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ARA Tools of the trade.

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Presentation on theme: "ARA Tools of the trade."— Presentation transcript:

1 ARA Tools of the trade

2 Pertinent website to determine if station is transmitting

3 “All clocks” on a EBAM or ESAMPLER should be set to UTC time
“All clocks” on a EBAM or ESAMPLER should be set to UTC time. The NC EBAMS have THREE CLOCKS: EBAM monitor clock, the CR800 Clock, and the transmitter Clock . The EBAM & CR800 clocks need be both set to UTC time. The transmitter will do so when it ascertains a satellite lock through the GPS unit.

4 This site is an instantaneous site.
The data is there within seconds as soon as it is transmitted. It is an essential step before leaving any deployment site.

Julian Fail Sigl Freq Mod Data Chnl Spcrf Uplnk Msg NESDIS ID YrDayTime Code Strn Off Indx Qual Rcvd Rcvd Stat Len 323C G N N W XX XX refers to data source code if an uplink is used: key ones for natural resource management are: Code Description Location Contact Phone# d1 NIFC W1 Boise J. Gray d2 NIFC W2 UB Wallops Mcmath UP XE Sioux Falls E EROS Schwitalla XW Sioux Falls W



8 Fields 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

9 Communication with the GOES Transmitter

10 COMET communication software with Data Logger

11 Time zone conversion chart
critical for reviewing Intel. data in the local or fire time

12 Approx. Conversion Tool for pressure and altitude
ft m is mb/hPa 14.696 psi 760.00 mmHg 29.921 inHg 50 15.240 14.669 758.63 29.867 100 30.480 14.643 757.26 29.813 200 60.960 14.590 754.52 29.706 300 91.440 14.537 751.80 29.598 400 121.92 14.485 749.08 29.491 500 152.40 14.432 746.37 29.385 600 182.88 14.380 743.67 29.278 700 213.36 14.328 740.97 29.172 800 243.84 14.276 738.28 29.066 900 274.32 14.224 735.61 28.961 1000 304.80 14.173 732.93 28.856 2000 609.60 13.664 706.65 27.821 3000 914.40 13.171 681.14 26.817 4000 1219.2 12.692 656.38 25.842

13 5000 ft 1524.0 m is mb/hPa 12.228 psi 632.36 mmHg 24.896 inHg 6000 1828.8 11.777 609.05 23.978 7000 2133.6 11.340 586.44 23.088 8000 2438.4 10.916 564.51 22.225 9000 2743.2 10.505 543.26 21.388 10000 3048.0 10.106 522.66 20.577 15000 4572.0 8.2935 428.90 16.886 20000 6096.0 6.7534 349.25 13.750 25000 7620.0 5.4536 282.03 11.104 30000 9144.0 4.3641 225.69 8.8855 35000 10668 3.4580 178.83 7.0406

14 for Operational period 08-20 Hrs.
WILDLAND SMOKE IMPACT on VISIBILITY For AIRCRAFT OPERATION TODAY’S FORECAST – Tuesday, August 18th Airport / Heli-Base Visual Rating Hours expected to occur* Visual Range for Operational period Hrs. Comments Illinois Valley Good >5 mi visibility Applegate Ashland Medford Fair 3-5 mi visibility Prospect Poor 8am – 12pm < 1 mi visibility Toketee Grants Pass Agness TOMORROW’S FORECAST – Wednesday, August 19th Airport / Heli-Base Visual Rating Hours expected to occur* Visual Range for Operational period Hrs. Comments Illinois Valley Good >5 mi visibility Applegate Ashland Medford >5mi visibility Prospect Toketee Grants Pass Agness *to be completed only for Very Poor and Poor Visibility Ratings for the operational period between 08 – 20 Hrs. Visibility is checked with the sun at your back and relative humidity < 70 % (preferably < 60%). This report is to provide guidance for aircraft operations at Heli-Bases with regards to the impacts of wildland smoke on visibility. Each Visibility Rating Class is described by an adjective term which represents a visibility in miles, critical values at which visibility in miles can occur and the documented range of PM ₂.₅ that has resulted in reduced visibility.

15 NOTES: In making this visibility projection Crescent and Collier Butte Fires are major and equal contributors for today’s smoke production with contributions still from Stout. With light wind speeds expected (<5mph) inland smoke will collect, pool and persist in local areas. Smoke plume drift will certainly be influenced by topography. Collier Butte will benefit from a moderate northerly flow sending smoke to the southward. Weather and fuel conditions permit continuing burnout operations. PROSPECT HB is expected to have a visual rating of Poor early this morning during operational hours. It is expected to last from 8 am – 12 pm improving through the afternoon. This impact for Prospect HB will repeat itself Tuesday but is expected to start improving at the beginning of the operational flight period. Poor visibility is expected from 4 to 8 am. Agness HB for Tuesday is expected to experience decreasing visibility from 12 – 3 pm and thereafter improving. The visual rating expected is Poor with a range of 1–3 miles. DISCLAIMER: The values above are a synthesis of Bill Malm’s work of visual range versus PM2.5 concentration and Susan O’Neal’s summary and analysis of approaches linking visual range with PM2.5 concentrations. Because of much uncertainty and complexity, these values in the table cannot be taken as absolute. Yet, they may be able to provide operational guidance and ability to assist in the wildfire aviation planning. It is a start and in time these values can be adjusted. Your feedback is welcomed. Contact information, Gary Curcio ( , Janice Peterson ( , Mike McGown ( ,

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