMAV, UNED)

20 Future Project work Use of the final product (enriched texts) in schools in both languages Observation of its implementation Tool assessment Learning assessment Paper publications Conference presentations

21 References Cuentos de Calleja. Biblioteca enciclopédica para niños. (1923). Plaga de dragones. Madrid: Editorial Saturnino Calleja S.A. Robson, Colin Real World Research: A Resource for Users of Social Research Methods in Applied Settings (3rd edn). Chichester: Wiley.

22 Thank you! Dra. Lourdes Pomposo Universidad Camilo José Cela (UCJC)
Dr. José Javier Ávila-Cabrera Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)

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