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Kokbulak secondary school

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1 Kokbulak secondary school
The open lesson Grade 5 Teacher:Saduova G.T.

2 Theme: I like oranges

3 Procedure of the lesson
І. Organization moment: 1.Greetings. 2.A talk about on duty. .

4 Aims: 1.To explain the grammar materials, to consolidate   students knowledge concerning the theme; to improve lexical skills and to expand a lexical. develop pupils’ speaking skills, writing and listening skills by working with dialogue, analyzing and doing exercises. increase students  interest to English .


6 II.Dividing pupils into groups
Fruits-жемістер Vegetables-көкіністер ІІ group

7 The golden ruler Be active (белсенді бол) Be attentive (зерделі бол)
Be emotional (жалынды бол) Don’t interrupt each other (бір-біріңнін сөзін бөлмеу) Don’t say I don’t (істей алмаймын деп айтпа) First think then speak (бірінші ойлан, сосын сөйле)

8 III.Checking-up home task:

9 IV.The main part.Presenting the new theme V.Vocabulary.
Now, pupils today we will speak and do exercises only about foods. We know that without eating any food we can’t live. That is why we must choose healthy foods for everyday use because of ‘Health is wealth’. If we are unhealthy person so we are nothing. We must take care of our health by using fresh, healthy foods.

10 Lemonade-[lemәneid]-лимонад

11 Pepsi-[pepsi] пепси

12 Cake-[keik]-торт

13 Water-[wо:tә]-су

14 Tea-[ti:]-шай

15 Juice[dзu:s]- шырын

16 Milk-[milk]-сүт

17 Pizza-[pitsa]-пицца

18 Banana-[bәnana]- банан

19 Chocolate-[tsokәlit]- шоколад

20 Apple-[әеpl]-алма

21 Coffee-[kofi]-кофе

22 Hamburger-[hәеmbә:gә-гамбургер

23 Meat-[mi:t]-ет

24 Orange[orindз]-апельсин

25 [sәеlәd]

26 VI.Doing ex.Working on the new theme
Make a spider gram of food and drink Ex.4,P Word box lemonade coca-cola milk apple Pepsi water pizza oranges cake sandwiches bananas coffee salad tea chocolate hamburgers

27 Write the missing words.
s.lad,te.,f..d,eg.,pe..i co.fee,veget..les,wa..r, bre.d,m..k chees.,pi..a, c..e j...e sa.sages,a..le, me.t,lem....e,fi.h,ban..a, r.ce,cho....te,ora..e


29 VII.Practise. Food eggs milk apple banana sandwich cereal juice tea
orange cake


31 Drinks

32 VIII.Сonclusion of the lesson.Answer the question.
What is your favourite food?

33 My favourite food is...

34 Do you like… ? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

35 I like... I don't like...

36 I like... I don't like...

37 S A O E P Z B C K

38 S A N D W I C H O R G E P Z B K

39 IX.Concluding stage Evaluating the pupils’ knowledge
Today you are very active. Thank you for your participations. Giving the home task Your home task will be to paint the pictures of fruits and describe them. Saying good-bye! Good-bye, pupils! Have a nice day!

40 The lesson is over Good bye!






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