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Judicial Procedures Review

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1 Judicial Procedures Review
Presented February 28, 2014 Judicial Procedures Review

2 Article I - Introduction
Orgs responsible for conduct of members Ensures all cases of discipline handled fairly Outlines USFC member chapter rights under the judicial process Goals of procedures are: Resolve conflicts Improve public image Promote higher standards of conduct

3 Article II – Jurisdiction
Preside over all USFC member orgs Enforce USFC & university policies May operate in parallel with other authorities May be held accountable for individuals Actions taken by other authorities can be taken into account in mitigating USFC judicial response

4 Article III – Judicial Director
Work alongside Greek Life Specialist Investigate reports Resolve complaints Determine necessity of referral to board Offer administrative sanctions Serve as ex-officio, non-voting member of board Available for consultation in appeal hearings Conflict of interest

5 Article IV – USFC Secretary
Take minutes at board hearings Minutes approved by: Greek Life Specialist Judicial Director Judicial Board Chair Parties Involved Reviewed for accuracy

6 Article V – Greek Life Specialist
Responsibilities as pertaining to Judicial Procedures: Inform chapters of relevant policies Investigate complaints Facilitate resolutions Assist/advice Judicial Director Advice all included parties Approve arrangements meetings Prepare written referral report To attend hearings and appeals See that records are maintained Prepare university reports as needed To refer individual chapter members as needed to the university No meetings shall take place without the GL Specialist Shall be present at executive session of deliberations but not for voting deliberations

7 Article VI – Judicial Board Chair
Responsibilities Moderator at Judicial Board Hearings Spokesperson of the Board Write Judicial Board decisions Approve Judicial Board minutes Represent Judicial Board at appeal hearings Vice Chair may represent if absent J. Director may appoint if neither are available

8 Article VII – Judicial Board
Responsibilities Conduct hearings for referred cases Review all evidence Question witnesses to determine facts Impose sanctions if necessary

9 Article VIII – Appeals Board
Responsibilities Conduct appeal proceedings In event a chapter found guilty appeals Shall hear the case and make recommendation to Judicial Director and Greek Life Specialist

10 Article IX – Election of J. Director
Elected during USFC elections Installation shall be four weeks post elections Must be undergraduate and active member Active initiate of at least one full semester Academic good standing May not serve as chapter president, other USFC executive officer, or J. Board member Greek Life Specialist, USFC President, and retiring J. Director shall interview candidates If current is no longer eligible a new J. Director will be elected

11 Article X – Selection of J. Board
Consist of Chair, Vice Chair, one regular member for every other org Undergraduates Active members Good academic standing Initiated active member for one full semester Delegates, USFC E-Board, and Chapter presidents are ineligible

12 Article XI – Compositions of Appeals Board
Consist of: USFC President, Chapter Presidents Minus conflicts of interest Non-Voting Consultants: Judicial Director Greek Life Specialist

13 Article XII – Ethical Standards
Protect confidentiality May divulge: Charges pending, Board decision, and sanctions May not discuss case prior to hearing Uphold decisions of the Board J. Director may refer Board Member to be dismissed Needs majority Council vote

14 Article XIII – Investigations and Informal Judicial Conferences
Reports of Alleged Misconduct are referred to GL Specialist Report of Alleged Misconduct located on Orgsync Informal Judicial Conference Presidents, private interviews Referrals to university 72 hour notification Reschedule, sanction, fine, referral to Board

15 Article XIV – Administrative Santions
In lieu of referral to Board Only for minor infractions Not Applicable Intentional property damage > $1000 Bodily injury Any offense which could result in suspension, dismissal, or expulsion from USFC Sanction Letter Return signed by date, waives right to hearing, does not admit guilt

16 Article XV – Referral to J. Board
10 days to send hearing notifications upon receiving report for referral 10 days – 72hrs -24hrs to conduct hearing upon sending of notifications Written report submitted to the Board, presidents, and advisors with hearing notice Reports over summer will be saved for first week of semester Cases must be referred within 60 days excluding vacations May be waived by majority vote of the Board

17 Article XVI – Hearing Process
Judicial actions require majority vote Non-adversarial, informal, straightforward, and factually oriented Innocent until proven guilty with “clear and convincing” evidence All relative evidence adcceptable

18 Article XVI - Continued
The Agenda: Pre-hearing discussion in executive session Introductions Clarification of Judicial Process Explanation of charges Evidence & witnesses against chapter Evidence & witnesses on behalf of chapter Concluding statements of spokespersons Preliminary deliberations in executive session Final deliberations in executive session (voting only) Announcement of decision Agenda may be modified at discretion of the Chair

19 Article XVI - Continued
Must be recognized by the Chair before questioning witnesses Priority to Board members Spokesperson of charged chapter may be present/examine all evidence If spokesperson is not chapter president, the president may still attend as observer Right to an advisor SOLELY to advise

20 Article XVI - Continued
Closed to everyone other than: J. Director GL Specialist Chapter Presidents of chapters involved Or their representatives Advisors of chapters Witnesses only present while presenting evidence Board may sequester witnesses Failure to appear

21 Article XVII - Witnesses
Board may require org members as witnesses $25 no show fine Judicial action Non-Greek members may serve as witnesses Falsified information

22 Article XVIII - Decisions
Clear and convincing May have doubts Substantial level of certainty Majority vote Numerical vote not announced Only clarification not discussion Chapter may appeal Decision will be written and sent

23 Article XIX - Sanctions
Please review sanction options of the Board May be one or multiple “alternative sanctions” Referred to university On-Campus status Appeals

24 Article XX – Judicial Records
All records kept on file for five years Testimonies may be tape-recorded Access to records limited to: Greek Life Specialist Judicial Director Judicial Board Appeals Board Chapters Involved Student Affairs

25 Article XXI – Appeal Process
Notice of Appeal due within 10 school days of written decision Substantial new evidence 30 days from hearing May be waived by Board majority vote Issues on appeal shall be reviewed by: Fairness of proceedings Jurisdiction Policy Interpretation New Evidence Sufficient Evidence Reasonableness of Sanction

26 Article XXI - Continued
Appropriate response to each situation Drawing of appeals board 10 Days of notice being filed 72 hour prior notice Closed Session Judicial Staff, chapter presidents involved and advisors All previous articles still apply

27 Article XXI - continued
The Agenda: Pre-hearing discussion in executive session Introductions Clarification of appeal process Presentation of appeal argument by chapter Statement from Board Chair or representative Questions from Appeals Board Concluding statement of chapter Preliminary deliberations in executive session Final deliberations (voting only with USFC Pres.)

28 Article XXI - Continued
Written recommendation from appeals board delivered 72 hours post-hearing to J. Director and GL Specialist J. Director and GL Specialist will make final decision on recommendation and then send a written decision within five working days May indicate numerical vote

29 Article XXII - Amendments
Amendments may be made at any time Notice provided to chapters of changes one week prior Majority decision by USFC meeting

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