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28-29 November 2011 Bar, Montenegro

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1 28-29 November 2011 Bar, Montenegro
West Balkan regional workshop Session II - Progress in building regular reporting under the SEIS umbrella 28-29 November 2011 Bar, Montenegro Mira Zovko / Dalia Mejaški / Rene Vukelić Croatian environment agency

2 General notes on SoE content - defined by the Environmental Protection Act structure - not prescribed - organized in the way to follow the approach common in most EU countries (includes a variety of thematic areas of the environment and sectoral pressures, with a overview of the general environmental issues) 366 pages indicators: 118 of them deals with sectoral pressures, 107 environmental components, and 5 general issues 48 institutions involved in the drafting process Coverage - 4 years period New SoER : in the process of adoption by the Parliament

3 Structure of the last SoE (1)
Expanded Summary Section 1 – Sectoral Pressures (Chapters: Spatial development and Popul., Energy, Industry, Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture, Hunting,Transport,Tourism, Chemicals, Waste Management) Section 2 – Environmental Components (media) (Chapters: Air, Inland Water, Marine, Soil, Biodiversity, Environ.&Health)

4 Structure of the last SoE (2)
Section 3 – General Environmental Issues (Chepters: legal framework, Administrative bodies and institutions included in env. protection, Env. educ., Enforcement of env. policies, instruments and measures (env. impact assessment, fees, env. inspection), investment in env. protection) Section 4 – Conclusion - for each topic separately Section 5 – Annexes

5 Key elements of the last SoE (1)
Each chapter (Sections 1-3) contains: indicators – national (NLI), EEA/CSI.. assessment - evaluation of the current and assessment of the future state of the environm. considering DPSIR – model (cause-effect relationships) Realisation of environm. policy measures –an overview ▪implementation of individual policy measures, ▪assessment of measures foreseen by National Environm. Stategy/Plan and sectoral strategies, international obligations, etc

6 Key elements of the last SoE (2)
CROATIAN STATE OF ENVIRONMENT REPORT as an important tool for environmental policy planning : clearly emphasizes the necessity of environmental protection (or sustainable development) principles to be embedded in other sectoral documents (strategies, such as agriculture, energy, tourism…). An analysis of compatibility with the EEA / CSI shows : 16 completely aligned 8 partially aligned

7 Reflections Advantages Disadvantages
topics are discussed in detail (Sections 1-3) the conclusions were drawn in each chapter, but also in a consolidated way at the end of the Report (Section 4) report is an important material for decision makers, but also for experts and even for broder public written in clear and comprehensive understandable way large number of indicators (eg. Waste = 32 indicators) disparity in the number of indicators / length of sections/chapters/topics… (eg Waste=32 indicators; Climate change=4 indicators) the large extend of Chapters and consequently a large number of pages Complicated procedures lead to discrepancy between the period covered and the date of official adoption

8 Suggestions/ideas for improving
Dilemmas, options, challenges? To simplify (or to make more efficient) the adoption procedure Reduction of presented indicators: -highlight on indicators of the state of the environment in need to be improved or changed -introduction of new, cross-sectoral indicators ▪ Introduction of new topics, such as SCP, GE, RU/RE, FLIS; -overview of trends and achievements, comparison with MS -presentation of successful achievements, i.e. case studies ▪ Different form (visually, by means of printing or electronic media …)

9 Thank you !

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